Choose between Chemistry, Physics and Economics. (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Jul 19, 2009
Schoey93 said:
NewiJapper, you are the only 'person' (ie Internet identity/user) I have spoken to who believes that a Year 12 student always has more experience than a Year 11 student. My mother believes that experience is defined by what you do, not how long it takes to do it.

I would really like to know your logic (not your mothers) on how a year of senior schooling experience is overpowered by a Year 11 student at the start of their senior schooling experience...?


Active Member
Nov 5, 2009
Hoboland and Procrastinationland
Selective dislike: taking offence to something someone says due slightly to the poor nature of their advice, yet mostly due to boredom and wanting to watch someone squeal.
No. It's because your "advice" sucks. Like a virus.

NewiJapper, you are the only 'person' (ie Internet identity/user) I have spoken to who believes that a Year 12 student always has more experience than a Year 11 student. My mother believes that experience is defined by what you do, not how long it takes to do it, as do I. E.g. if it took Student A 1 week to complete the Basic Arithmetic and Algebra topic, yet it took Student B 3 weeks to do it, one cannot argue that Student B is definitely more intelligent and studious than Student A. Student A may have a more thorough understanding of the topic due to his previous abilities and his desire to succeed and ability to implement real goals to achieve that.
Excuse me Mr Smartypants, you haven't done Economics, Business Studies, or Legal Studies and you're the one who gave "advice" about these subjects.

Please do not continue to destroy this thread.
says the thread hijacker.

Have a great year and, good luck Muzeik (is it?)!

Yash, you're right. 13 units isn't so bad (not for me, not for you, not for my friend Mel). No trolls here Muzeik. GL
My HELPFUL contribution:

OP, please do subjects that you love, like me and others. If this is impossible (unlikely), please do subject that you have an aptitude in and will do reasonably well in, not high-scaling, traditionally difficult subjects (except, if you love Physics, Chemistry and Economics, I encourage you to take the HSC course in all three subjects).
According to my friend Tim M. (not Timothy Siu) physics contains 'oh, equations.' Tim does General Mathematics (preliminary course) yet he still enjoys physics because Mr K from Marian College is a good teacher who knows the course content well and is willing to extend students who request it. The core modules in Year 12 are: Space, Motors and Generators and From Ideas to Implementation. The option at my school is a topic I will sorely miss (decided against Physics and have 8 free/study periods on at that time): Medical Physics. Sounds very interesting to me and my friends.
You really don't need to name all your friends, let alone others, thanks.

Also, the fact that you merely name the topics doesn't really help one gain enough knowledge of what the course is about to make a decision.

Quanta to Quarks > Medical Physics :rofl:

From my syllabus readings during subject choices time (in 2009-2010) Chemistry contains content that focus on atomic theory (ie atoms: protons, neutrons and electrons) in the preliminary course and more sophisticated content in the HSC course that builds on that and an understanding of metals, water and energy. If you like the preliminary course, you will not always like the HSC course.
The HSC Chem course contains a lot more new material than Prelims than you think.

I am unfamiliar with the Economics syllabus, however, an economics teacher told me, "The economics syllabus is updated regularly. I wish I taught maths as the syllabuses haven't been updated since 1983 or so! Lol." (She actually laughed out loud.)
And THAT makes you able to give reliable advice on HSC Economics??? WOW

It's your choice. I would choose what I loved in Year 11, and hope that, after a thorough reading of section 8 (Course Content/Structure) of the syllabuses that my decision was the right one. As it is, I get to keep 13 units of subjects I adore. I await the heavy load. Hopefully Hospitality Examination is simple as always and does not change too much, thus my load shall be lighter.

You made a good choice. Now wait a few months and make another one. Good luck.
Agreed, Yash. (Only because my teachers have said the same thing, and you do HSC Economics, so of course, you would know.) However, does he want to do a double degree? Chemistry is a foundation for a B Sc (it's not vital, but it is helpful). Just thought he should know that, if he doesn't already. If he doesn't want to do science, then by all means, find a way to drop it before the HSC.
Why are you asking Yash this?

