Cronulla Beach Incident (5 Viewers)

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
Celtic_Guardian said:
Alright heres my all-aussie two cents. Im an aussie through and through, and Im bloody well proud of it. When I say aussie I mean Im ya typical Anglo-Saxon. Now too me, the true Australian isnt really defined by the color of his skin. The true Australian is defined by their sense of community and more importantly their moral grounding. Cronulla and the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney are comprised of your typical Australians, the ones who love this country and the people who make it. My father grew up in these suburbs and I feel the same pride for my country as he does. Alot of bloody good Aussies from these typical suburbs died in the last World War so that Australia could live on. Now the sons and daughters, and the grandchildren of these diggers live on in such suburbs. Cronulla and the other Eastern Suburbs are a peaceful enough spot because its full of these types of typical aussies who have a genuine and deep seated sense of community pride and respect. Thats why normally these suburbs are peaceful and generally bloody good places to live.

However, thats what it use to be. Now im sure the "ethnics" from the Western Suburbs travel to the Eastern Suburbs to go to the beach in summer because yeah, it gets bloody hot out west. This is fair enough. Im sure that all the boys from the Eastern Suburbs would be fine with this, cuz they are aussies and they believe in a fair go. However what us aussies wont tolerate is disrespect. How dare ethnics, who did not fight to save this country in the last great war like our fore fathers, come onto our beaches, that our relatives died to protect, and abuse our women and the locals. Its no wonder the boys from the Eastern Suburbs retaliated. Im not being biased because Im an Anglo and because Im a bloody proud Aussie, Im simply sticking by the truth. This isnt a matter of racial discrimination, its basically a matter of a particular group of a specific race being disrespectful.

Now what this "particular group" of this "specific race" need to realize is that, in essence, they are not Australian. They may have Australian citizenship, but by no means are their morals and their sense of respect Australian. They undermine the very word Australian. These people who choose to disrespect Australian culture are actually visitors to Australia. Has anyone not heard of the saying dont bite the hand that feeds you. Australian welcomed these immigrants and refugees into our country because we are bloody nice people. And this is what we get in return, disrespect. If someone invites you into their house and chooses to raise you, too feed you, too provide you with work, you dont turn around and disrespect them do you. This is whats happening on a larger scale. Australia has given these people a second chance and they just dont appreciate it. Well I say if you dont appreciate it then you can go back to Lebanon or where ever it is you came from, and you can throw some rocks at some Israeli tanks.
It boils down to this, Australia has provided these "people" with a chance for a much better life than they would experience in their home countries. For this they should be grateful. All us aussies ask in return is a respect for our culture, which involves respecting local cultures. Yes ethnic cultures and Australian culture differ alot, but as immigrants into our country, you are in our domain, our house, our kingdom, and you will live by our customs and culture. If you dont like it, then you can go home, we arent exactly holding these people prisoner are we?

Anyways thats my two cents. Im by no means a racist, but I wont bloody tolerate disrespect by visitors in my own bloody backyard.
What a load of wank. No one can use that type of langauge and be serious.

And Australia didn't actually start welcoming and "feeding" Eastern Europeans and other "ethnic" immigrants in such a friendly way as you claim. Firsts they had a bureaucracy to go through and the main reason they wanted "ethnic" immigrants was for cheap labour and to use as labour in the sun because of fear of White people being damaged by the sun. You portray ethnic immigrants as people who came to the country and lived off Australian workers, when in fact they had some of the hardest and lowest paid jobs.
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Aug 17, 2002
Cronulla mistakes taught police lessons in tactics

By Natasha Wallace
January 12, 2006

ARRESTS over the Cronulla riots have surpassed 600, although most were unrelated to violence, with police saying they have learnt important lessons in quelling public disorder after the racist, violent attacks took them by surprise.

In announcing a scaling down of patrols of Sydney's beaches, the Assistant Commissioner, Mark Goodwin, said yesterday that the success of the highway patrol team, dubbed the "flying squad", has even drawn the attention of police in Los Angeles. [...]

The strike force has charged 17 people with riot-related offences - 11 with riot and affray, two with malicious damage by fire and three for sending text messages. So far, 628 people have been charged with a total of 1151 mostly traffic-related offences since the riots, including drink driving and driving unlicensed.

