Year 11s were notified some time ago to complete a mandatory course called the Crossroads, which talks about Drug Use & Relationships ...
You study it either by:
A) Attending a 3-day camp this year and pay $175. Costs too much
B) Attending every Wednesday afternoon for 2 hours, for an entire term next year, costs nothing. Timewasting
Either way, the course must be undertaken regardless..
Is this a scam set up by our school only or is it mandatory across NSW Secondary Schools ?
You study it either by:
A) Attending a 3-day camp this year and pay $175. Costs too much
B) Attending every Wednesday afternoon for 2 hours, for an entire term next year, costs nothing. Timewasting
Either way, the course must be undertaken regardless..
Is this a scam set up by our school only or is it mandatory across NSW Secondary Schools ?