It was alright, but at the same time it was an annoying exam.
The multiple choice questions were quite tricky (e.g. For the Glucose question, did you remember it was a condensation polymer so you had to subtract masses of 4 water molecules? I would imagine heaps of people fell for the trick).
I reckon this year there were hardly any questions that came straight from the syllabus. Most of the questions targeted the more uncommonly examined dot points, that you rarely find in trial exams or past HSC exams (e.g. ozone concentration, acidic salts, ethylene importance etc). I had to improvise a little bit on some of the questions.
For me, the Option section was probably the easiest section (I did shipwrecks). Once again I tried hard to control myself from writing too much on the seven marker....

Anyway, I can celebrate now, no more HSC! (except when results arrive but that return to hell will come a month later....
