Could sombody PLEASE help me out? I really need to know this. (1 Viewer)


New Member
Dec 5, 2009
Hey, so i have a couple of questions. I've been doing research for months but I was hoping to get a word of mouth or someone who has been through the process of transfers.

I finished my HSC in 2008 and got a pathetic UAI of 55. Because I was so panicky i enrolled in a lame private college in Melbourne which was like a 'pathway to university' kinda thing. Kind of a rip off. I got 2 Passes, 2 Credits and 1 Fail but because I hated it and it wasnt leading me anywhere at all i quit after 1 semester. Then, after advice from my parents i enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts in july and have just finished my exams. My GPA is around 5.3 (2 Distinctions and 2 Credits) and I know it will go up or down after exam results are released but I'm not expecting a major difference.
Anyway, I've applied to Bachelor of Law and Bachelor of Law/Arts courses through VTAC to Monash, LaTrobe, Deakin and Vic Uni. I really don't care where I go as long as I do Law cuz that's what i've wanted for ages.

Would anybody be able to tell me what my chances are? The pdf file in the other thread says my rank thing is 89 to 90. I know people say that that equates to a UAI but when i rang up the universities they told me i will be accepted with a Credit to Distinction average (except for Monash which wont accept me unless i do one year of BA). ANd i thought a GPA of above 5 comes under that average?

So i am very confused. Also, change of preferences close 21 Dec and I was wondering if anybody could let me know if i should change mine. my top one is currently LaTrobe, then deakin, monash, and VU. I wanna put monash on top but feel it would be a waste when they say i need to do one year of BA atleast. and should i move Deakin above LaTrobe?

sorry for the 50 thousand questions. any help would be GREATLY appreciated. i am so anxious about all of this and there's only so much help that Google can provide.



Aug 23, 2004
So just to clarify, did all the unis except Monash say if you get a credit-distinction average you'll definitely get a place, or they said you had a good chance? And the person who answered on the phone, were they some general receptionist or did they sound like someone of authority?

Assuming they work down a list of preferences, i.e. if you're rejected from preference 1, your chances of getting preference 2 aren't decreased, like they do here in NSW, I see no harm in putting Monash on top. If however, they do, I suggest putting the one you think you've got most chance of getting into on top. It all comes down to personal preference as well. Do you care where you do law at?

However, it's very fishy to me that they said you'll be accepted on the basis of uni average alone (and not a very high one at that), especially when you haven't even finished a full year's worth of uni study.


New Member
Dec 5, 2009
well see i was confused about the fact that they might not accept me after only a semester too. so i rang up Latrobe, Monash, and VU. i explained to them all how i'm doing BA and started it in July and i also asked what's the criteria to get in. Monash told me that i need to have done one year's worth of studies of BA so they can't accept me no matter what result i get cuz i havent done a year. LaTrobe said they DO accept people after only one semester of study and that i need a 75% Average.. the person didn't elaborate cuz they said it all depends but that if i have a 75% average then i am definately in. Same with VU they said they will accept me after one semester but that i need a 'Distinction average' i asked them both any specific GPA or minimum criteria and they said that there is no actual number like how it is with the ENTERs. they also said they're gonna rank me with everybody else who applied as a non school leaver and accept me based on that.

So yeah... i was basically hoping if somebody has done a transfer like this they could give me some insight. like if somebody has transferred after one semester in VIC or what they got. 2 of my relatives did transfers but they both did after one year of study and their GPAs were 6 point something.. :\

Thanks for replying, i hope the extra info helps



Aug 23, 2004
Oh right. In that case, there's no point putting Monash down. Which uni do you think would be harder to get into between LaTrobe and VU? I'm not familiar with Victorian universities besides Melbourne and Monash so can't help you there. Because whichever you think would be easier to get into, rank first. The problem is, like you identified, VU said a distinction average, which could be anywhere from 75-84, but obviously the cutoff is based on supply and demand. If not many people apply the actual cutoff could be a high credit average, which you have. But if you think both would be equally as hard to get into, I'd personally pick LaTrobe as you know it's 75 versus 75-84.


New Member
Dec 5, 2009
hmm that does make a lot of sense
the thing is ranking wise, in Victoria it goes Melbourne, Monash, Latrobe/Deakin then VU. VU isn't a bad uni but it doesnt have a great reputation. However i like it cuz the location is perfect in the city and ive heard good reviews from students about the course. At first I thought it might not really matter what my preferences are.. cuz if Latrobe rejects me then it'll move on to Deakin, then next and so on. and when it arrives at VU which is my 4th uni preference, then they could accept me after ive been rejected by the first 3?

Thanks for the advice :) it has helped me getting into some thinking.

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