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Catholic Trials f*ck up (1 Viewer)

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Sep 9, 2004
knobblett said:
"A communication error" is frankly a crap excuse for a screwed up exam, with
- CSSA English Advanced Paper 1
- Monday 1st August 2005
written on the front... what would you do? The staff deserve to be sacked, and the students...well.. they knew that it was the CSSA exam sat ahead of time, you have a mate who will sit it later....why not just let slip an essay question?
Again, I have repeatedly said that we were NOT informed that the paper we were sitting was the Catholic trial. I do not believe any Cheltenham student would have intentionally leaked the questions. There was a mistake made by the Administration staff at Cheltenham and it is being dealt with accordingly- again, I stand by what I have said previously I do not believe that any of our staff would have jeopardised or compromised the situation intentionally. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and this is simply mine.


New Member
Aug 6, 2004
knobblett said:
"A communication error" is frankly a crap excuse for a screwed up exam, with
- CSSA English Advanced Paper 1
- Monday 1st August 2005
written on the front... what would you do? The staff deserve to be sacked, and the students...well.. they knew that it was the CSSA exam sat ahead of time, you have a mate who will sit it later....why not just let slip an essay question?

Oh, and Christina88? Next time you're curious about NSB and the amount of material flowing around about our annoying disruption and YOU haven't heard anything about it - doesn't mean it doesn't exist.. just means you don't have friends at the right schools. You won't change that by attacking us here. Get over yourself
I don't understand what you're trying to say. I don't have to be curious about the amount of material flowing around because (and I don't mean to sound pompous) I know for a fact a lot of NSBs knew the question..? Your attack on me is confusing, and your rudeness isn't getting you anywhere either.

I did not mean to attack all you NSBs, i just wanted to point out that there were some who attempted to cheat, and thus the shit that Chelt. girls are getting is even more unfair.

If you read earlier, I did apologise for any posts where people may have gotten the wrong impression that I implied my opinions were more valid than anyone else's, because that is not the case.
My earlier attack about the 'reject' thing was a personal one where I reacted 'from my heart and not my head' to what one of the guys said, and I realise a lot of NSBs took that too seriously. I'm sorry for that, I know some of you are great people.

As for your comment above, knobblett, our paper DID NOT have "CSSA English Adv Paper 1 with Monday Aug 1st 2005" on it, it had our school name. We did NOT know it was a CSSA paper. If you read the numerous posts before you should have already known this, so please do not assume what you think is true as actually being true.
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New Member
Jul 16, 2005
slinky_cumquat said:
dont forget it is your school who decided to re-sit them and your peers who told the teachers that they cheated.
blurgh!! i agreed with u up till that point..u can hardly blame nsb..but then again, whoever told the staff should be made to run the gauntlet
Deus said:
Just close it. The arguments have become repetitive anyway.
your mums become repetitive


Active Member
Jun 14, 2004
Lets just remember that it was your school who decided to bypass the security period in conducting the exams early.

While I do not blame the students, I fully demand an explanation from the principal and teaching staff.

The issue here is much more basic than whether it we have to resit the test or not. It’s the fact that someone at your school deliberately misrepresented the fact that Cheltham Girls was sitting an English trial other than the CASSA one. Either they were lazy and hoped that no one would notice them just changing the cover and or they couldn’t have cared less if they were caught.

Once again, I’d like to restate that I do not blame the Cheltham students.

Oh and to Jermir, trying to make friends online by pissing people you know in real life off is not a good move.


New Member
Aug 6, 2005

James87 said:
MysteriouslyMe, obviously you aren't a Normo/North Sydney Boy, or from Epping/Carlingford - otherwise you would have done the exam when you were meant to. However, I don't feel the need to attack you at all, can''t see the point. Just thought I might add your spelling so you can fix it up before the HSC, you know, the test everyone sits on the same day. (I realise that is a massive paradox lol)
HAHAHAHHa u crack me up james87..and i thought i might just point out to you.. why would i need to spell 'fukt' properly and fix it up before the HSC.. i don't see anywhere in my essays where i might just fit that into my work.. im sure i'll get plenty of browny points for using inappropriate words in my higher school certificat english papers ..


