Centrists: The Vanilla Ice Cream of Politics (1 Viewer)


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Below is my thoughtful analysis of the politics of the centre. Reading it will either change your life or make you pissed off for losing 10 mins of it, if the latter, contact me and I'll have them returned to you within 3 working days.

It's long been thought that those able to sit on the fence all day without developing a severe rash on their undercarriage possessed some eerie powers. Now instead of doing the sensible, scientific thing by stalking a member of the Coalition of the Neutral, I've instead conducted a gedanken and concluded that these people do not literally sit on a fence, as doing so would involve making a decision about which fence to sit on and then sticking to that stance for a lengthy period of time, a foreign concept when you're defined by the fact that nothing defines you.

The first rung on this ladder of knowledge which I shall impart to you this morning is presented in the form of a metaphor, in the hope that such an introduction will help ease the squeeze on your struggling mind, already clogged with wee hours haziness and quite potentially moderately toxic chemicals consumed to break up the monotony of university life.

Bland and Flavourless.
Centrists are the vanilla ice cream of politics. They are inevitability in its purest form. They sit there in the neapolitan container of life, never as appealing as the chocolate or strawberry, but at the same time they give off such an aura of mind numbing predictability, and usually seem to get the job done ok. No child gets involved in a screaming match with their siblings because they want vanilla over a real flavour. Instead vanilla is what comes home as punishment when the kids make a scene in the supermarket about cookies and cream v hokey pokey.

It then proceeds to sit there for weeks, mostly unnoticed by the household except when a member has a strong craving for a bland and tasteless, but still reasonably fattening, food. Weeks turn to months, until eventually it comes time to defrost, and the parent removes the tub, remarking "What on earth possessed me to buy this?"

Perhaps one of the ultimate rhetorical questions, but as predictably as A Current Affair naming at least four things Un-Australian every weeknight, vanilla will be back. It might be another brand, it might even be ice blocks next time, but they'll be there, and they'll be flavourless.

Ideological Contradictions
The essence of the argument in favour of a mixed market economy is that socialism is strychnine and neoliberalism a new, more potent form of arsenic, and as such it makes perfect sense to take the two, mix well in a cocktail shaker with 200mL lemon juice. Serve immediately over ice in a high ball glass. The centrist will then rationalise that perhaps the effects of the two poisons cancel each other out, but to me the greatest tragedy is that none of them are sure enough of this own rationalisation to spike Unity punch with it and find out.

Warm, fuzzy feelings
The centre's unrivalled ability to generate this commodity by the truckload stems from their high alert reserves of disaster chasers, revered for both their commitment to the ideals that no mine is too remote for a perfectly stage photo op, that no person's lungs are too ridden with asbestos to give lengthy speeches at such photo ops, as well as their inexplicable ability to get pen to membership form no matter how far underground, or how deep a comatose state the individual in question may be in.

So now that we know the enemy are vanilla ice cream eating, poison slurping junkies who inhale asbestos from the maggot infested carcasses of what looks like they used to be sheep (it increases the duration of the rush), we must know how to identify them, their nuances and understand what horrible thing would turn a man neutral, so here's:

The Punter's Guide to the Various Species of Centrist (Complete with fabricated biographies for real fictional people)

True neutral has no opinion on anything, and has moderate feelings of neutrality towards you, everyone you love and everything you stand for. Think Switzerland only without the controversial z. Increasingly rare in modern day political discourse, there have often been false sightings later put down to Nationals MP's passing away in their seats without anybody realising.

The populist flip-flop is a media whore who has an army of staffers to follow the latest opinion polls and form policy on the fly based on them. They have no opinions or vision to call their own, or if they do they hide them very well, and more often than not hold public office only so their own sense of self importance can be satiated. Unsubstantiated gossip is that they're first cousins to the necon scaremonger, and as such are probably privvy to the Illuminati conspiracy.

The third way 'visionary' defies all logic by being both centrist and radical, by proposing such crazy ideas as combining neoliberal and marxist ideas to an electorate which has had a mixed market economy in place for longer than anyone, their dog or their dementia-ridden grandfather can remember. Also I don't think these cunts exist in Australian politics, but who knows what Blair's going to try getting elected to now that he's no longer having sex with the queen ex-officio.

The unionist is what happens when you throw a pit viper and an onion into a blender turn it on and then make a person from the resulting protein soup. The unionist, quickly running out of employers to destroy and souls to consume, realised in his eternal wisdom that the ALP gives out safe seats like Milton Orkopolous gives out candy to infants. Allegedly. So anyway all that stood in his way was some Hoare, and he fucked her. New Idea states that she was disatisfied that he only did it metaphorically. Whether that means fucked as in rolled her for the seat or fucked a bowl of ice cream as a metaphorical representation of her, I won't speculate, but I think it's pretty clear what really happened.

