Originally posted by Ultimate
B Science (advanced mathematics)/ B Commerce (2nd Year)
Semester 1:
MATH 2901 Vector Calculus and Complex Variables (adv)
MATH 2902 Linear Algebra (adv)
PHYS 2901 Physics 2A (advanced)
ECON 1001 Introductory Microeconomics
ECMT 1010 Business and Economics stats A
28 Cp
Semester 2:
MATH 2904 Lagrangian Dynamics (adv)
MATH 2905 Mathematical Methods (adv)
PHYS 2902 Physics 2B (advanced)
INFS 1000 Business Information Systems Foundations
ECON 1002 Introductory Macroeconomics.
28 cp
Total: 56 Credit Points
WHAT THE LIVING FUCK!!!!! HOW COME U CAN DO 56 CREDIT POINTS :'( online admin says i can only fkn do 54 credit poitns in a yr, which is stuffed cuz all the commerce subjects are fkn 8 CP and 48 + 8 is fkn 56 :'(


and man, if xiao isnt a girl...... then pigs fly..... ill look out for u at the Q-TEA event *shifty eyes*
so anyway, back to topic, sorry about the language just showing u my depseration dunt delete this post please thanks
like, ultimate how did u get to do 56 CP is it because ur course thing allows it and mine doesnt or is it because u asked for permission which they obviously gave?
if permission then could u please tell me how u went about it
and also it says in online admin that i can do 255 CP max for my combined bcom/benginering course - is this a hecs restriction. Say I went to summer school and paid full fee for the courses i undertook, would they stiill be added on if say i did 255 credit points in normal course duration also.
So say i do 25 credits in summer course, and i do exactly 255 in normal course which totals to 280 CP would I still be credited for all the courses i did or woudl the cut some out? cuz I REALLY wanna do around 260-270 cuz i just love to learn and i love my degree and all that so yeh please help.
btw im doing
proffessional engineering
software developments
accoutning 1a (i realli wanna change this too accounting concepts or wateva that other guy hus name ive forgettoen - please forgive - is doing. DUDE coudl u helpe me out please? I thought that accoutning 1a and 1b are core requriements for the bcommerce course, hwo did u change it? in person with a representative or by urself in online admin?
also does online admin have all the rules embedded within it, or do u ahve to read them somewhere and adminster acccordingly?
dudes, please help.
PS: ULTIMATE please reply to my question and also how can u do economic and business statistcs A didnt u do math 1005 - statistics, if not then y i ask - because i wanna major in econometrics or finance (i.e. requireed ecmt 1010) but i dunt see the point of wasting 3cp if i can just do MATH1005 - statistics, u learn the same things u just dunt apply them to finance/business things. I figure i can just do that in myspare time wen i do ecmt1020 - have you thought about this ? what are ur feeligns on my plan?