OK: For example, let me apply a post-colonial reading to Ondaatje's novel In The Skin of a Lion.
(this is all being made up on the spot, don't shoot me)
A post-colonial reading of In the Skin of a Lion (henceforther referred to as ITSOAL) reveals the injustice dealt towards marginalised migrants who are "unable to speak the language". They have come to a new world but are forced to give up their culture and language, and must meet in secret. (this is such a LAME essay paragraph).
OK, that sucked. Let me try something different.
-Migrants forced to give up language - "without language we are lost"
-Puppet show as a metaphor for suppressed culture - "the hero was brought before the masses, unable to say a word"
-"You reach people through metaphor" - Alice (as they are unable to speak or write about their condition they must use metaphor to "reach" others. Photographs and Patrick's writings help reach people through metaphor. The ENTIRE BOOK is a metaphor
-Lyrical prose used to romanticise harsh working conditions.
-"I fought tooth and nail for that herringbone!" - shows difference of values between "civilised" and "migrants".
-"Ondaatje becomes the voice of all those suppressed" - some critic
-"I can tell you how many buckets of sand that were used... but the people who actually built the god damn bridge were unspoken of" - Ondaatje, look at historical glossing-over of migrant cheap labour.
My PLACE - Sally Morgan
- "We would never have known our place", place can refer to sense of identity, belonging, cultural history/heritage which was taken away by white settlers
- Sally has to "dig up" history which has been kept from her for safety
- "Tell them they're Indian" - again, saving Sally from ridicule
-"What's wrong with being Aboriginal?" -(is this a real quote? Who cares) - shows third generation unaware of reality of Stolen Generation.
You seem very interested in WW1, however this is a WAR, not an act of colonisation. If you want to look at post colonialism you have to also be able to look at colonialism. Eg Spain invades South America, English colonise North America, England colonises India/Australia/various others, Rome colonises Europe/Gaul...
I think the problem is that you're trying to apply post-colonialism to something which is not colonisation at all - eg in a war, are they colonising? NO! So how can you apply colonialist and postcolonialist readings? You can't!
Hopes this clears things up.