The parachute candidate feels much like the flip-flop, except they abuse the media not through savvy or personality, but by emphasising their annoying music, former career as a journalist for a small community broadcaster or role as an unemployed socialite with an up until recently unblemished record of voting Coalition.

The hack was the guy who went to uni completely apolitical, joined the ALP club because he fancied the t-shirt designs, then proceeded to believe everything and anything bad those further through their degrees said about the socialist left. 30 years on, in what has been widely condemned as a poor career move, he found himself one of only three people of a 100 strong caucus who honestly believed that a gluttonous two time failure with the electoral appeal of a doorknob was a better leadership choice than someone whose main appeal was that he resembled a fictional character popular with the 6-12 year old demographic, who have proven themselves notoriously difficult to mobilise in recent years, with most choosing to abstain from voting altogether.

Everybody's best mate seems to be more of a university election phenomenon, but he's the bloke who everybody knows, loves and has gotten drunk with, but most wouldn't be able to tell you where or when they met him. The plausibility of using this strategy on a federal or state level seems questionable, however, because it's been medically proven to be next to impossible to have a beer with everyone in the electorate and maintain the functionality of one's liver at the same time.

Mr Boring is the candidate who seemingly just appeared in the job one day without anybody voting for him or even recognising his name. A concensus is reached soon after, though, that history is a social construct created by those far too reasonable to be trustworthy, and that his experience running things behind the scenes representing the only electorate with more ethnicities than the UN General Assembly means he has one up on the evil bloke who the TV says eats nurses with a side of mashed potato.

The independent is the candidate who polls a total of 5 votes and yet still manages to be elected owing to the fact that he lives in a remote, desert electorate with only one polling booth in the middle of nowhere and a constituency of informal voting illiterates. Used to be a member of the Nationals, but was expelled due to clauses in the party constitution forbidding first-cousin incest, which was not pardonable, as he thought it was, on the basis that the dog made a move on HIM. Has now ditched all ideology and ignores anything and everything not relevant to NIMBYism.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Fucken read it all and appreciate it cunts. That's the result of 15-20 dexies and 4-5 hours semi-conscious rewrite after rewrite until I had reached utter perfection. There was other stuff there too, but that was just in jokes so I cut it out when I sent it here. Original's on my facebook.

It's made from fucking love for what I do.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
If that's a reference to sex, I'll just say in an earlier draft there was an elaborate way of calling the average vote inbred over 3 lines by explaining that nobody in their nuclear family had moved house in their entire life. This then got too complex and scrapped the section where I called them populist and called them ambulance chasers instead. Also there was probably more incest in there at some point.



Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Bland and Flavourless.
Centrists are the vanilla ice cream of politics. They are inevitability in its purest form. They sit there in the neapolitan container of life, never as appealing as the chocolate or strawberry, but at the same time they give off such an aura of mind numbing predictability, and usually seem to get the job done ok. No child gets involved in a screaming match with their siblings because they want vanilla over a real flavour. Instead vanilla is what comes home as punishment when the kids make a scene in the supermarket about cookies and cream v hokey pokey.

It then proceeds to sit there for weeks, mostly unnoticed by the household except when a member has a strong craving for a bland and tasteless, but still reasonably fattening, food. Weeks turn to months, until eventually it comes time to defrost, and the parent removes the tub, remarking "What on earth possessed me to buy this?"

Perhaps one of the ultimate rhetorical questions, but as predictably as A Current Affair naming at least four things Un-Australian every weeknight, vanilla will be back. It might be another brand, it might even be ice blocks next time, but they'll be there, and they'll be flavourless.
You make absolutely no point here other than appearing to claim centrists are boring and vanilla is a shitty flavour. I happen to like vanilla and I don't really care if you think centrists are more boring.

Ideological Contradictions
The essence of the argument in favour of a mixed market economy is that socialism is strychnine and neoliberalism a new, more potent form of arsenic, and as such it makes perfect sense to take the two, mix well in a cocktail shaker with 200mL lemon juice.The centrist will then rationalise that perhaps the effects of the two poisons cancel each other out, but to me the greatest tragedy is that none of them are sure enough of this own rationalisation to spike Unity punch with it and find out.
I agree that in pure ideological terms centrist positions seem much weaker than those given on the far left/right. However reality is shades of grey and this tends to lend its self more to such centrist pragmatism than it does the rigidness of any idology. Different centrists will have different opinions on how exactly the economy should be run, but essentially they will make their decisions based on what appears to work best (for them) in each individual case.