Mr Goodwin said Operation Seta - the deployment of 800 officers to Cronulla, Maroubra, Bondi and Lakemba - will be replaced with the scaled-down Operation Beachsafe on January 30. But he said it could be "ramped up".

Seta involved an unprecedented "lock down" of suburbs after an emergency sitting of Parliament granted police powers to search cars at roadblocks. A large number of weapons were seized.

Beachsafe will involve an extra 142 officers patrolling beaches until the end of summer. [...]

- Full Article, SMH


Feb 2, 2005
MoonlightSonata said:
Aussies police are one of the worst in the world? i think they are.

anyhow, celtic guardian:
u wanker!

Firstly dont think that the aussies were the only one to go war! U idiot heaps of people have been to war from other countries, they been through wars that you could never imagine. WW1 was the purely a war that was bound to happen you could avoid it, simply the nature of europe at the time. But there were other wars more dangerous and as result left countries devasted. Stalin had killed millions of russian and ukranians, they by far had it worst.

So dont think the aussies did such a great thing, they did hardly anything and they were very lucky to have a choice to fight. Other were forced to defencd their country. IF they were run over, they were brutally massacred, raped etc. After the war their country was shattered, nowhere to live, no food. Thats why they come to Australia, because they have no choice.

They dont choose, ah yes let me go to Russia to live there. NO they dont, they have no choice. They come here with langauge difficulties trying to find work to feed themselves and their family. They come hear with nothing and manage to survive working in pizza hut or something.

They have been through more terrible things than you think off. Just imagine the vietnamese, being bombarded by the americans, their homeland destroyed. To move away from your homeland must be one of the hardest things to do, all your family etc.

SO you must understand, that these people have been forced to live here, a place with completely cultures and food etc. Obviously they will feel at home and some sadly become mad and do these idiotic things like cronulla.

SO understand this, and dont critcise the lebanese for this, understand they are in a new environment the best we can do is make them feel home. for aussies to riot, is a disgrace and ruins the reputation of the this country. its a disgrace to all those who gave their lives to 'save' this country.

'save'-why? what are saving this coutnry from?
Aug 13, 2004
yeh celtic guardian ur an idiot. theres no way any non racist can support those cronulla riots. i understand people angry for these gangs behaviour on beaches, and they should, they are trouble makers, but they have no right to riot against the entire ethnic community, just because a few of them are trouble makers.


Dec 31, 2005
A land far far away
They weren't shouting "gangs out now"(which i would be in full support of) but they were shouting "wogs out now", which is obviously racist... No one can jusitfy there actions without being a racist.
Criminals are from all races and people have to learn to understand that, no one race is responsible for criminal activity.


Apr 6, 2005
Estefan said:
To stop or rather reduce crime in Australia I believe immigration from middle eastern and african countries such as Sudan should be reduced/revised. The problem with Australia's immigration policies is that they allow any homeless refo to come to Australia. Consequently the majority of migrants are poor, illiterate and cause nothing but trouble in Australia. At least there should be proper screening of migrants from Africa and the middle east. I mean who knows who we could be letting into Australia i.e. psychos who participated in genocide in Africa.
Australia will soon become the dumping ground for the world's useless and unwanted people that are unproductive and hence increase the crime rate.
Asians on the other hand are as a rule not violent, quiet and hardworking citizens of this land. Sure some are drugo's in cabra but Asians as a whole commit the least crime (especially violent crime). My solution is maintain asian immigration whilst reducing/revising African and Middle Eastern immigration.

Lets see where can i start, Um... Oh I know, your whole logic is completly fucked.

i don't live in sydney so mabey my opinion doesn't count, but I think you need to recheck the people coming in from Sudan to start with, They come from a WAR - TORN country, where there really isn't much hope, for anything. Living in the country I have limited experience, but we have got a few Sudanese families around, and judging by what I have seen these people are desperate, if only australia could help them even more.

I suggest you check this out ...

and realise that when these people do become refugees their lives often become better. They take the oppotunities they are given and the thrive in them.

Secondly, how do you even know if the genocide these refugees supposidly participated in, was even their fault.

Think back to when you were 8 years old, you probably had toy army trucks and men.

