We HSC students are being robbed of correct physics understandings.
From what i have read! Most texts books say two things
1 -- That a superconductor excludes a magnetic feild!
2 -- That the meisner effect is created by induced eddy currents composed of cooper pairs that oppose the magnetic field which created them (lenzs law) and hence levitate a magnet
The second point (which every stupid textbook and internet site states) contradicts the first point! To induce a circular eddy current the magnetic feild of a magnet must "thread" the conducting material. BUT IF WERE TALKING ABOUT SUPERCONDUCTORS WHICH ARE DIAMAGNETIC (magnetic feild excluding) MATERIAL WHEN THEIR TEMPERATURE IS COOLED TO NEAR ABSOLUTE ZERO - then eddy currents cannot be created.
If anyone understands why a magnet levitates on its own field please explain this. DONT GIVE MISHMASS EXPLAINATIONS OF THE REPULSION OF THE MAGNET BY EDDY CURRENTS PLEASE! - it is untrue. thanks
From what i have read! Most texts books say two things
1 -- That a superconductor excludes a magnetic feild!
2 -- That the meisner effect is created by induced eddy currents composed of cooper pairs that oppose the magnetic field which created them (lenzs law) and hence levitate a magnet
The second point (which every stupid textbook and internet site states) contradicts the first point! To induce a circular eddy current the magnetic feild of a magnet must "thread" the conducting material. BUT IF WERE TALKING ABOUT SUPERCONDUCTORS WHICH ARE DIAMAGNETIC (magnetic feild excluding) MATERIAL WHEN THEIR TEMPERATURE IS COOLED TO NEAR ABSOLUTE ZERO - then eddy currents cannot be created.
If anyone understands why a magnet levitates on its own field please explain this. DONT GIVE MISHMASS EXPLAINATIONS OF THE REPULSION OF THE MAGNET BY EDDY CURRENTS PLEASE! - it is untrue. thanks