Change Songs (1 Viewer)


New Member
Oct 17, 2002
East Maitland, NSW
That song from playschool, I'm using that! You know,

'Changes, Changes everywhere, but when you just sit and stare, you stay the same...just sit and stay the same...just sit and stare...aeae...aeae...aeae'

Just jokes...try 'Father and Son' and 'Wild World' By Cat Stevens. Incidently I actually used that playschool song in a speech on change, the teacher loved it...but recommended I keep it out of essays :rolleyes:


Jul 30, 2002
Sydney, Newtown.
Hmm... A suggestion. To borrow from myself:

>Even "My Sacrifice" by Creed? I don't know...

I'm using the _Video_ for Powerplay (I know, I know, wrong section. There's no equivalent in Eng Adv, and it seems to fit here, being a song 'n' all).

(I need to work this in to the following, but a bit of background:
The main part of the video consists of the singer going along in a boat, turning away from various people that are submerged under water, but are reaching out to him.
Hmm. Warning: the following contains extreme BS-ery. :D)

I'm ignoring the lyrics, they don't help. :D

American Flags are almost always shown in the background when the focus is on the boat - a reference to the power America has, because...

Imagery (Water)
Shows the different levels in society, eg. America _in a boat_, as opposed to those with just their hands sticking out of the water / partially submerged (developing / poor nations).
Also, in another boat, Monks dressed in Medieval period robes (monks) = a reference to the power religion has had in the past, and can be compared to America in the domination of the populace's beliefs (eg. America = Good, Saddam / Osama / Goldstein = Bad).

'America,' (in the boat) instead of helping others in need (those submerged), _pulls a copy of itself out of the water_, showing America helping itself, as well as representing the power that America has to choose which countries are made out to be successful, and which countries are depicted as evil, eg. Afganistan.

In this way, the title ('My Sacrifice') is ironic, as 'America' is not sacrificing anything - only helping itself.

I hope I hope I hope I don't have a patriotic American marker.

Use as you see fit. :D
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