Thanks for ur help mojako, but i dont think this text on qantas is very concise or complex enough to use for all 5 topics. So if u dont mind if u could have a look at it since ur a legend or if u have anything else on any case study it would me much appreciated cause at our school our teacher didnt emphasise case studies clearly as much as i have seen on numerous threads on the business studies forum.
I know ur such a giving person and i hope u can help me in suceeding at the hsc. It would be greatly appreciated.
I have the Coca-Cola by Leading Edge.
I also have the one on Holden by edassist. This one is concise but covers only the global business topic - only touches on the other topics.
mitch_07 said:
I know ur such a giving person and i hope u can help me in suceeding at the hsc.
No way i am just saying what i have seen by what u have done on these boards like da 2/3 unit excellent maths notes u should be congratulated. Can i plz have da two case studies as it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks mitch_07
make up your own case studies
the markers will never know, if u make it plausible, and they also wont be able to tell if u make a mistake, cos u just make it up
have it planned out before u go into the exam, but u can then mould it to the questions requirements
Hey thanks mojako ur a champion.
Does anyone have the June edition of Leading Edge? I think it has the global business topic for Coca-Cola. It would be greatly appreciated.
thanks mitch_07
case study on NIKE is swell, everyone else concentrates on Qantas and Coca-Cola, i just kept talking bout Lebron James and got 19/20 for my trials - i fucked up the business report though got 12/20 i mean WTF