Catholic Secondary Schools Association of New South Wales
2003 Trial Higher School Certificate Examination
Information Processes and Technology
Morning Session
Thursday 7 August 2003-08-25
General Instructions
Reading time 5 minutes
Working time 3 hours
Write using blue or black pen
Use Multiple Choice Answer Sheet provided
Total marks 100
Section I Pages 2-7
20 marks
Attempt Questions 1-20
Allow about 40 minutes for this section
Section II Pages 8-11
40 marks
Attempt Questions 21-24
Allow about 1 hour and 10 minutes for this section
Section III Pages 12-16
40 marks
Attempt TWO questions from Questions 25-28
Allow about 1 hour and 10 minutes for this section
Every effort has been made to prepare these Trial Higher School Certificate Examination in accordance with the Board of Studies documents, Principles for Setting HSC Examinations in a Standards-Referenced Framework (BOS Bulletin, Vol 8, No 9, Nov/Dec 1999), and Principles for Developing Marking Guidelines Examinations in a Standards Referenced Framework (BOS Bulletin, Vol 9, No 3, May 2000). No guarantee or warranty is made or implied that the Trial Examination papers mirror every aspect of the actual HSC Examination question paper in any or all courses to be examined. These papers do not constitute advice nor can they be construed as authoritative interpretations of Board of Studies intentions. The CSSA accepts no liability for any reliance use or purpose related to these Trial question papers. Advice on HSC examination issues is only to be obtained from the NSW Board of Studies.
Section I
Total marks 20
Attempt Questions 1-20
Allow about 40 minutes for this section
Use the Multiple Choice Answer Sheet provided
1. Which of the following modelling tools is used to keep a list of unique data types with a description of each?
(A) Gantt Chart
(B) Database Schema
(C) Data Dictionary
(D) Decision Table
2. Grace has just become the manager of an advertising agency. Her employer says that her department is not working well and needs changes. Grace finds out that the people in her department are not communicating with each other and just dong their own part of the job. What strategies should Grace use to improve communication in her department?
(A) Interviewing and negotiation
(B) Conflict resolution and re-training
(C) Create a code of conduct
(D) Active listening and team building
3. Jim works at a paper mill. Due to the introduction of a new technology, his job role has changed. Jim has not been given a number of lower level jobs to do. What is the correct name of this issue?
(A) Job displacement
(B) De-skilling
(C) Transferable skills
(D) Redundancy
4. A company that is going through changes in their system and software requirements decides to take a prototyping approach. They create a prototype, test it and then alter it continuously until it has met the companys needs and objectives. The prototype is then incorporated into the final solution. What is the name of this type of prototyping?
(A) Throw away prototype
(B) Revolutionary prototype
(C) Evolutionary prototype
(D) Multi-purpose prototype
Use the diagram below to answer questions 5 and 6:
OS <=98 Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y Y N N Y N
Can be upgraded Y N Y Y Y N Y N Y N N N Y N N
Budget < $1500 Y Y N Y Y Y N N N Y N Y N N N
>=17 inch monitor Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y N N N N
Buy X
Dont buy X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
5. What is the name of the diagram shown above?
(A) Decision tree
(B) Decision table
(C) Data flow diagram
(D) System chart
6. Which of the following conditions are acceptable for the user to buy a computer?
(A) Windows 95, up-gradable, cost = $1450 and 15 inch monitor
(B) Windows 98, up-gradable, cost = $1500 and 17 inch monitor
(C) Windows XP, not-upgradeable, cost $1400 and 20 inch monitor
(D) Windows 2000, up-gradable, cost = $1250 and 20 inch monitor
7. Why is it necessary to evaluate a new system if all parts have been continually tested throughout the System Development Cycle?