Warm, fuzzy feelings
The centre's unrivalled ability to generate this commodity by the truckload stems from their high alert reserves of disaster chasers, revered for both their commitment to the ideals that no mine is too remote for a perfectly stage photo op, that no person's lungs are too ridden with asbestos to give lengthy speeches at such photo ops, as well as their inexplicable ability to get pen to membership form no matter how far underground, or how deep a comatose state the individual in question may be in.
This is the center? People from all parts of politics use 'warm, fuzzy feelings' as a part of their politics - even you man lol

So now that we know the enemy are vanilla ice cream eating, poison slurping junkies who inhale asbestos from the maggot infested carcasses of what looks like they used to be sheep (it increases the duration of the rush), we must know how to identify them, their nuances and understand what horrible thing would turn a man neutral, so here's:
Now we're starting to see that, as we expected, this is not a critique of centrist positions but a rhetorical attack.

True neutral has no opinion on anything, and has moderate feelings of neutrality towards you, everyone you love and everything you stand for. Think Switzerland only without the controversial z. Increasingly rare in modern day political discourse, there have often been false sightings later put down to Nationals MP's passing away in their seats without anybody realising.
Of course a centrist isn't going to be about perfect neutrality, what I feel at the very most makes them 'neutral' is their ability to recognise the inherent flaws in every system.

The populist flip-flop is a media whore who has an army of staffers to follow the latest opinion polls and form policy on the fly based on them. They have no opinions or vision to call their own, or if they do they hide them very well, and more often than not hold public office only so their own sense of self importance can be satiated. Unsubstantiated gossip is that they're first cousins to the necon scaremonger, and as such are probably privvy to the Illuminati conspiracy.
Perhaps their vision is a truly representational government and this is the best way they see fit to do so?

The third way 'visionary' defies all logic by being both centrist and radical, by proposing such crazy ideas as combining neoliberal and marxist ideas to an electorate which has had a mixed market economy in place for longer than anyone, their dog or their dementia-ridden grandfather can remember. Also I don't think these cunts exist in Australian politics, but who knows what Blair's going to try getting elected to now that he's no longer having sex with the queen ex-officio.
Well I think you can be centrist and radical, it's merely a matter of balancing those radical opinions out elsewhere.

The unionist is what happens when you throw a pit viper and an onion into a blender turn it on and then make a person from the resulting protein soup. The unionist, quickly running out of employers to destroy and souls to consume, realised in his eternal wisdom that the ALP gives out safe seats like Milton Orkopolous gives out candy to infants. Allegedly. So anyway all that stood in his way was some Hoare, and he fucked her. New Idea states that she was disatisfied that he only did it metaphorically. Whether that means fucked as in rolled her for the seat or fucked a bowl of ice cream as a metaphorical representation of her, I won't speculate, but I think it's pretty clear what really happened.

The parachute candidate feels much like the flip-flop, except they abuse the media not through savvy or personality, but by emphasising their annoying music, former career as a journalist for a small community broadcaster or role as an unemployed socialite with an up until recently unblemished record of voting Coalition.

The hack was the guy who went to uni completely apolitical, joined the ALP club because he fancied the t-shirt designs, then proceeded to believe everything and anything bad those further through their degrees said about the socialist left. 30 years on, in what has been widely condemned as a poor career move, he found himself one of only three people of a 100 strong caucus who honestly believed that a gluttonous two time failure with the electoral appeal of a doorknob was a better leadership choice than someone whose main appeal was that he resembled a fictional character popular with the 6-12 year old demographic, who have proven themselves notoriously difficult to mobilise in recent years, with most choosing to abstain from voting altogether.

Everybody's best mate seems to be more of a university election phenomenon, but he's the bloke who everybody knows, loves and has gotten drunk with, but most wouldn't be able to tell you where or when they met him. The plausibility of using this strategy on a federal or state level seems questionable, however, because it's been medically proven to be next to impossible to have a beer with everyone in the electorate and maintain the functionality of one's liver at the same time.

Mr Boring is the candidate who seemingly just appeared in the job one day without anybody voting for him or even recognising his name. A concensus is reached soon after, though, that history is a social construct created by those far too reasonable to be trustworthy, and that his experience running things behind the scenes representing the only electorate with more ethnicities than the UN General Assembly means he has one up on the evil bloke who the TV says eats nurses with a side of mashed potato.

The independent is the candidate who polls a total of 5 votes and yet still manages to be elected owing to the fact that he lives in a remote, desert electorate with only one polling booth in the middle of nowhere and a constituency of informal voting illiterates. Used to be a member of the Nationals, but was expelled due to clauses in the party constitution forbidding first-cousin incest, which was not pardonable, as he thought it was, on the basis that the dog made a move on HIM. Has now ditched all ideology and ignores anything and everything not relevant to NIMBYism.
off topic still?

