Dentistry , a lil help ^^ (1 Viewer)


Mar 7, 2006
lol yeah but only a bachelor of Oral health in dental science, which is worth not even mentioning cause its soo freeking long...
Hey i see that ur going to UTAS this yr...are they taking out the pre-reqs of chem and physics for next yr for med?


New Member
Feb 8, 2007
they're taking out physics for next year, but not chem. Pre-requs will be English, Chem and I think Maths B (and its interstate equivalents - i'm a QLDer). Check on the maths though, I'm not sure.

And of course - all the academic and UMAT requirements


Public Enemy Realist
Oct 28, 2006
+Po1ntDeXt3r+ said:
actualli it is a post graduate course.. with provisional entry

its a graduate diploma in dentistry... that is a post grad course.. as u have an undergrad in BOH (Dent Sc)

its lik some course in NSW with a bach and masters part to it.. the spots are provisional tho
Hi pointie!

Nah.. researched on that thru to wazoo and I assure you that the course is not p/g. It is essentially a 5 year BDSc splitted into 2 qualifications, one of which GU makes big bucks out of.

Oh yea, did I ever tell you that GU Gold Coast is like one big carnival-summer camp type uni? That's why UQ is still the place for Dentistry, except for the bloody non-sensical and unnecessary load of Sci bulls-it in Year 1. Really a filter year where the failure rate is rather high. One can legitimately be mistaken for entering a pure Science course, really.

Another thing is, the ADA has stipulated that only students from GU's Oral Health-Dental Science u/g course should enroll into the G.Dip course in order to register as a dentist. Can't have one without the other and so, any other matriculation is no-go.

rocafella32 said:
lol yeah still gonna go for the med...yeah i the full fee paying is dodgy, but ive heard from hearsay that the unis trying to get rid of it
I strongly doubt it. From what I know, if anything GU is trying to raise the G.Dip fees of AUD$46,000 to way above AUD$50,000 per year - which was why I chose another uni. GU is a Bond-ish uni and getting more so.


Public Enemy Realist
Oct 28, 2006
rocafella32 said:
lol yeah still gonna go for the med...yeah i the full fee paying is dodgy, but ive heard from hearsay that the unis trying to get rid of it, and by the time i hit 4th yr it might have been gone so i cant really be complaining right now
I think the dodgiest thing about the course is the fact that i get a Diploma in Dent, not a Bachelor in dent...pretty weird ay :~
Not trying to be a jerk but judging from the amount of Chemistry taught in your OralHeath-DentalSci course, I doubt that you would succeed in tackling the GAMSAT suitably without additional assistance. You would certainly be less prepared than say, a Pharmacy graduate from a traditional (non-GU) School. And judging from the number of Pharmacy graduates all attempting GAMSAT in the recent years, the competition is getting ridiculous.

Your "DentalSci" situation is much like GU's so-called u/g "Pharmaceutical Sci". The course attempts to be a part Pharmacy course though students still need to do a fee-based Master of Pharmacy to qualify as a graduate Pharmacist. This is the main problem I have with GU's "professional" courses. They do really water down everything in their "professional" u/g courses and leave out the 2-3 years worth of serious stuff until the fee-paying "p/g" courses.

I do sympathise with you for I find the quality of GU's "Dental Sci"course highly questionable as they seem to have the least clinicals among the Dental Schools. In fact isn't it true that just recently GU replaced an entire "OralHealth-Dental Sci" First Year to doing a generic "Foundation Health Science" course? Seems like cost-cutting to me.

It also definitely begs the question whether GU Dental Sci graduates would be as employable (and skilled) as conventional Dental Sci graduates from the other Schools.
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Active Member
Oct 10, 2003
graduate diploma means u need a undergrad degree..

if it was a undergrad course it would be covered by CSP fees

it is expensive cos it is 'technically' it is a post grad coursework qualification.. im talkin about it as a technicality not the course content..

i was accepted in to the 1st cohort in 2004.. and that was the discussion back then.
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Public Enemy Realist
Oct 28, 2006
+Po1ntDeXt3r+ said:
graduate diploma means u need a undergrad degree..

if it was a undergrad course it would be covered by CSP fees

it is expensive cos it is 'technically' it is a post grad coursework qualification.. im talkin about it as a technicality not the course content..
I just wanted to point out that this course, unlike what you insinuated, is not available to any other graduates apart from GU Dental students who did the u/g Oral Health-Dental Sci. The only other courses I know of having 3yr u/g + 2yr "p/g"structure are the Chiropractic courses @ MacQ and RMIT where entry into the "p/g" programs is almost totally permissible regardless whether you studied the 3-year "pre-chiro" courses at those unis.

