W witide Member Joined Jan 31, 2008 Messages 437 Gender Male HSC 2008 Feb 28, 2010 #21 Dragonangel said: Does anyone know if there was a gamers club? I only saw one at UTS. Click to expand... SUITS or SUTEKH do gaming, and DOTA SOC if you're into that.
Dragonangel said: Does anyone know if there was a gamers club? I only saw one at UTS. Click to expand... SUITS or SUTEKH do gaming, and DOTA SOC if you're into that.
ajay098 Member Joined Sep 15, 2007 Messages 95 Gender Female HSC 2009 Mar 1, 2010 #22 Soubrette said: Darcy Soc!? I really need to get in on that. Joined SASS, chocolate society and the linguistics society. Click to expand... Other than the ones that are course related, the one i love the most is darcy soc!!!! I think one of the main reasons that i went to usyd was to join the darsoc! you must join!
Soubrette said: Darcy Soc!? I really need to get in on that. Joined SASS, chocolate society and the linguistics society. Click to expand... Other than the ones that are course related, the one i love the most is darcy soc!!!! I think one of the main reasons that i went to usyd was to join the darsoc! you must join!
BlueCatBulletCD Member Joined Jul 17, 2009 Messages 273 Location Planet Earth Gender Male HSC 2009 Mar 2, 2010 #23 How do you join clubs after o-week? lol
naisAtoN Awesome Member Joined Mar 28, 2008 Messages 341 Gender Undisclosed HSC 2009 Mar 2, 2010 #24 I was told that some clubs/societies let you join without being an ACCESS member, does anyone know if SASS allow this? And BlueCatBulletCD I think you'd probably have to track them down and contact them (through the USU website perhaps?) about joining. USU Online - the University of Sydney Union Website < There generally seem to be a few contact details for most of them there.
I was told that some clubs/societies let you join without being an ACCESS member, does anyone know if SASS allow this? And BlueCatBulletCD I think you'd probably have to track them down and contact them (through the USU website perhaps?) about joining. USU Online - the University of Sydney Union Website < There generally seem to be a few contact details for most of them there.