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Class of 2006. Gather Ye. (1 Viewer)


Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
Hermzie said:
5 classes doing art? *jaw drops* Looking past that my school has a separate professional art studio, we only have 11 students doing art, 10 of which do not take it seriously, which really gets quite annoying. The classroom environment we have is quite shocking in that everyone rocks up to class with the intention to bludge, and most get away with it. MEANWHILE, there are giant canvases and tubes of Matisse paints waiting to be used in the studio.

I attend a school with retards:)
Yes. 5 classes doing art...which says loads for our science department with NO physics class..oh and there is no extension maths 2 either. So yeah...I guess you may under understand the gist of why art is so popular...hehehe

As for your art class, I say....get those damn giant canvasses and release the paint!


New Member
Jan 4, 2006
Haha, Hermzie your art class sounds a lot like mine, not many people take art seriously at all. Most of the ones that didn't though have now dropped the class, thank goodness. Yeah our art teacher is pretty bad, because of our lack of theory practice the majority of girls failed our half yearly and yearly exams. For most of the essay questions most girls had no idea what to write and managed to get out one paragraph of only a couple of lines. I scored as one of the top of the class, and my marks were not that good. They have improved since though. I really want to try and brush on some of my theory skills, analysing art, art criticisms and stuff like that.

I can't believe, luscious llama, that you have 5 classes, that is huge, especially considering we have only two art teachers, both as bad as the other. Thanks for the offer of help, thats so nice of you. If i am ever truly struggling it nice to know that i can ask someone who's actually good at art and knows what i'm talking about. What makes my art teacher even more creepy is the fact he married an ex-student. He spends more time daring girls to eat celery out of the bin then actually helping us with our work(true story). :)


New Member
Jan 6, 2006
Hay my art class and art teacher are both really bludgy too, i have 10 people in my class, 3 of us pass the exams, and i think im the only one in my class that does art out of school. major shame really.

i have ideas, but i cut them down because it seems each one doesnt have enough substance to last the duration of Major Work process + my skill is insufficient to actually pull them off...

Has everyone got their ideas for their major works???


Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
electric_six said:
Haha, Hermzie your art class sounds a lot like mine, not many people take art seriously at all. Most of the ones that didn't though have now dropped the class, thank goodness. Yeah our art teacher is pretty bad, because of our lack of theory practice the majority of girls failed our half yearly and yearly exams. For most of the essay questions most girls had no idea what to write and managed to get out one paragraph of only a couple of lines. I scored as one of the top of the class, and my marks were not that good. They have improved since though. I really want to try and brush on some of my theory skills, analysing art, art criticisms and stuff like that.

I can't believe, luscious llama, that you have 5 classes, that is huge, especially considering we have only two art teachers, both as bad as the other. Thanks for the offer of help, thats so nice of you. If i am ever truly struggling it nice to know that i can ask someone who's actually good at art and knows what i'm talking about. What makes my art teacher even more creepy is the fact he married an ex-student. He spends more time daring girls to eat celery out of the bin then actually helping us with our work(true story). :)

Your art teacher is crazy.

I think that all you deprived art students should come to my school for a week yah and we can do art all week - you'll be surrounded by people who actually care and love it muchly instead of stupid bludging nongheads.


Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
chrismund said:
Hay my art class and art teacher are both really bludgy too, i have 10 people in my class, 3 of us pass the exams, and i think im the only one in my class that does art out of school. major shame really.

i have ideas, but i cut them down because it seems each one doesnt have enough substance to last the duration of Major Work process + my skill is insufficient to actually pull them off...

Has everyone got their ideas for their major works???

Aloha there Chrismund!
Excellent to hear that you're doing art outside of school, DEFINATELY worth it.
Awwww..dont cut ur ideas down, i'm sure ur ideas have alot of substance to them: I agree that the Major work process is difficult....

So whats ur medium?
I have my idea for my major work - Ophelia from hamlet....<insert various deep concepts> Doing photography + a little subtle gorgeous manipulation


New Member
Jan 6, 2006
luscious-llama said:
Aloha there Chrismund!
Excellent to hear that you're doing art outside of school, DEFINATELY worth it.
Awwww..dont cut ur ideas down, i'm sure ur ideas have alot of substance to them: I agree that the Major work process is difficult....