I don't mean to be rude, but are you Japanese? If so, congratulations! Jap Ext will be very easy marks for you, unless you were raised here, in which case, you have of course chosen a very difficult subject.

Physics, Chemistry and Economics are difficult subjects. If you work well, you will generally do well. Professor Bar is doing a Bar Analysis of my school's HSC results and that was his conclusion. "You get the result you deserve."- My Legal Studies teacher explaining Bar's findings.
The difficulty of a subject is subjective.
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Nov 2, 2009
No. It's because your "advice" sucks. Like a virus.

Excuse me Mr Smartypants, you haven't done Economics, Business Studies, or Legal Studies and you're the one who gave "advice" about these subjects.

says the thread hijacker.

You really don't need to name all your friends, let alone others, thanks.

Also, the fact that you merely name the topics don't really help one gain enough knowledge of what the course is about to make a decision.

Quanta to Quarks > Medical Physics :rofl:

The HSC Chem course contains a lot more new material than Prelims than you think.

And THAT makes you able to give reliable advice on HSC Economics??? WOW

Why are you asking Yash this?

The difficulty of a subject is subjective.

Wow beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeef, such a long post!
But back to the question, I've only done prelim chem so far, I heard that chem scales the BEST out of all 3 sciences, but it's all depends on you of which one you LOVED and ENJOYED the most out of Physics, chem and economics.

Hope that somehow helps you a tiny little bit. :guitar:


Active Member
Jul 19, 2009
ilikebeeef said:
Excuse me Mr Smartypants, you haven't done Economics, Business Studies, or Legal Studies and you're the one who gave "advice" about these subjects.

No. It's because your "advice" sucks. Like a virus.
+1. Thankyou, someone else that has the right mind frame.


Nov 24, 2009
the restaurant at the end of the universe.
i didnt even know economics was an option
LOL. Seriously?!

thx for all the comment that both 2010er and 2011er gave me. my uni's future will be bcommerce/bart as been said in my sign. but the things, i dont really notice the news that much, and i know economics demand news update. so i could be hard for me to get up-to-date. but in the upside, i get the economics topic really fast and understand the concept very easily..
You know what? I came 2nd in my grade in Prelim Eco without having read a single newspaper the entire year ><;"
But I doubt that's going to work for HSC >_o.
I know what you mean - I'm exactly like that in fact - the actual economics comes easily, but keeping track of every little thing that's happening in the world can get quite tiresome. Up until this year, watching/reading the news was just not something I did. BUT.. I found out that when you actually get into it, it gets really interesting. You just have to make an effort and start :)
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Jan 16, 2010
According to my friend Tim M. (not Timothy Siu) ......
You think? Why the hell would anyone think Tim M = Tim Siu? Stop trying to use names to reinforce your posts - you just end up with pie in your face.


Nov 4, 2009
your moms ass
economy sucks really... to get at least band 5 you will need to revise damn stupid stuff every single day...
ehrrrr eco is the way to get your atar screwed

ive done physics and biology and they are quiet good.. science is alot easier.. but dont forget this.. you need to study hard to get good marks in hsc.. i guess i did not put that much of effort in eco ...
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Bored User
Feb 8, 2005
Quantum Parallel Universe
Just for general discussion, which one will be better to do for HSC?
op i havent fully followed this thread but ill try to help u out, anyone if im wrong please do correct me.

Chem -> lots to remember, probably the most difficult of the three but the best scaling one.

Physics -> not as much maths as you think, Lots of conceptual learning (how a motor works) once u get ur head around it.. its pretty simple. If you can plug numbers into a formula and know to make sure your units are consistent you will be fine.

Eco -> no idea. i didnt do it.

My recommendation is to think like this if you like to remember stuff and get into the nitty gritty details go with chem, if you are a better conceptual learner...who likes to understand the big picture go with physics.

op if you have any more questions im more than happy to try to answer them.

P.S to scale well. you need to do well, preferably over 85 otherwise you will not score as well as you can.