New Member
Aug 6, 2004
Raginsheep said:
Lets just remember that it was your school who decided to bypass the security period in conducting the exams early.

While I do not blame the students, I fully demand an explanation from the principal and teaching staff.

The issue here is much more basic than whether it we have to resit the test or not. It’s the fact that someone at your school deliberately misrepresented the fact that Cheltham Girls was sitting an English trial other than the CASSA one. Either they were lazy and hoped that no one would notice them just changing the cover and or they couldn’t have cared less if they were caught.

Once again, I’d like to restate that I do not blame the Cheltham students.
Whilst we appreciate your recognition that it was not the students' fault, please do not imply that the staff at Cheltenham Girls High School who were responsible for the scheduling of our trials conducted the exams prior to the set date of CSSA purposely. It was a mistake, and it is being dealt with accordingly.


flied lice
Nov 4, 2004
jhkinthehouse said:
Nissen + crofty .... is andrew oh .. ok wtf blaming shit on my f*kin mate .. wheres your proof ?? what the toilet shit ?? fuk he couldve been fukin jrekin off, for all you know ! .. u wanna see him bashed .. get f*cked .. done acuse ppl without prrof mate .. CROFT! u wanna say sum shit bout john .. go say it to his face u gutless peice of crap ! u wanna see john get bashd do it yourself u p*ssy shits! im f*kin raged bout accusing my mate .. i swear nxt time i see you u better apologize to him or your tha one whos gonna get F*ckd .. and so what of we do it again.. you can do better yeh ? make sense ?? (sorry if u get cut from this sh*t, but u shuldnt point any fingers mate !! )
You miss the point. It wasn't me who pointed the fingers at him first. Other people did and I merely pointed out what other people said. I had nothing against John beforehand, hell I didn't even talk to the guy. But I can see where you are coming from, you just have to see where everyone else was as well. For once and for all I am pubicly apologising okay! SORRY! Misinformation got to me and I passed it on. It was secondary information and I believed it true. And I repeat once again.. do you ever think I would bash anyone?? Yes I started this thread and yes I accused John but I didn't fucking start this whole discussion or blame John in the first place. I just believed what I was told from Asanga and Whale and Khapil and Anu. But you gotta think, what did John do in the first place to make everyone so suspicious of him? I'll say it again. I had nothing against him before this and I will have now if he lets it be. Though, if it turns out that it's not, that's fine as well. I really don't care what anyone else thinks and it makes me wonder why you and John got so fired up about it when he didn't do anything. To John: I hope I didn't damage your reputation :) To Andrew: You have to observe everyone's point of view, I was only the voice for many pupetteers behind this at school To Shaun: lol Don't worry you didn't say anything anyway. Once again, it was a petty argument with petty blame but I refuse to take it all, but I'm not saying I don't have responsibility. I don't talk to John anyway and frankly I don't want to, you're not my kind of person, but that doesn't mean you don't deserve respect and at least now you have it from me. If you still feel like bashing me, use a voodoo doll.. It would REALLY show how REALLY grown up you are if you acted on this in bashing me. And I don't mean that literally.

I'll also say that I did fine the first time around in English and now I'm wasting my time on another Assessment on that when I could be spending valuable time on Drama Assessments. I'm sure Andrew can agree. Though now I can safely say it wasn't you-know-who who cheated.

I got over it a long time ago. This discussion has been going for a while and it didn't occur to me that someone I didn't know would be pissed off at my accusations. I said it and then got over it, I never held a personal vendetta for anyone.

Not cut at all. What's the point? I've said what I have to. Understand?
Oct 24, 2004
Penrith area..
this is gonna sound really stupid
but i wouldnt mind having to do it again
.. i mean
it's just extra practice .. what's so bad about that?


flied lice
Nov 4, 2004
All in all I think this discussion has created reasonable havoc for year 12 in general. After all, that's what we set out to do in forums isn't it?
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