Go the Rabbitohs!
Oh lord they stole my poor poor bag. And this was the last day before my break starts 
I left me library table for 5mins to borrow a book from reserve, and wham I get back and its gooone. Tards around me were all 'sleeping'. Oh lord.
If anyone sees a light blue and grey bag, i think caribee bag, floating around somewhere, its me bag. Its even torn like in 5 places.
I want my econ textbook back tis all, I just bought it, and now the bookshop is closed. At least im luckier than some poor sod who got their laptop stolen

I left me library table for 5mins to borrow a book from reserve, and wham I get back and its gooone. Tards around me were all 'sleeping'. Oh lord.
If anyone sees a light blue and grey bag, i think caribee bag, floating around somewhere, its me bag. Its even torn like in 5 places.
I want my econ textbook back tis all, I just bought it, and now the bookshop is closed. At least im luckier than some poor sod who got their laptop stolen