Wow! Extremist homosexuals are challenging your perceptions.
I'm sorry the language you're using makes it sound like this is the situation:
My fellow hetrosexuals it is my melancholy duty to inform you that we are at war. We are beset by an enemy from within, the homosexual. You probably know one, but do not let this shake you in your staunch resolve.
A homosexual army is waging guerilla warfare across the campus's of our great sexuality, striking at night in over-whelming numbers and then disappearing into the student population at dawn (made easier because they are just like us), sometimes they are sheltered by those of our own kind who have turned against us - metrosexuals. These, people, are scum they have betrayed the ideals of this great sexuality that I call hetrosexuality, they are traitors and turncoats. Avert your eyes when you see them, do not let them know that you know what they are. Strike at night, carve this cancer from us.
As we speak and darkness begins to fall hundreds nay thousands are readying for tonights operations, fanning out across the country they are striking out destroying the very things which make Australia well Australian. Explosives have been planted in all 'big-things', football teams are being attacked and beaten up. Guerrilla operatives are raiding backyards and destroying not only all hills-hoists but victa mowers while they're there.
Make no mistake about it my hetrosexuals, we are at war. We are fighting an enemy who will not relent and we must prevail or we shall be lost in the sands of time. We will fight them in the football clubs, we will fight them by the pokies, we will fight them at the bar. And we shall previal for we have strength in our morals, strength in our convictions and because we are under as great a threat as we have ever faced. Onwards my noble hetrosexuals! Onwards to victory! Victory or homosexuality!