OK heres the thing
i fukin suck at maths 2u, its a piece of shit that i really hate and in that case would say the cliched phrase of "whats the point of this ..whats the point of that im not going to use it when im 30!!etc!!"
None the less , i chose to do it and i know its important for some uni courses therefore i have to at least try to get something decent.
Well while looking through the past papers from around 95 - 02
i have realised how easy 95 is compared to fukin 02!
seriously, is it just me or have they lost their minds now?
Looking at my stress indicator (which i have to add really does work, and i use it so that i know at what point i am about to punch the shit out of my desk) i have seen i have no stress at all with Maths tests below '98ish but i lose my mind when i do something from 99-2002.... if this is what i think it is, then Why did they make 2u harder as the years go by? !?
I mean ive noticed the setting out, language used in questions and lengths of solutions they need have become a lil more difficult... What is some poor Etheopian kid knows his shit but doesnt know exactly wtf the markers want because he cant understand?? (no racism intended...)
Well once that question is answered, can someone tell me what they do if they are like me with a bad memory and a brain that pushes old stuf out when they learn something new? how do u hold all this shit in your memory? Well to cut that stupid questions short, how do u tend to have time to memorise all the topic formulas with out having to revise chapters for 2 days etc?
Hopefull someone will bother to read this and help me out!!

i fukin suck at maths 2u, its a piece of shit that i really hate and in that case would say the cliched phrase of "whats the point of this ..whats the point of that im not going to use it when im 30!!etc!!"
None the less , i chose to do it and i know its important for some uni courses therefore i have to at least try to get something decent.
Well while looking through the past papers from around 95 - 02
i have realised how easy 95 is compared to fukin 02!
seriously, is it just me or have they lost their minds now?
Looking at my stress indicator (which i have to add really does work, and i use it so that i know at what point i am about to punch the shit out of my desk) i have seen i have no stress at all with Maths tests below '98ish but i lose my mind when i do something from 99-2002.... if this is what i think it is, then Why did they make 2u harder as the years go by? !?
I mean ive noticed the setting out, language used in questions and lengths of solutions they need have become a lil more difficult... What is some poor Etheopian kid knows his shit but doesnt know exactly wtf the markers want because he cant understand?? (no racism intended...)
Well once that question is answered, can someone tell me what they do if they are like me with a bad memory and a brain that pushes old stuf out when they learn something new? how do u hold all this shit in your memory? Well to cut that stupid questions short, how do u tend to have time to memorise all the topic formulas with out having to revise chapters for 2 days etc?
Hopefull someone will bother to read this and help me out!!