I like this. its keeping me entertained.
We're not AS quarantined now as we were initially...as they upped the level in victoria which means family members dont have to be quarantined, but the DHS are strongly urging them to.
we broke it and went for a night walk
we got pizza delievered tonight, taped the money to the front door and spoke to the pizza guy through the door
he found it hilarious. we have a swine flu warning with a piggy face taped to our door
losing friends on facebook? as if! its made me more popular!
the diseased one is actually meant to be locked in his room or wearing a mask when he walks around.....we've ignored that.
food....we're getting online delivery, or doing a shopping trip at like 10.30 tomorrow night..seeing as we're not actually enforced to be in quarantine anymore.....condoms...we wont need for awhile..
SO. YEAH. we got tamiflu delivered tonight but most of us arent taking it, as we want to build up immunity for it it comes back stronger. only the kiddie will be taking it...and thats only if he starts getting symptoms