Andrew Quah
On a website called "the democratic underground", it's basically an assortment of democrats on the internet..their forum had a thread "What were u thinking on 9/11".
Anyone here agree with these guys?Demobrat: "I was thinking that Bush did this. I thought so the moment I turned on the TV that day. Even got flamed for it on DU."
Jones: "i didnt get flamed but that thought was in my mind too."
CAB: "My gut just screamed "I can't believe they let them do it" It was strange, I saw the advantages of 911 to the administration instantly. Sounds cold, but it just was so obvious. Later the saddness for the people kicked in."
laruemtt: "what's really scary is the White House on 9/10 thinking about what was about to happen the next day. Evil mass murderers. i realize not everybody believes they knew about it - even planned it (which is what i believe) and i won't try to force this belief on anybody because it's an extremely bitter pill to swallow. suffice it to say - i hate them. my niece was working on the 57th floor of tower 1 - she made it out - just. they tried to kill her. my sister-in-law worked across the street. they'll never be the same after what they saw."
WhoCountsTheVotes: "They knew about it. Anyone who thinks they didn't know about it is being willfully ignorant. What did they say, 10 of the hijackers were being watched by the FBI? Come on."
Beetwasher: "As I was walking up the FDR Drive. Having been lucky not to have been killed, I was asking some of my co-workers if they thought Osama was responsible, all the while also secretly thinking that this admin. also had something to do with it, but not daring to voice it at that time...I was in shock, terrified, angry...I also knew even then it would be used by this admin. for nefarious purposes. Sadly, I was correct..."
LiberalLibra: "When the 2nd plane hit the WTC I remember thinking......OMG, he's got his war now. Then, the next day or the day after that, when the roar of "war with Iraq and Afganistan" really got going I couldn't help but think "well Bush II get's to finish Daddy's work now". As for when the plane hit the Pentagon and the other plane went down in that field in Penn I screamed at the TV, "Get the WH, for God's sake you missed the WH." I invented some cuss words on that one. There were times before 9/11 as well as in the days to follow that the boy king mentioned Saddam "tried to kill my Dad" and couldn't help but scream at the TV each time, "Well, give him a medal for effort anyway."
all_hail_gwb: "As evil as it may first thought was that it was orchestrated by the * admin. To this day, I think the idiot let it happen."
Rabrrrrrr: "...One my biggest memories is standing outside the financial center and asking myself, "Where are the damn fighter planes? Does that jacksh*t hate NYC so much that he won't even f-ing defend us?
F*ck you, Shrub. I will never call you by name. You killed people I knew as part of your evil plan to turn the world into a corporate theocratic faux-Christian oligarchy based on hate, greed, and the folly of many a king who was killed by his peasantry."
corarose: "Worlds dislike for Jr got us bombed. The dislike of the Bush crime f*mily got us bombed *nd then I thought th*t Bush w*s behind it the whole time bec*use of his poll numbers *nd the protest th*t w*s scheduled th*t weekend. *lso the reports of the fr*udlent election returns were due in *nd the votes for the M*yor of NY were h*lf w*y in for the other person not the republic*n. SH(*)T MY GD KEYBO*RD IS BROKEN."
Solomon: "On 911 I clicked on the TV as I was getting dressed for work and saw the pictures of the first tower struck. I had the sound down, and I was wondering why they were showing old tapes of the '93 bombing. So I turned the sound up and realized that it was live television. After puzzling about it for a while, I saw the second plane hit the second tower. I remember thinking "oh shit, that sh*t's on purpose".
Then I remember yelling, "this is some of Bush's sh*t". Then as I watched the towers burning, I felt very sad for the fireman who had to go up into the towers, instead of coming out.I remember thinking how brave they were because you just knew, some of them would die. And during this time, the thought of each entire building crumbling to dust, was not even on the radar screen, so it was another blow to see them fall.
After the first tower fell, I felt very anxious about getting everybody out of the other tower immediately.
Later, I was yelled at by my wife for even suggesting that the president had anything to do with it. It was a bone of contention between us for some time, but when Bush started cooking up a war with Iraq, she began to see through the ruses. And now I have to fight for get equal time on the ranting in the household."
Valerie5555: "Was thinking initially "Oh man alive someone had got to be pulling my leg," and later on I thought "holy doo doo (if everyone knew what I meant) this is no joke." I thought in the days afterward that I hoped everything that signified my connection to New York (though I had never been there) had survived "all that" and I may not let myself do anything else until I had found out for sure. I also remember telling an e mail pal how I wouldn't put it past Shrubby to let the terrorist incidents happen so he could have the ready made crisis he so greatly desired to "make everyone rally around him and forget he came into office "under a cloud of illegitimacy and doubt.""
Nigel_Tufnel: "i thought bush did it. my husband thought i was a conspiracy nut, but i still think he gained more than anybody. i was watching tv when the second plane hit. went down to the beach across from staten island to see the smoke from the towers curling up. stood with others who were shocked and silent. there wasn't anything to say. the towers smoked for days, weeks, and the smell of burning plastic and god knows what else permeated everything. wouldn't take my son out of the house for a long time. we didn't have it as bad as some, most of the noxious fumes stayed in new york. i feel for the rescue workers. i don't care what anyone says, the stuff they were breathing had to be toxic... when i walk by the bay i still look for the towers. it's like a knife in my heart when they aren't there. welcome to bush world - death and ugliness all the time."