So whats ur medium?
I have my idea for my major work - Ophelia from hamlet....<insert various deep concepts> Doing photography + a little subtle gorgeous manipulation
thanx :) im hoping my ideas will grow if i research and delve, im lookn at a few themes at the moment: the mind/personality those psychological aspects, dreams, desire or my perception of self, or just portraits as a narrativeform/ aesthetic purpose, i duno or maybe the states of mind the artist [me] goes thru wen making a work, coz dam sometimes ppl see a work but they have no idea how many moods/ states of mind u might go thru...

hmmm....my medium, at the moment is drawing, usually portriature with graphite adn charcoal but i have been trying conte's, pastels, and CarbOthello pastel pencils, as well as painting. for my MW i would like to use a variety of those things, so mixed media hopefully, im not sure how i would go about learning the basics for that.

deep concepts? thats wat the markers are looking for hay...and subtle gorgeus manipulation sounds great, are u fascinated by the character ophelia or the times or wat?

im guessin that at ur school most ppl have developed their concepts quite a lot by now, is this so??


Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
chrismund said:
thanx :) im hoping my ideas will grow if i research and delve, im lookn at a few themes at the moment: the mind/personality those psychological aspects, dreams, desire or my perception of self, or just portraits as a narrativeform/ aesthetic purpose, i duno or maybe the states of mind the artist [me] goes thru wen making a work, coz dam sometimes ppl see a work but they have no idea how many moods/ states of mind u might go thru...

hmmm....my medium, at the moment is drawing, usually portriature with graphite adn charcoal but i have been trying conte's, pastels, and CarbOthello pastel pencils, as well as painting. for my MW i would like to use a variety of those things, so mixed media hopefully, im not sure how i would go about learning the basics for that.

deep concepts? thats wat the markers are looking for hay...and subtle gorgeus manipulation sounds great, are u fascinated by the character ophelia or the times or wat?

im guessin that at ur school most ppl have developed their concepts quite a lot by now, is this so??

Research is VITAL for any of these major works for the HSC, i've been doing loads and my brain is slowly starting to fry...thank god for bad parties with even badder alcoholic drinks.

Ahh a drawer aye, i love oil pastels personally out of those mediums, the really really oily gorgeous messy kind.

A strong concept will give you a higher marking in your body of work over someone say who has a weak concept and good art making skills. No artwork without a concept makes it to artexpress either (even though we'd think differently about certain artworks selected).....a strong concept comes from research and careful development/planning...bahahaha i sound like some art nerd, nay I am just reiterating what my art teacher has been telling us.

I am indeed fascinated by the character Ophelia, the romance behind a death through drowning and all that romantic stuff, you know how in Hamlet there's the "to be or not to be" soliloquay? well my mate owns a real indian human skull (well his father does..dentistry, loooooong story)...anyway i'm planning to get some shots of that as it'd make great stock.

My school, although we have a hellavalot of art students there are still about 25% who do not have concepts as of yet, most people have figured out what they're doing and would be working on it (more than others) these holidays. Me and my mates (Whats left of us doing art) have all figued out what we're doing....(due to amount of work in other subjects!)
Sep 4, 2004
I find that some art students sometimes tend to forget that the conceptual side of the work is worth just the same amount as the practical. It tends to be the case, especially at my school, that students think making just a 'pretty' artwork with a little bit of meaning will get them top marks.


The BOW is marked out of 50, and the marking guidelines has two criteria. One concerns the conceptual and the other concerns the technical/material. It's 25/25.

To gain a mark in the highest range (41-50) a work -

• Demonstrates an articulation of ideas and concepts that are elaborated,
reiterated, subtle and sustained coherently in the form(s) of the work.
Meanings make significant references and register on a number of levels.

• Displays technical sensitivity, refinement, discrimination, moderation, and
is respectful of the conditions set by the selection of materials and
limitations including course prescriptions.