My two cents. like i said if ive written something wrong, please do correct me.

i do feel that there is no point arguing who has the better source of information, we are all here to help the op. Schoey93 you do have every right to put forth your opinion, but just make sure you don't mislead anyone with your information. Their choices very well could depend on it. I don't know how accurate your info is but there is no shame in letting someone who might know more about it answer the question. You may well learn something more from them. You are by all means welcome to add to them.

Likewise the rest of us should not assume he/she does not know anything just because he is year 11. Knowledge and experience are two different things.

No. It's because your "advice" sucks. Like a virus.
i like how you think! lol. :D
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Premium Member
Oct 13, 2008
Uni Grad
Chemistry is wonderful. You learn so much abuot how the world runs and why it runs lol (in a chemical sense). I'm loving HSC chemistry, prelim sucked.

Physics is ok, kinda dry and boring now i guess, the equations and the content i also find boring.

Economics is wonderful. Tells you how the world runs (in an economic/financial sense). ITs good to learn how stuff works and why it works.

Out of those chemistry is probably the best (until now).

Economics, while its good, there's stuff like curves and useless formulas, lol the plain theory is the best and the lectures from your teachers. Your teacher has a major role in how a subject turns out.

Physics, just sucks. Prelim was somewhat more interesting.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2009
op i havent fully followed this thread but ill try to help u out, anyone if im wrong please do correct me.

Chem -> lots to remember, probably the most difficult of the three but the best scaling one.

Physics -> not as much maths as you think, Lots of conceptual learning (how a motor works) once u get ur head around it.. its pretty simple. If you can plug numbers into a formula and know to make sure your units are consistent you will be fine.
i actually find chemistry quite easy [for now]. we still havent finish the first topic yet but the concept is all right.

physics - im kind of a neutral sense to it. i like maths, then i got preception that i should go well with physics. as iRuler said, the content is extremely dry and boringg..

Chemistry is wonderful. You learn so much abuot how the world runs and why it runs lol (in a chemical sense). I'm loving HSC chemistry, prelim sucked.

Physics is ok, kinda dry and boring now i guess, the equations and the content i also find boring.

Economics is wonderful. Tells you how the world runs (in an economic/financial sense). ITs good to learn how stuff works and why it works.

Out of those chemistry is probably the best (until now).

Economics, while its good, there's stuff like curves and useless formulas, lol the plain theory is the best and the lectures from your teachers. Your teacher has a major role in how a subject turns out.

Physics, just sucks. Prelim was somewhat more interesting.
i have to agree on the physics content is very dryyyyy..and chemistry is all right, not as dry as physics but.

as i mentioned with the others responder, i wouldnt bother to watch the news to keep up the content of economics, just wanna double-check, would it be possible to survive HSC economics without the notice of news and newspaper?
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Bored User
Feb 8, 2005
Quantum Parallel Universe
i actually find chemistry quite easy [for now]. we still havent finish the first topic yet but the concept is all right.

physics - im kind of a neutral sense to it. i like maths, then i got preception that i should go well with physics. as iRuler said, the content is extremely dry and boringg..

i have to agree on the physics content is very dryyyyy..and chemistry is all right, not as dry as physics but.

as i mentioned with the others responder, i wouldnt bother to watch the news to keep up the content of economics, just wanna double-check, would it be possible to survive HSC economics without the notice of news and newspaper?
To be honest it also depends on your teacher, sometimes you get really interesting teachers that can make even the most boring content sound amazing. my phy teacher turned out to be really he'd blow shit up hell he even made a car battery bomb, made someone take their clothes off (not everything) but just for the fun of it.

dont go with the theory that youre good at maths so youll do well in physics. i was absolutely craptastic at maths yet i killed physics. There is alot of conceptual learning like i said, the maths part is just merely plugging in numbers into a formula. the core of the concept is that you should understand why things work the way they do..if you can do that the equations will automatically work themselves out.

