CrownerOf.Kings said:
Man.. its 10:30.. And I feel like its 2am. Im so freaking tired. My head is gone. 2 cups of coffe aint doing shit.
Man.. Itll be ok. The only thing in scared about is damn, Augustus, his reforms in particular. Caesar is ok.. P&H... AHAHAH. im so screwed... I bet they wont ask shit on excavation.. and just put in something random, like technology changes.
Concidering Caesar, I think theyll ask something concerning his Civil War, or his paths to power, ...
Ah, man.. i need a good mark, I mean I have a historian in the family!
F*&^% I havent even thought about extension. *bangs head on table*
Well.. all the best of luck everybody. =)
hey man. its all good dont worry
i use acronyms alot and sometiems it good to just know what they were and then u can bullshit a mark or two on elaboration.
so u need to remember before the actual social, political, admin and legal reforms he revised the senatorial role
i call this the roslej reforms
ros [ revision of the senetaorial role) eg fines for non attendance, chose speakers at random
lej ( legislative, judical, and executice changes) this is mainly about how he shared the workload and not power eg cause of mauis imperium he had control
the theres the slarp ( fairly easy to remember ) reforms
the social , legal etc
prety much the poltical reforms are jus the settlements of 27 and 23
social had 4 , the julian laws, the ius trium liborium ( 3 kids = yayness ) and sumpturay laws. so this is easy to remeber if u think of a controling father. eg you cant spent so much money, u can go out and have sex with lots of people and have lots of grandkids.
legal: im fucked for
admin: = big fwop
beautify city, (actually no I but it works) , grain dole, fire = flooding, order and law, and prestige of the city.
so basically , if u write all that down and elborate somewhat, it should get a good 20/25. they are fairly easy markers if you just u seem to know actual names and show u have an understand of what they are, how they helped, why they were as aposed to learning just facts.
hope it helps
( if i doesnt.. it surehelped me wiritng it