Now picture this, what if those memories were replaced with images of your mother and sisters being brutally raped and sometimes murded, your father being tortured and your the rest of your siblings dying of malnutrition. These would be the memories of many african children who after suffering this were kidnapped (or re-cruited), to work with the rebels. Do you know how they made them work, they slit their skin and filled it with drugs like heroin and cocaine, which went directly to the blood stream and made them so high they would do anything, even kill thier own people and destroy their own villages.

Now honestly I doubt after all this you would like to be told that "No, you can't migrate to Australia, your acts of Genocide might lead to you bashing life guards on Australian beaches"

Something else i noticed, I would you please to define for me "Violent Crimes". If the innocent Asians are ONLY drug dealing then why do their actions lead to such despair in our society. A kick in the guts may hurt for a few days and maybe a little longer if its a rib, but a person shooting up, sniffing coke or getting high, think about who that hurts. The persons friends, family, maybe even their three starving kids under 5 sitting there watching them do it. The kick in the guts for all involved in these non-violent crimes hurts for a heck of a lot longer.

Personally I cant comment on the Lebs, or the middle Eastern people because i know nothing about them, i only just found out lebs are from lebanon, and i don't even know where that is.

But I think I have made my point clearly.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
Gustus said:
Something else i noticed, I would you please to define for me "Violent Crimes". If the innocent Asians are ONLY drug dealing then why do their actions lead to such despair in our society. A kick in the guts may hurt for a few days and maybe a little longer if its a rib, but a person shooting up, sniffing coke or getting high, think about who that hurts. The persons friends, family, maybe even their three starving kids under 5 sitting there watching them do it. The kick in the guts for all involved in these non-violent crimes hurts for a heck of a lot longer.
The point being that people who take drugs like heroin, ecstasy, cocaine etc (in the main) take them willingly. Nobody forces them to take the drugs, and they are every part as responsible for their own suffering as the dealers are. Also if we're getting into family, I'm sure alcoholism and problem gambling have the same effects, both of which are completely legal.


Apr 6, 2005
withoutaface said:
The point being that people who take drugs like heroin, ecstasy, cocaine etc (in the main) take them willingly. Nobody forces them to take the drugs, and they are every part as responsible for their own suffering as the dealers are. Also if we're getting into family, I'm sure alcoholism and problem gambling have the same effects, both of which are completely legal.

Too true, but it has nothing to do with what IS legal and what is not. Most of the time bashings and physically abusive incidents aren't reported, they don't have consequences, and the perpatrators get off scott free, so really this behavior is almost completly legal also.


Nov 27, 2004

was just listening to 2UE an I only just heard something about the Premier wanting to introduce a Middle-Eastern crime squad. What's the deal with that? Aren't they only suppost to have a 'crime squad'?


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
last_chance said:
was just listening to 2UE an I only just heard something about the Premier wanting to introduce a Middle-Eastern crime squad. What's the deal with that? Aren't they only suppost to have a 'crime squad'?
Crime/task squads with a particular focus are established whenever such an entity is considered to be necessary.
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Aug 15, 2005
i cant see anything on the smh website

it was probably just the usual am rednecks making their suggestions


A Restless Member
Jan 13, 2005
Somewhere yonder where the sun never rises
no i remember hearing it on the news too.

lebanon is a tiny dot near israel above syria. tiny in the sense that it is probably as big as ACT. heh, i know, how can a country that small cause such a big description for itself...


Sep 29, 2005
60 Minutes at 6 08/06

Apparently, 60 minutes are gonna have a 6 pm special on tonight about the Cronulla race riots. Let's see what they're gonna show...


Chronic Crammer (><)
Feb 14, 2006
GOVT. Conspiracy

the is no govt. in the world which completely pleases people and always makes decisions in favour of everyone...well not any that i know....if there even was any it would be heaven on earth....basically the point is that whenever a govt. makes a dicision as it sees fit and the people dont agree then it needs issues to ditter the publics view from itself on2 antther issue......a good example being the cronulla riots, i believe that they were sparked by the govt. in order for people to see muslims as different and people who cannot be mixed with easily by doing this people and the media are not picking on the australians govt.s decision to help out in iraq. ALL CRITISISM IS WELCOME


Active Member
Dec 10, 2003
Re: GOVT. Conspiracy

ok, criticism, you have no basis on that claim and are just throwing around claims on the logic of "well, the gov't works against the people, therefore they create events"
what evidence do you have linking the gov't to the riots?

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