Chemistry is also a fantastic subject, also a great scalar my advice to you is whatever school you go to. make sure your ranks are absolutely the best you can get them. dont worry bout your school marks they wont really count in the end (only your hsc exam marks actually count for both your school mark and exam mark) so make sure your rank is as close to 1 as possible, and i dont see how you can go wrong.

Gl in your studies.
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Premium Member
Oct 13, 2008
Uni Grad
would it be possible to survive HSC economics without the notice of news and newspaper?

But your school might make you do an assignment or some task on the Budget, so you might need to read a paper for that, just online and find a few articles etc...

Other than that, you teacher shuold pretty much give you everything (if they're a good teacher that is).


Active Member
Mar 29, 2009
To be honest it also depends on your teacher, sometimes you get really interesting teachers that can make even the most boring content sound amazing. my phy teacher turned out to be really he'd blow shit up hell he even made a car battery bomb, made someone take their clothes off (not everything) but just for the fun of it.

dont go with the theory that youre good at maths so youll do well in physics. i was absolutely craptastic at maths yet i killed physics. There is alot of conceptual learning like i said, the maths part is just merely plugging in numbers into a formula. the core of the concept is that you should understand why things work the way they do..if you can do that the equations will automatically work themselves out.

Chemistry is also a fantastic subject, also a great scalar my advice to you is whatever school you go to.
my chemistry teacher and physics teacher is the opposite of urs. my chemistry teacher is extremely interesting. she uses every possible explanation to make u understand the concept. shes is one of the best science in the school.

but my physics is full of negative energy. she always, i mena always saying that she hates physics and all those crap [cause shes a physics and chemistry teacher]. and always comparing the content between the two courses which i find it extremely annoying. shes always bitching the physics course how much is it and how she dislike the course.

make sure your ranks are absolutely the best you can get them. dont worry bout your school marks they wont really count in the end (only your hsc exam marks actually count for both your school mark and exam mark) so make sure your rank is as close to 1 as possible, and i dont see how you can go wrong.

Gl in your studies.
well i will try my best. becoz i go to a normal public school. 200+ rank. and with the crappy subject that i hate the most last year [history, geography, PE], i still got 5th in the year which was quite surprising. so i hopefully could be better in terms of rank to imrpove my HSC in the future.

thx for the comment!


Sep 29, 2007
Western Sydney
economy sucks really... to get at least band 5 you will need to revise damn stupid stuff every single day...
ehrrrr eco is the way to get your atar screwed

ive done physics and biology and they are quiet good.. science is alot easier.. but dont forget this.. you need to study hard to get good marks in hsc.. i guess i did not put that much of effort in eco ...
'Even Jesus hates you'? You sound like a pig and I don't mean any offence, but well...just look at your DP and realise what you're trying to do, mate, it's not good. Please don't keep posting offensive remarks. Offensive meaning anything that can be taken to be hurtful, sad, bullying or talking behind real people's backs, of course. Anyway looking to me like the discussion/thread has gone on too long and it's degenerated to either dirt or teasing mindlessly. Either way, it's just a hard thing to judge and that's why I'm not a mod. My respect to Aerath and the crew.


Oct 10, 2008
lol so ur the guy who everone wants to ban LOLZOR...

pick chem OP


Bored User
Feb 8, 2005
Quantum Parallel Universe
my chemistry teacher and physics teacher is the opposite of urs. my chemistry teacher is extremely interesting. she uses every possible explanation to make u understand the concept. shes is one of the best science in the school.

but my physics is full of negative energy. she always, i mena always saying that she hates physics and all those crap [cause shes a physics and chemistry teacher]. and always comparing the content between the two courses which i find it extremely annoying. shes always bitching the physics course how much is it and how she dislike the course.

well i will try my best. becoz i go to a normal public school. 200+ rank. and with the crappy subject that i hate the most last year [history, geography, PE], i still got 5th in the year which was quite surprising. so i hopefully could be better in terms of rank to imrpove my HSC in the future.

thx for the comment!
Well see thats very disappointing to hear your teacher is rather negative. I think its important you listen to that voice in your heart that says "i want to do this" or "i want to do that". Its apples and oranges, nobody here can tell you which is best for you because you have to make your decision. I tell you this though whichever road you take they are both very tough and both lead to great ATARs, but hard things in life are worth achieving and few people strive for them.

