... Seems I'm always on here for assigment help >> I just posted for help on a LS assign a week ago and now I'm here again >>;;
Ok, anywho, need some guidance please ^^;
Currently doing a case study on the 'canvas as a window'. Studying three artists -
1. Who uses the 'canvas as a window'
2. Who ignores the 'canvas as a window'
3. Who has 'used, but deliberately broken or distorted the canvas as a window'
... All western art
..... Nya, kinda overwhelming atm (I got a AH and Eng assign atm as well v_v
Anywho, just wondering, anyone got any suggestions? ^^
Thankies in advanced as always ^^
Ok, anywho, need some guidance please ^^;
Currently doing a case study on the 'canvas as a window'. Studying three artists -
1. Who uses the 'canvas as a window'
2. Who ignores the 'canvas as a window'
3. Who has 'used, but deliberately broken or distorted the canvas as a window'
... All western art
..... Nya, kinda overwhelming atm (I got a AH and Eng assign atm as well v_v
Thankies in advanced as always ^^