Premium Member
hmmm... i'm not quite sure what is meant by that extract, but i think that it help to give an indication of how subjects scale, RELATIVE to each other.runnable said:A scaled mean of 25.0 (on a 1-unit basis) means that the candidature of the course was average, and hence that the course had average scaling. Courses with scaled means above 25.0 had above average scaling. (From BOS scaling section)
It IS a scaling graph, I just didn't base it on real data. It IS how scaling works. Its NOT a bell curve. For example,runnable said:Not really sure what your graph represents, cuz thats not a scaling graph and all that is is a random graph you made up to somehow represent scaling. Thing is, thats not how scaling works. I heard scaling graph looks like a bell curve but i havent seen it so im not going to comment on that one.
aligned mark 50.0 48.0 45.0 41.0 37.0 32.5
scaled mark 39.7 37.1 30.3 23.5 15.9 9.2
this data was taken from a Scaling report from UAC
If you plot that you get,

Now, does that look like a bell curve to you?, it doesn't even look like its part of a bell curve.
Scaling curves have no set function. Also, not that we only know for sure what happens at the points, we do not know what happens in between, i have just approximated it with linear interpolation so that you can see the general shape.
I find it terribly hard to believe that you have the "various raw marks and their eventual scaled marks". Its more likely that you have some relations for aligned marks and scaled marks. UAC, only published some of the dots on the curve not the whole scaling curve. and they only publish the aligned/scaled mark relationship. since the Board does not publish the raw/aligned relation, and numerous legal attempts have been made for access to this data, i find it hard to believe that you have all this.runnable said:I have a stack of compiled information on about 8 subjects, indicating various raw marks and their eventual scaled marks.
because a lot of the subjects scale below that normal line, i think it would not be appropriate to compare everything to that normal line.runnable said:And i can tell you, at every mark range, the scaled mark is lower than the raw mark, and it evens out when it hits around 95 (raw mark). Only exception i saw was 4U Maths, which at every Raw mark range, it gave a higher scaled mark.