Dont let the fact that you go to a 200+ school. if you want my story ill be happy to tell you i went to a school that doesnt even come top 300 in our state. i was absolutely shit at everything i did till year 11, and then i said to myself screw this if im going down im going to go down punching and screaming, and thats exactly what i did. i ended up coming top 1% in the state.

Im not all that smart and intelligent, but its because somewhere above the stars might've aligned right for me, and my effort paid off. You should always give it your best effort, the ATAR is just the beginning of the end. When you come to uni, nobody gives a crap what your atar was, you can easily transfer between courses, unis whatever.

I used to think that in year 12 i had learnt the top notches of chemistry. I was very very wrong, the amount of chemistry or any subject for that matter is about 0.0000001% of what really exists. I learnt the entire chem course in 1 hour at my first lecture when i started pharmacy. Believe me when i tell you this you have your entire life ahead of you, whichever subject you choose just focus and study it with all your heart and dont look back, don't do subjects because you want good marks. Just study wholeheartedly, the marks will run after you.

P.S Sorry if i got carried away.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2009
Well see thats very disappointing to hear your teacher is rather negative. I think its important you listen to that voice in your heart that says "i want to do this" or "i want to do that". Its apples and oranges, nobody here can tell you which is best for you because you have to make your decision. I tell you this though whichever road you take they are both very tough and both lead to great ATARs, but hard things in life are worth achieving and few people strive for them.

Dont let the fact that you go to a 200+ school. if you want my story ill be happy to tell you i went to a school that doesnt even come top 300 in our state. i was absolutely shit at everything i did till year 11, and then i said to myself screw this if im going down im going to go down punching and screaming, and thats exactly what i did. i ended up coming top 1% in the state.

Im not all that smart and intelligent, but its because somewhere above the stars might've aligned right for me, and my effort paid off. You should always give it your best effort, the ATAR is just the beginning of the end. When you come to uni, nobody gives a crap what your atar was, you can easily transfer between courses, unis whatever.

I used to think that in year 12 i had learnt the top notches of chemistry. I was very very wrong, the amount of chemistry or any subject for that matter is about 0.0000001% of what really exists. I learnt the entire chem course in 1 hour at my first lecture when i started pharmacy. Believe me when i tell you this you have your entire life ahead of you, whichever subject you choose just focus and study it with all your heart and dont look back, don't do subjects because you want good marks. Just study wholeheartedly, the marks will run after you.

P.S Sorry if i got carried away.
such a inspire story! :D:D is good to hear someone story with the same situation as me. thx.


Bored User
Feb 8, 2005
Quantum Parallel Universe
such a inspire story! :D:D is good to hear someone story with the same situation as me. thx.
no worries. the hsc just looks at your ranks in the end. if you can prove to them you're better than your cohort you will be rewarded. just stay on top of everybody else, and kill the hsc in the end, you cant go wrong.

If you ever want to pursue a subject that your teacher does not show interest in, you can always get a tutor. In my opinion it is wrong for such a teacher to bag out a subject and discourage students from doing it, id be appalled and id either ask her not to or request another teacher.

It's their duty to hone the minds of the young and encourage them to seek out whichever road they choose. They should be objective and respect the decisions younger people make, they are nobody to make decisions for you just like nobody here is right to make ur decision for you.

I guess shit happens tho eh? thats just how life is, if you want to experience a bit of uni life imagine your teacher talking to 500 people at once and thats all you see of him/her, once or twice every semester and then you get a new teacher. Aside from their name you wont know anything else about them, until you read about them in like a book or a magazine and you realize how incredibly smart they are and their contribution. But do you necessarily take their words for granted? no, university does not teach you to accept what is being taught all the time, its about questioning things, why does this happen, why are u teaching me this, how do you know this? You are taught not to openly accept everything that is put in front of you at uni, and thats something you should apply to life also.

