Ok i havent looked throught his whole forum so dont eat me if this is just been done 2 many times
heres the thing with me and paper one
When it comes to changing self, im kinda confused about how much to write in the time specified.
Im doing this...
starting off with sky high, detailed right
followed by Gwen Hardwoods In the park, detailed
Then i link it to Harwoods Eisenbart which is semi detailed and linking that to American Beauty whihc is semi detailed too but it is long because there are additional things i want to write about, such as abit on the plot etc... then i finish with a short story called A Message from the PigMan.. about change in self of a little boy.Im thinking of entwining a few sentences on more harwood poems in the last bit or doing detailed on 1 poem.. i need help on this badly...
so ive got 1 from stimulus booklet - sky high
2 Gwen harwoods - 1 detailed , 1 semi detailed (meaning its short compared to the other)
2 Related texts - 1 movie American Beauty, 1 short story
Think theres time for more harwood somewhere? or do you think i have enough and if i try to add more ill end up with a non complete question, whihc i DONT like at all ?
Im a pretty fast writer, but my problem is i tend to get messy near the end so i write slower to be a little neater, coz trust me i am real messy! its unreadable, and thus i might lose some time
Whats everyone elses order and tell em what u think?
heres the thing with me and paper one
When it comes to changing self, im kinda confused about how much to write in the time specified.
Im doing this...
starting off with sky high, detailed right
followed by Gwen Hardwoods In the park, detailed
Then i link it to Harwoods Eisenbart which is semi detailed and linking that to American Beauty whihc is semi detailed too but it is long because there are additional things i want to write about, such as abit on the plot etc... then i finish with a short story called A Message from the PigMan.. about change in self of a little boy.Im thinking of entwining a few sentences on more harwood poems in the last bit or doing detailed on 1 poem.. i need help on this badly...
so ive got 1 from stimulus booklet - sky high
2 Gwen harwoods - 1 detailed , 1 semi detailed (meaning its short compared to the other)
2 Related texts - 1 movie American Beauty, 1 short story
Think theres time for more harwood somewhere? or do you think i have enough and if i try to add more ill end up with a non complete question, whihc i DONT like at all ?
Im a pretty fast writer, but my problem is i tend to get messy near the end so i write slower to be a little neater, coz trust me i am real messy! its unreadable, and thus i might lose some time
Whats everyone elses order and tell em what u think?