(A) To create modelling tools for the system
(B) To make sure that the system is running according to the initial requirements
(C) To make sure that the Participants understand the importance of their work
(D) To make sure that all of the constraints and specifications are documented
8. For which purpose are tools, such as flowcharts and data flow diagrams used in system development?
(A) To determine the layout of the program
(B) To determine what sort of test data and testing procedurrs to use
(C) To determine objectives and needs of the system
(D) To improve the analysts understanding of the system
9. When a project fails, what is the best approach that should be taken?
(A) Hire a new system analyst
(B) Re-visit each stage in the system development cycle
(C) Scrap the whole project and keep using the old system
(D) Provide on-going maintenance
10. A query finds all licensed drivers, who are 21 years old and under that have had either a speeding fine or a red light camera offence, would be:
(A) License = YES, Age <21, Offence = Speeding, Offence = Red light
(B) License = Yes AND Age <=21 AND Offence = Speeding OR Red light
(C) License = Yes AND Age <22 AND Offence = Speeding OR Offence = Red light
(D) Age <=21 AND Offence = Speeding OR Offence = Red light
11. From the list of field names below, which would you use as a primary key?
Car make
Car model
License number
(A) Registration
(B) License Number
(C) Name
(D) Car Model
12. A database schema is made up of which of the following?
(A) Attributes, fields and entities
(B) Attributes, relationships and entities
(C) Attributes, relationships and fields
(D) Relationships, entities and relations
13. Sometimes when performing a query on a database, you may not know the correct spelling of the item you are searching for, then you can use a wildcard character. If you are looking for a person in that database that is called either Jeff or Jeffrey, what would you enter as your search?
(A) Jef*
(B) Jeffr*
(C) Jef?
(D) Jeffr?
14. Tom checks his hardware database to make sure that all of his data are in acceptable/appropriate ranges. What method of checking is he performing?
(A) Data Integrity
(B) Data Warehousing
(C) Cross-checking
(D) Data Validation
15. A person working as a bank teller supplies the names, addresses and bank balances to a finance company. What issue does this fall under?
(A) Breaking of the Copyright Law
(B) Committing Computer Crime
(C) Breach of the Privacy Act
(D) The Ethics Issue
16. Max would like to send his friend a photograph of himself on the computer, the photo is 4Kb in size and his modems speed is 9600 bps. How long would it take in seconds (approximately) for Maxs friend to receive the picture?
(A) 3 seconds
(B) 0.4 seconds
(C) 6 seconds
(D) 4.3 seconds
17. When sending data through a computer it is beneficial to use a method of error detection. One such method that can be used is a method that treats the data transmitted as a long binary number, which is then divided by a constant by the sending computer, and also by the receiving computer. The remainder is calculated by both computers and compared. Which error detection method is being described above?
(A) Checksum
(B) Symbol Substitution
(C) Cyclic Redundancy Check
(D) Parity Check
18. Which of the following would be considered as the most common settings for asynchronous transmission?
(A) 8 data bits, no parity, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit
(B) 7 data bits, even parity, 1 start bit, 0 stop bits
(C) 8 data bits, odd parity, 1 stop bit
(D) 7 data bits, 1 parity bit (odd or even), 1 stop bit
19. Two LANs are connected a ring and a bus network. The system analyst finds that both networks are using a similar protocol. Which device should the analyst use to connect the two networks?
(A) Bridge or Router
(B) Bridge or Gateway
(C) Gateway or Router
(D) File Server
20. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE of WANs?
(A) WANs provide a wide range of services
(B) WANs are often slower than LANs in transferring data
(C) WANs are linked through the use of a satellite
(D) ATMs are accessed and updated through the use of WANs
Section II
Total marks 40
Attempt Questions 21-24
Allow about 1 hour and 10 minutes for this section
Answer each section in a SEPARATE writing booklet. If you include diagrams in your answer make sure they are clearly labelled.
Question 21 (10 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet.
(a) Outline why some projects benefit from the use of a prototype. (2 marks)
(b) As part of this course you have developed computer-based systems. Use this knowledge and experience to describe how an implementation plan is developed for a project. (3 marks)
(c) The management of a suburban video rental store have decided that the introduction of a computerised loan system would increase profits and reduce overheads. The store manager is confident a system could be operational within 5-6 weeks. Two days after being interviewed by the developers of this system, the following models were presented for further discussion. (note: current system is manual and manager does not have strong technical background)
Input Process Output
Customer/borrower details
Item details
Item condition (out)
Item condition (in) Hire video
Hire CD
Hire DVD
Hire PS2 game
Check condition
Process returns
Prepare overdue notices and fees Hire receipt
Overdue notices
Lost/damage charge
(i) Create a data flow diagram of the scenario above. (2 marks)
(ii) Critically evaluate the developers use of these models at this stage of the project. (3 marks)
End of Question 21
Question 22 (10 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet.