This is just a prime example of people who will always come and go in your life teaching you giving you advice here and there (including me). but in the end you shud follow your heart. dont let others dictate what you can and cant do, who are they to tell you what you can do?

No offence but your physics teacher doesn't know everything in physics sure she did uni and passed, but that does not mean she is fully capable of passing judgement. Just like everybody here. its all opinion, you will never know until you experience it for yourself. For all you know it could be the best thing that's happened to you, and someday you can be in my seat guiding someone else and telling them this story.

Also not to cliche but dont judge books by flicking through them. they look boring when you sift through them without understanding or comprehending anything, but once you understand it, it can be pretty amazing. It's like holding a gold bar without knowing its value, until you what it is, you'll just think its another piece of metallic junk.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2009
no worries. the hsc just looks at your ranks in the end. if you can prove to them you're better than your cohort you will be rewarded. just stay on top of everybody else, and kill the hsc in the end, you cant go wrong.

If you ever want to pursue a subject that your teacher does not show interest in, you can always get a tutor. In my opinion it is wrong for such a teacher to bag out a subject and discourage students from doing it, id be appalled and id either ask her not to or request another teacher.

It's their duty to hone the minds of the young and encourage them to seek out whichever road they choose. They should be objective and respect the decisions younger people make, they are nobody to make decisions for you just like nobody here is right to make ur decision for you.

I guess shit happens tho eh? thats just how life is, if you want to experience a bit of uni life imagine your teacher talking to 500 people at once and thats all you see of him/her, once or twice every semester and then you get a new teacher. Aside from their name you wont know anything else about them, until you read about them in like a book or a magazine and you realize how incredibly smart they are and their contribution. But do you necessarily take their words for granted? no, university does not teach you to accept what is being taught all the time, its about questioning things, why does this happen, why are u teaching me this, how do you know this? You are taught not to openly accept everything that is put in front of you at uni, and thats something you should apply to life also.

This is just a prime example of people who will always come and go in your life teaching you giving you advice here and there (including me). but in the end you shud follow your heart. dont let others dictate what you can and cant do, who are they to tell you what you can do?

No offence but your physics teacher doesn't know everything in physics sure she did uni and passed, but that does not mean she is fully capable of passing judgement. Just like everybody here. its all opinion, you will never know until you experience it for yourself. For all you know it could be the best thing that's happened to you, and someday you can be in my seat guiding someone else and telling them this story.

Also not to cliche but dont judge books by flicking through them. they look boring when you sift through them without understanding or comprehending anything, but once you understand it, it can be pretty amazing. It's like holding a gold bar without knowing its value, until you what it is, you'll just think its another piece of metallic junk.
i sure my passion of physics wont be gone so easy. but the physics teacher i have is! and the teaching method is giving u a booklet, they read it out. explain a bit. exercise. this route is start to bug me a lot..and is only four weeks into school. i dont know how can i stand in this mode. hopefully i can survive..

i think i will get a tutor once i decided which subject im going to choose out of those three.


Bored User
Feb 8, 2005
Quantum Parallel Universe
i sure my passion of physics wont be gone so easy. but the physics teacher i have is! and the teaching method is giving u a booklet, they read it out. explain a bit. exercise. this route is start to bug me a lot..and is only four weeks into school. i dont know how can i stand in this mode. hopefully i can survive..

i think i will get a tutor once i decided which subject im going to choose out of those three.
thats how you get taught at uni. and trust me shit at uni is a lot harder than school. its like learning A at school and then the rest of the alphabet at uni. if people can learn harder stuff at uni, you can surely learn things at school by yourself and a tutor. so, if you dont have a great teacher, dont worry if you end up getting a great tutor you'll learn the same stuff maybe even better. in my opinion my favorite subject at school was physics, even though i hated maths alot.

if a particular concept so far has made sense to you, you will enjoy it. so whichever subject you 'get' well, do that one.
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