that cloudstreet question was well shit! wasnt last years hsc on cloudstreet an argument...i dont know, something about 2 ppl argueing or somethin...BOS b original..i mean shit..
i wrote 8 pages of pure bs...contextual values and family values...
i have no idea..i didnt even read the damn book...structure of the!
my ppl both agreed that cloudstreet was a brilliant piece. were they suppost to disagree...shit!
our teacher was sooooooo shit..we jus studyed the text and how tim winton is soooooo good..the teacher couldnt get enough of him...or the bloody book..... i thought the book was shit, as i said i didnt even read the bloody thing...but i did read the excel...faithful excel..wat would i do without u..... but i did use one..that aboriginal one about breakin a place..that was sweet...and wat was the deal with that black dude jus complecated more thing.
like when i found out that it was narrated by 'spiritual fish'...i spun out soooo hard when i heard that..
anywaz the question was shit..but not nearly as shit as the book..
sorry if i offended any1 who actualy liked the book...actually no im not...cloudsteet was shit.
i glad i never have to read that fucked up quote by fish...
being fish
yeh...that made a whole lot of sense.