To the credit of the ADA, matriculation for the GDip is not possible. For the sake of Australian Dental, we can't have folks using less qualified backdoors to get into Dentistry just because they can pay AUD$100K for their qualifications. After all, we all know the unis these days can't wait to make a quick buck even though serious corners are being cut.


Active Member
Oct 10, 2003
yep oh thats fair enough.. i believe for things lik psych tho.. there is Grad Dip to make ure 3 yr + the grad dip = to BPsych(hons)

some what the difference in the APA and hte ADA..


Mar 7, 2006
Bigheadache...youre talking about the fragility of my course because of the cost of the last two years...well from a personal perspective i know FEE-HELP can really help me with that, which makes it basically CSP place again
And you keep bringing up the point that the graduates from griffith are underqualified and unfit to really be practicing...well i believe you cause you must be the king of ADA or something:confused: lol...but seriously if there were massive problems, like not enough contact hours with the course dont you think it would be rectified, if not by Griffith Uni, then atleast by a higher governing body like ADA

And if youre saying that the cost of the last two years cheapens the degree, then what do you reckon of all the med and law places being handed out to full fee paying kids...isnt that sorta the same deal???

Well i guess you can have your own opinion, and a lot of your posts seem to have a bad taste to them (e.g bagging out a fully qualified and competant course) , BUT from my perspective im 18, doing Dentistry on the GOLD COAST having the time of my life, and in 5 years or so im prob going to be getting paid quite a lot of money, so i cant really see anything wrong there...can you????


Public Enemy Realist
Oct 28, 2006
GU's "dentistry" & "pharmacy" courses : * important for future applicants *

Sorry for the late reply. rocafella32, understand that I'm not attacking your choice of course. In fact, I think that it's commendable that you're good enough to have entered a Dental Course.

However, my major gripe is that GU might not be giving dental aspirants a fair headstart. For a vocationally oriented health course like Dentistry, the need for quality clinical experience and exposure, simply cannot be understated. I've not been hearing good things with their cross-subsidisation of other failing faculties & minimalising of dent.sci subjects for cheap generic subjects.

Also, granted it now has a new Medico/Dental building constructed for clinicals, GU still doesn't have the industry connections, clout and support base. How do I know this? Well, I've several friends (non-year 12) doing the course right now at GU because they didn't have the Senior Maths requirement to get into UQ.

Fyi, GU's dental & pharmacy sub-CSP courses are starting a very nasty precedent of shamelessly capitalising on popular courses, by exacting both Commonwealth support cash and fees from students. Now even CSU and LaTrobe are getting into this scheme by adopting similarly structured Dentistry courses of 3yr csp+2yr fees. Is there a reason why these courses couldn't be made totally CSP or fees-based? Is there a benefit other than enriching the uni by splitting up the course delivery this way for everybody - even the so-called "competitive" applicants? Why's to stop them from making it 2yr CSP & 3yr fees? What's the rationale behind this kind of a course and why are they squeezing *3yrs* worth of specialist clinicals to the last 2 FEEpaying yrs? Don't have to tell you exactly what kind of a dental graduate you're going to get from these kinds of shenanigans.

rocafella32 said:
Bigheadache...youre talking about the fragility of my course because of the cost of the last two years...well from a personal perspective i know FEE-HELP can really help me with that, which makes it basically CSP place again
How is that possible? It's not CSP- like in terms of $ you will owe because CSP Dentistry costs $45K but GU's 3+2yr Dent costs $110K-$120K & a domestic fee place's $170K.

And if youre saying that the cost of the last two years cheapens the degree, then what do you reckon of all the med and law places being handed out to full fee paying kids...isnt that sorta the same deal???
You see, with the established dent.schs, first, you've got tradition & reputation behind the qualification - for better or worse. With unis like GU, you've zero pedigree & without a doubt everybody knows that you "paid" your way into dental school. Dental school is not medical school...and unfortunately, everyone's still having the opinion that dental students are medical school rejects.

