Instructions for zipping scores from Sibelius/Cakewalk/Finale/MIDIs etc...
1) Make a Winzip file archive thing. Put in this any .sib, finale etc and MIDI files, but no MP3s as they will be too big. This can't be more than 97.7kb as that's the BOS' restriction.
1a) To do this, go to Winzip (hopefully you should have this, one of the basic computer things nowadays).
1b) Go to 'File'
1c) Go to 'New Archive'
1d) A dialogue box comes up asking you to make a name for the new zip file, forexample or something.
1e) Another dialogue box comes up, and then you add your first file into the new zip file. Select this.
1f) To add more files, click on the big 'Add' button and add more files.
1g) It saves/compresses automatically, so there's no 'Save/Save As' etc..
2) Post the new .zip as an attachment in the "Post Reply" way of posting a reply
3) Et voila`, on the net forever.
Posting MP3s somewhere...
1) I have no idea! Maybe there's a kind sould that's willing to sacrifice their bandwith to host the file. I just got a free
Angelfire account and that seems to be working, linking to the file and then to download it from the link right-clicking and going 'Save Target As' etc....
Hey erin! You did ext comp? Cool! Shall be waiting in anticipation...
... also for other comps

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