If anyone here is unsure about the weighting and internal/external breakdowns in HSC Visual Arts, I'd be more than willing to explain them. I'm a bit of a budding art teacher and so have made myself familiar with the course and syllabus over the last year or so.
Last edited:


Sep 23, 2004
Woo I just bought myself a Polaroid! Go me! lol, Sorry for going off topic, I'm just really excited:D


Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
Hermzie said:
Woo I just bought myself a Polaroid! Go me! lol, Sorry for going off topic, I'm just really excited:D

Awesome and I hate you! (not really, just wanting a polaroid, hotness!)


New Member
Jul 20, 2005
Hi everyone! wow theres so many art enthusiast among us how exciting =) well i like sketching & painting. I think im going to stick with sketches for my major work, well hoping to stick to that anyway (i tend to change my mind alot) umm i like the works of renoir & picasso. im hoping to do an art related course after school im looking at CoFa or visual communications courses. Anyone else interested in these courses?? i'd like to get as much info as i can about them, I'd appreciate any type of feeback thanks =)
great meeting you all! btw this is my first post =D


Sep 23, 2004
Welcome to the BoS forums Bubbles! For more information on the courses at CoFA, check out their undergraduate courses at www.cofa.unsw.edu.au and read the handbook entries. Or you can just read most of Collette's (etc.etc.etc.) posts because she seems to be answering everyone's questions about art courses without much difficulty:D

What medium are you going to do your sketchs in for you body of work? Charcoal? Graphite? I'm still not entirely sure what I want to do, but I'll play around with paint and inks and see what ideas spring up.


New Member
Jul 20, 2005
graphite sounds good for the moment. im still experimenting tho with paints as well... im sure to chek out the cofa site thanks


Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
*bubbles said:
Hi everyone! wow theres so many art enthusiast among us how exciting =) well i like sketching & painting. I think im going to stick with sketches for my major work, well hoping to stick to that anyway (i tend to change my mind alot) umm i like the works of renoir & picasso. im hoping to do an art related course after school im looking at CoFa or visual communications courses. Anyone else interested in these courses?? i'd like to get as much info as i can about them, I'd appreciate any type of feeback thanks =)
great meeting you all! btw this is my first post =D

Hey Bubbles!

Visual Communications is a course offered at various colleges of design (KvB) and at UTS (University of Technology, Sydney) and Newcastle University. The UAI's vary between UTS and Newcastle

UTS: 93 (92.7?)
Newcastle: about an 85

Don't go for Newcastle (the place is falling to bits). UTS is recommended however if you cannot get it, you could try for those colleges (not sure of the requirements).

Its a course that'll basically get you into graphic design, print media, design, photography and all those kinds of occupations....

Lovely meeting you
PS: COFA is awesome, if i cannot get into UTS, i'll either go for there, or USYD's art school


New Member
Jan 29, 2006
sydney, yo!
UTS UAI 93 seems like a bitch to get into eh?
that's my first choice then i think it'll be the design course at unsw.
then it'll be a graphic design college; there's shillington, kvb, cgc, sydney graphics college, billy blue.. and there's latrobe in melburn.
with the colleges, you don't generally need a good uai, just as long as your creative enough and pass an interview with them.

with my body of work, i know what i'm going to do. i just don't know how im going to start it...


Feb 1, 2006
I'm doing Landscape studies, though I haven't got a concept for it. Well nothing that stands out. My teacher keeps pushing me to go Post-Modern. So I did and she doesn't like it. She also believes that I can't paint, but I can draw 'really well'. But she says that to everyone. So during the Holidays I proved her wrong with my Watercolours, now she won't let me use Oils again.

But before that I was doing specifically Cityscapes cause she suggested it but I got really depressed. Partly because the cityscapes were...

She's playing mind games with me...

What I really want to do is do a series of artworks based on my favourite literary piece, Dante's Inferno. And draw upon artists like William Blake (who also did several drawing on Inferno), Ginnie Gardiner (She's a massurreallist who mixes and fragments ancient scenes into abstract art) and Gustave Moreau (My inspiration when it comes to Watercolours).

I'm still trying to pursuade my teacher, I really just want to start something and see what happens from there. Landscapes are fine but there really isn't anthing conceptual that I can see.

