Copper cookware is incredible. I've used it at a couple of restaurants over my career and it is unreal. Amazing heat dispertion, a really great weight:size:strength ratio and it looks great. Buy it if you can afford it, you only really need 3-4 different size pans for home use.
It's pricey. A small pot around the 700ml size suitable for boiling one egg is $150, a two litre from any reputable maker is $300-400. Only ever buy from a European manufacturer if you are getting them. They make the very best, and when you are spending that kind of money you go for the best. No point trying to save $50 a pot by purchasing from an unknown manufacturer. Pots like these you want the best and you WILL notice a difference. Next, you can't do high heat cooking with them. Steaks are out of the question. Also, you need to polish them all the time. They corrode very easily, especially in a kitchen environment. You also need to get them treated every few years usually as the insides are tin(?). They can scratch easily too...