(a) Describe how the information process of organising is different to the information process of analysing. (2 marks)
(b) A project leader needs to be able to have effective skills in negotiation, active listening and conflict resolution. Discuss the importance of each. (3 marks)
(c) A teacher is working on a curriculum management system where all standards, performance descriptors, learning tasks, syllabus points, student results and tasks completed are recorded in a database. Students can use the system through a web browser where they are asked to login and enter a range of criteria (i.e. a query) in the form of outcome and content desired. The query then dynamically retrieves a list of learning tasks for those outcomes and content. The tasks that have already been completed are marked but students can do them again for revision.
Select and justify the most appropriate type of database for this scenario. (5 marks)
End of Question 22
Question 23 (10 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet.
(a) A URL is made up of a protocol, DNS Server and sometimes a folder and filename. Explain what each part of the URL represents and show an example of an internet address labelling each part. (3 marks)
(b) A new roadside assistance company called LetsFixem needs to collect the following details from its customers and sort them in a database. They need the drivers name, address, phone number, car make, car model, year of manufacture, plate number, license number and age of the youngest driver.
(i) Create a data dictionary with suitable field names for the above scenario. (3 marks)
(ii) After the database has been created it needs to be made secure, to prevent hackers and unauthorised access. Suggest TWO methods of security and justify your choices. (4 marks)
End of Question 23
Question 24 (10 marks) Use a SEPARATE writing booklet.
(a) Two friends Frank and Alice have been communicating with each other over the internet. Frank lives in Australia (NSW) and Alice lives in England (Manchester). Sometimes during electronic communication there is a drop out in their connection.
(i) Give ONE reason that could cause a drop out in communication. (1 mark)
(ii) Communication is performed over a public telephone line using a satellite link. List the communications hardware required for connection. (2 marks)
(iii) Draw a labelled diagram showing the hardware devices, links, signals and type of communications mediums used to transfer signals between these devices. (3 marks)
(b) In the past students did their research in a library or used encylopaedias that they may have had at home. Since the introduction of electronic communication, students do most of their research on the Internet.
Discuss this issue outlining the advantages and disadvantages of electronic communication over traditional methods. (4 marks)
End of Question 24
Section III
Total marks 40
Attempt TWO questions from Questions 25-28
Allow about 1 hour and 10 minutes for this section
Answer each section in a SEPARATE writing booklet. If you include diagrams in your answer make sure they are clearly labelled.
Question 25 Transaction Processing Systems (20 marks)
(a) What is the difference between real-time and a batch processing system? Give ONE example of each. (3 marks)
(b) Luxury Coaches is an agency that makes bookings for buses on a daily basis and their clients need immediate feedback on bus details such as seat availability, bus number, departure time, arrival time and cost. The agent checks availability, then books the number of seats required and the seat number/s are booked (the database is updated), the ticket/s are paid for and printed.
(i) Name the hardware requirements and the participants for this system. (2 marks)
(ii) Management at the agency have found that there has been some unauthorised access in the system, where a lot of valuable information has been lost. Discuss appropriate security and back-up procedures for this system. (4 marks)
(iii) Create a system flowchart for this booking system. (4 marks)
(c) Libraries have had to change the way they function by introducing new technology in order to keep up with the needs of society.
(i) Explain how the introduction of Automated transaction processing systems has changed the nature of work in a library. (3 marks)
(ii) Data validation and data accuracy is essential in this system. Describe the difference between them and discuss the importance of each in a library system.
End of Question 25
Question 26 Decision Support Systems (20 marks)
1 Holiday Budget
3 Exchange Rate 0.650123
5 Australian Dollars AUD Euro Dollars
6 Flight Fare $1800.00 1,170.22
7 Accommodation $2450.00 1,595.51
8 Lunches $180.00 117.02
9 Dinners $180.00 117.02
11 Miscellaneous $1000.00 650.12
12 Entertainment fees $1000.00 650.12
13 Souvenirs $150.00 97.52
15 Total cost of Holiday $6760.00 4,397.53
(a) Narelle has created the spreadsheet template above to help her plan for an upcoming trip to Europe. As part of her spreadsheet she decides to create a macro that formats cells C6:C13 so that the European currency (Euro dollars) is displayed (Euro dollar sign is ).