Anyway I would have posted this in non-school: I prefer my political rants to have more of a point to them and not wander off into some list of people we don't like. Pretty clever language but it would have been better served in an article with a real political point or one of complete and utter satire. For example, maybe make one "List of shit candidates" and merely do what you did at the end there?


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Oi yeah the vanilla thing was originally supposed to grow into a profound statement about how they used their non-threatening nature to push what is still a partisan viewpoint, and people don't even notice because they don't suspect vanilla would do something like that. But yeah that got fucked up when I became incoherent and half asleep but kept typing. Some of those were based on real people, but true neutral came from futurama, the independent is entirely my own invention, and I happen to know "everybody's best mate", he's a good bloke.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
I'll give it an hour after my next lecture see if I can expand the ice cream bit out, ditch the stuff about arsenic and bernie bantam and split the articles. But then of course I have to edit out the bit about fucking a bowl of ice cream, which I thought was quite clever :(


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Post mortem on what actually happened, as far as I remember:
Beforehand: No sleep for a few days.
11.30pm Go to fridge, find that the only ice cream contained therein is vanilla. 12am After finishing ice cream, remember arguing with people on the Rudd group earlier that day, and there's now what seems like a profound metaphor in my head where centrists appear non-threatening, but can still push a very partisan agenda. Write the vanilla part, which remains pretty well untouched.

Soon after write the paragraph with Latham clichés in it.

Enter state of suspended consciousness, vitriolic fence sitting paragraph gets written, and a side article about what begins as a broad list of people and have maybe 3 or 4 entries down, which are sensible, but changed later.

Write paragraph wishing poisonous death upon a faction and then call the party at large ambulance chasers.

Go back to list, create specific entries for specific people. Spend quite a while making the attacks as clever as possible. Head back and change the sensible part of the list around a bit, ends up with anger as well.

Create linking paragraph between nonsensical article and pointless list.

Add stuff at the top/bottom.

Fall asleep on keyboard and wake up a bit past 5am, decide it doesn't make much sense but submit it anyway because it took a few hours to write, tag people.

Get ready for uni and here we are now.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
*cough* Take out the word cream and you have a perfect comparison. Also, the centrist party will fail more than the New Labour party in British politics will in the next election.


Dignitatis Contentio
Nov 13, 2005
Vanilla's not flavourless. It's flavoured like vanilla. And is, in my opinion, quite delicious.

And on that note, I will again stop writing my essay and get myself some ice cream.



wheredanton said:
Well, looks like there is an arts student somewhere inside Waf struggling to get out.

But really, it's just an unorganized stream of consciousness (rant). An Arts lecturer would have a field day colouring your paper in with red pen.
haha, nice.

I was going to say:

'It looks like one of my incoherent, rambling bos posts'.

withoutaface said:
Well then don't expect people to like it. :p


Sep 2, 2005
Your prose was quite interesting actually, albeit lacking in analytical rigour. I don't really find the left - center - right classification of political spectrum sufficiently satisfying. Ultimately political views are divided into idealism and marginalism - and of course somewhere in between. The idealist advocates for movement towards a perfect world. The marginalist looks at the world as it is as asks how it can be improved by implemental policy tweaks without intending to change the world towards a particular ideal.
Last edited:


Active Member
Aug 8, 2005
_dhj_ said:
Your prose was quite interesting actually, albeit lacking in analytical rigour. I don't really find the left - center - right classification of political spectrum sufficiently satisfying. Ultimately political views are divided into idealism and marginalism - and of course somewhere in between. The idealist advocates for movement towards a perfect world. The marginalist looks at the world as it is as asks how it can be improved by implemental policy tweaks without intending to change the world towards a particular ideal.
The goal is ultimately more important than the method or view ..


Google "9-11" and "truth"
Dec 20, 2004
smoe dank nugz everyday ma nigga


Sep 2, 2005
bshoc said:
The goal is ultimately more important than the method or view ..
It's interesting to consider Deng's proverbial explanation that 'no matter if it is a white cat or a black cat; as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat'. I have always thought that we should do what is right, but Deng's maxim has significant merit. Logically, what is more important is the outcome. Goals, methods and views are mere means to reach the outcome. What is a good outcome? Of course, if policy maker A's goal was X and the outcome is Y, A might not be satisfied with the outcome, although another individual B may well be. But the reality is that the concept of outcome is all-encompassing, while ideology on the other hand, depending on the person in question, will probably only influence a small part of what the person in question lives for.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Logically, what is more important is the outcome. Goals, methods and views are mere means to reach the outcome.
It's silly because you can say 'the goal is ultimately more important' but the goal is likely very well intrinsically linked to the method, so how can you make a judgement call?

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