I'm taking a strange spin to Dante's Inferno. I'm focusing on the symbol of the 'circle' (9 concentric circles of heaven and hell) and from there refering to things like Mantras. So I did a Paper Mache-like mixed-media thing of a two concentric circles

I might also explain why I like Dante's Inferno. The basic story is Dante is in grief because his friend, Beatrice died and he has lost his faith in society and religion. So he goes to a dark place and decends into Hell searching for God. Slowly he witnesses the sin of the world and the deeper he goes, the further he goes to the center of the earth. Where he finds Satan but escapes to start his journey to Heaven. I'm also using this for Imaginative Journeys for English Advanced.

It also doesn't help that I'm indecisive...


Feb 1, 2006
luscious-llama said:
Aloha there Chrismund!
I have my idea for my major work - Ophelia from hamlet....<insert various deep concepts> Doing photography + a little subtle gorgeous manipulation
Ophelia is a great idea. I'm kinda obssessed with Millais's interpretation.


Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
Armic said:
I'm doing Landscape studies, though I haven't got a concept for it. Well nothing that stands out. My teacher keeps pushing me to go Post-Modern. So I did and she doesn't like it. She also believes that I can't paint, but I can draw 'really well'. But she says that to everyone. So during the Holidays I proved her wrong with my Watercolours, now she won't let me use Oils again.

But before that I was doing specifically Cityscapes cause she suggested it but I got really depressed. Partly because the cityscapes were...

She's playing mind games with me...

What I really want to do is do a series of artworks based on my favourite literary piece, Dante's Inferno. And draw upon artists like William Blake (who also did several drawing on Inferno), Ginnie Gardiner (She's a massurreallist who mixes and fragments ancient scenes into abstract art) and Gustave Moreau (My inspiration when it comes to Watercolours).

I'm still trying to pursuade my teacher, I really just want to start something and see what happens from there. Landscapes are fine but there really isn't anthing conceptual that I can see.

I'm taking a strange spin to Dante's Inferno. I'm focusing on the symbol of the 'circle' (9 concentric circles of heaven and hell) and from there refering to things like Mantras. So I did a Paper Mache-like mixed-media thing of a two concentric circles

I might also explain why I like Dante's Inferno. The basic story is Dante is in grief because his friend, Beatrice died and he has lost his faith in society and religion. So he goes to a dark place and decends into Hell searching for God. Slowly he witnesses the sin of the world and the deeper he goes, the further he goes to the center of the earth. Where he finds Satan but escapes to start his journey to Heaven. I'm also using this for Imaginative Journeys for English Advanced.

It also doesn't help that I'm indecisive...

Helloooooo, Welcome Welcome Armic, you sound ...really...familiar...you're not from deviantart are you?

When I took Photography+Digital media in year 11, we covered a section on Dante's Inferno to do with Seven Deadly Sins.
I like this idea you have of mixed media and papier mache.
The circle is a very very religious symbol, but i'm sure you already know that :p.
Hooooola hoops.

Anyway, those artists you mentioned would be really interesting to study I think. Hieronomus Bosche (cant spell his retarded name) is another one to look at

Oh you mention water colours too...hmmm..that could be VERY interesting if you could mix media with something else...and watercolours...hmmm...

I'd like to see this postmodern piece you've done Armic...pleaaaaaaase? :)

A about art teachers:[/]
There are art teachers who impose their ideals of what is right in art upon you.
I say that this isnt a good idea if you're completely sure of what you're doing and your concept is fine. So I guess maybe, this postmodern thing, take another spin on it if you can.

Another thing about art teachers is that they're generally right if they think that you're no good at something. Everyone knows that I cannot work clay for some bizarre reason [it collapses or explodes in the kiln, oh shite]

PS: Talk about Journeys again and i'll bite you. :p :)
Area of study is horrid!



Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
Armic said:
Ophelia is a great idea. I'm kinda obssessed with Millais's interpretation.
Thank you.
I hope its a great idea.
Photographs within photographs and printed on ink jet canvas, then sewn and made all pretty and deep on proper stretched canvases

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