So many questions!
Is anybody in the process of completing a journalism degree at CSU? If so, how have you found it?
How do you find living on campus (Bathurst)?
Did you move from Sydney? If so, has it been a positive experience?
Hey! I am in my second year of journalism degree at CSU Bathurst...half way through my degree actually! I absolutely love it..completely worthwhile. As a city girl from Sydney, I thought twice about moving to the country....but since I've got here I haven't looked back. Living on-campus is awesome. It is so convenient. Especially if you are the type who likes to sleep in and walk to class 15mins before it! I have definitely learned how to get some independence in moving oncampus too....first time I had moved out of home, so its been a good experience...learning how to cook my own meals etc etc.
The course is really good. Mainly because you have so many options to easily get practical work experience..which any budding journo needs! From first year, you go into the local radio news station and deliver news stories/bulletins...which is such a good learning experience and its also fun

A lot of the assignments are also practical related as well - like news story packages and the like...etc. There's also the oncampus magazine to get involved with if you want to start your journalistic portfolio right away...! It is a really good course and I am thoroughly enjoying it.
Just a quick question or rather...a bit of a you have any work experience mentioned in your application? Coz it sure helps to have work experience....which helps your chances of getting in. It shows you have initiative etc.
Hope that helps!!!!!