Day in the life of a uni student (1 Viewer)


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Sep 3, 2005
if you're doing engineering you sure as hell should hope thtat you have friends doing arts/law/commerce.

that's where the chicks are at.

although, there is indeed a few hot engineering chicks - but every other guy is probably going for her, so kinda hard.

note - uni doesn't mean you are in a place with smart people, there is still a large amount of fuckin idiots in uni.

school with less douches.
Check out this thread (especially if you plan on going to UNSW);


Aug 29, 2008
he already goes to unsw..:confused:

and coincidently is asian


Feb 5, 2009
Retirement Village of Alaska
um you make your timetable a few weeks beforehand. seeing as you're first yr, you get the first choice in this semester. you try to organisea timetable such thaty ou can meet all your friends. 5 days is normal, 4 days is a blessing. try for 4 days.

first day, you wake up a few minutes early, eat breakfast and attend all your lectures. you walk into a lecture hall and all these first years are there with you. the theatre is packed, you try to find a place for you and your friends. chances are, there wont' be enough seats. the lecturer walks in and greets you, you're surprised by the fact you can talk a little bit and the lecturer doesn't mind. adminstration is stated and then it goes right into it. you have either your lecture pad or notes, you write down every single word he says. you listen like your life depends on it. before you know it, the lecture is over.

you then walk to your tutor. wow, familiar - just like high school, classroom of 30. tutor continues to pick out questions from the homework. he assumes you done it all - but you think, what homework? we didn't get told of any homework? then you realise, noone is here to tell you what to do. everything that is to be done, is acccesible, noone is holding your hand anymore. do it or not, they don't care - they still get paid. they're not worried about your marks, noone is - only you should be. your tutors don't care if you have done the homework, they just continue doing problems.

the tutorial finishes and you wait for another lecture. you run around, looking for the room. this lecturer is weird, quirky - but he seems pretty cool. you might like him, you might not - noone is forcing you to show up.

pretty much - do what you want whenever you want, noone gives a shit. you spend your breaks either fucin around or studying to prevent having to study tonight, or you just don't study at all. noone gives a shit. you got a shit mark? noone gives a fuck. noone is in competition with each other, you should all be helping each other. egos in uni is ridiculously stupid.

for engineering s[ecifically, you'll realise the workload expected is quite high, slacking off for even 3-4 days can leave you behind. the physics isn't what you know in the hsc, there is no content, it is all concepts and math. the mathematics is more formal - you can't assume stuff, you have to prove it.

the transition provides a different way of thinking, you see things that wern't there before. haha you might even get arrogant, as with my experience - we engineers make the world go round.

A quote to leave you all -
"Undergraduates think they know everything, Graduates know more than their manager/boss, but it is the PhD Graduates that know that they know nothing"

Something like that.
what a hot guide.

once you get out of mathematics into other engineering subjects, we become lazy and make assumptions.
like all fluids we analyse is incompressible in fluid dynamics.

you forgot the laboratories.
it gets really fast paced despite the 2 hour period.
like the hsc there isnt much room to play around which i always like to.
plus the labs in uni have more dangerous items.
i liked playing with dry ice.

then at unsw spot how many non-asians there are.


i am number -e^i*pi
Feb 18, 2007
No but seriously it would be refreshing to see more sluts in engineering

oh yes, another thing is the labs that you have to do. in high school you're used to being told what to do or the teacher demonstrating. the pracs take 30 minutes max (minus waiting period for a reaction to occurr or some shit). in uni, you have 2-3 hour pracs and the demonstrators don't tell you SHIT on how to do it. not one word, you must understand the theory, and be able to carry out the practical (its normally set up in a way such that you've covered the theory in lectures already). you have to have done the prelab, read the notes on how to do those labs and do it yourself. you have to get the equipment yourself and set it up yourself. the results obtained have to be written down, all calculations or problems recorded. you have to consider errors (which theyll teach you anywyas) and any possible systematic/whatever error you encountered. you must do all this 15 minutes before the lab finishes (so you can pack up and leave for the next stream) and if you go overtime, tough luck - no marks for you. also note that your marks (for physics first semester at least) solely depends on who you give it to (which demonstrator).

haven't been around uni enough to know about the hot spots. hahah.

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