(i) Identify an appropriate keyboard character/s that when pressed could be used to run this macro. (1 mark)
(ii) Outline any issues that need to be considered when creating a macro and in choosing an appropriate character for running the macro. (2 marks)
(iii) Exchange rates are continually changing and Naralle is going on holidays in two months time. For Naralle to monitor exchange rates, what kind of formula would be beneficial to use in calculating exchange rates. Justify your choice. (2 marks)
(iv) With references to spreadsheets, define the term What if analysis. (2 marks)
(b) Compare and contrast forward chaining and backward chaining. Use an example to support your answer. (4 marks)
(c) (i) Describe TWO advantages of using an expert system. (2 marks)
(iii) Create a set of rules that would allow an expert system to approve a bank loan for $15,000. The person seeking the loan must be over 21, has been working at the same job for at least 5 years and must earn over $35,000 a year. (3 marks)
(d) The new trend in the business world has led toward the use of GDSSs (Group Decision Support Systems). Explain FOUR features of this type of software. (4 marks).
End of Question 26
Question 27 Automated Manufacturing Systems (20 marks)
(a) An integrated circuit manufacturer produces a chip that does not produce the desired output when a known input is used. Noise in the system is suspected.
(i) Describe THREE causes of noise in signals, using examples. (4 marks)
(ii) Recommend TWO ways of reducing noise in this particular system. (4 marks)
(b) What purpose does a relay serve? Explain. (2 marks)
(c) Discuss the operation of a hydraulic pump. (2 marks)
(d) Many companies today need to be quick in processing, in order to be productive. Warehouses can become overcrowded and it can be difficult to locate items. Some companies have started to automate their warehouses with the use of robotic devices.
(i) Identify and describe the features of this type of system and the types of tasks they perform. (3 marks)
(ii) Analyse the social impact of this model of manufacturing. (5 marks).
End of Question 27
Question 28 Multi-media Systems (20 marks)
(a) Define the following terms when used in multimedia systems. (3 marks)
(i) Hypertext
(ii) Interactivity
(iii) Animation
(b) In the processing of animation, explain the difference between
(4 marks)
(i) Cell-based and Path based animation
(ii) Morphing and warping
Compucation is a company that has dedicated itself to creating virtual reality and software. Its latest project is to create a CD-ROM that will give a virtual tour inside each house that is for sale in the Casa Nueva Real Estate. Other information that will be shown is the price of the house, address, contact name and phone number of the owner of the property, and a short description of the houses more pleasing aspects. It is hoped that if successful, this project will be expanded to other real estates.
The program will be targeted at the real estate agent who will go through the CD-ROM with the customer and agree on which houses would suit their needs and budget. This CD-ROM will be updated every month with sold houses removed and new house in the market added into the system.
Compucation has assumed that Real Estate Agents are not very computer literate hence the software must be very user friendly. The screens used can be broken up into three areas:
- Will have the price range for the properties namely $50,000 - $200,000, $200,000 - $400,000, Greater than $400,000
- Locations of the properties namely BEACHSIDE, LOWER MOUNTAINS and UPPER MOUNTAINS
- Thumbnails for each house which can be clicked to show the full details
(c) Referring to the information above, describe TWO different types of media that may be used in the real estate system. Justify your answer. (4 marks)
(d) A storyboard needs to be created in order to get an idea of what the real estate system will look like.
(i) Suggest a storyboard layout that may be used. (1 mark)
(ii) Using the layout you have suggested, draw a storyboard showing details of only THREE of the screens that will be used (for the second bullet point, you only need to know the screens linking to ONE of the property locations). (4 marks)
(iii) Discuss TWO issues that may arise from creating such a program. (4 marks)
End of Question 28
End of paper
Zoe Petrovich (convenor) - LaSalle College, Bankstown
Irene Lessley - Waverley College, Waverley
Galen Neubronner - Kambala CEGS, Rose Bay
John Ossio - Freeman College, Bonnyrigg
Darren Payne - Hurlstone Agricultural College, Glenfield
PS: For the questions with tables, grids, spreadsheets and other information, download the word document below and print it out for clarity.
PPS: I want my 1 hour back

Only joking.
By the way,
Jesh, I went to type it out. I've never had to type 15 pages in under an hour before.
"..." -- You're an idiot
Babydoll -- You thought wrong