BUT from my perspective im 18, doing Dentistry on the GOLD COAST having the time of my life, and in 5 years or so im prob going to be getting paid quite a lot of money, so i cant really see anything wrong there...can you????
...that's if you get hired over someone from a more established dental school. Selling that might be a tough one, especially if your employer's from one. Needless to say, talking from experience, old boy networks still count for a lot in prestige professions. GU Dental Sch is a huge wildcard given that they're still fumbling about with the course contents & can't tell if they're coming or going. But they're always trying too hard to prove something.

Like, I must say that the course organisation in GU is terrible - you guys had 3 exams back-to-back on a weekend recently, hadn't you? A lot of failures. Even my buddies - straight HD students in a previous course were struggling with inane amount of studies & ridiculous milestones - all in the first semester at that! I hear that they've been cutting costs too by mixing & pawning off all the health-sci students (pharm,dent, physio, etc) to the environmental/life sci dept. Seems they're forcing students to do a whole horde of generic science subjects irrespective of their disciplines not because of "building foundation" but to cross-subsidise financially failing depts due to enrolment drops there in 2006-07.


Public Enemy Realist
Oct 28, 2006
Caveat emptor, dear GU Dental $tudent$

rocafella32 said:
And if youre saying that the cost of the last two years cheapens the degree, then what do you reckon of all the med and law places being handed out to full fee paying kids...isnt that sorta the same deal???
Okay, fine. Look at it this way - are you suggesting that a fee-paying place from Melbourne Uni or UQ carries the same stigma as a place from a far lesser known uni like GU or CSU or Latrobe? I'm sure you know the answer to that. The answer is "No", fee-paying courses from "brand name" unis are always going to be more acceptable & higher valued in the workplace.

Until CSP Dentistry costs more than $110K like your "csp" dental sci degree from GU, lets call a spade, a spade - that GU only offers fee-paying places for its Dental Science course in truth - it's "creative" advertising that hides that fact.

It's not hard to see that the only reason why GU's getting away with charging exhorbitant fees ($110K+ for "CSP" & $170K++ for d.fees), is because "non-mainstream" Dental Science students are viewed as a captive audience. The driving belief is that they won't get accepted anywhere else since the avg. ENTER score for GU Dent.Sci students appeared to be ~85-89 - no typo here - you won't even get to smell the front door of other Australian Dental Schools.

Another evidence of GU blatantly (mis)treating its dental sci students as no more than cash-cows is the number of price revisions for the last 2 years of the course. From the grapevine, the Grad.Dip in dentistry fees'll be going up for the 3rd time, in spite of GU not having even graduated a single batch of Dental students yet. That means by the time it's your turn, GU's Dental course for "CSP" students'll cost approx $120K * after the first 3yr course, going at $55K-$60K per year. That's daylight robbery. Unless you're filthy rich, you'd better pray that there'll still be plenty of *paying* dental patients by the time the other 3 dental schools open up in 2008-2009 & flood the market with even more graduates. The much-touted long waiting-list of dental patients is because they can't afford or won't pay for dental services and not because they can't find a dentist. They're far from being potential paying patients. And according to a lecturer at my School, he stated pointblank there never was a critical shortage of dentists in Australia.

Maybe someone ought to remind GU that the course's not a medical degree. Career options are far, far limited, so $120K for a "CSP" Dental course's a CRAZY SUM of money. No wonder when I interviewed at Adelaide & UWA previously, I saw that quite a number of interviewees were GU dental students. You'd be wise to take that as a sign.

My advice: you'd better transfer to another school and soon. No Dental degree from a 2nd/3rd tier uni with 0 pedigree's worth that much!

Finally, are you forgetting that you're only able to borrow a maximum of $100K from the Fed.Gov? How's this course like "CSP" as you were claiming when you're going to be paying a huge gap in order to graduate???
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Mar 7, 2006
Re: GU's "dentistry" & "pharmacy" courses : * important for future applicants *

bigheadache99 said:
Sorry for the late reply. rocafella32, understand that I'm not attacking your choice of course. In fact, I think that it's commendable that you're good enough to have entered a Dental Course.

However, my major gripe is that GU might not be giving dental aspirants a fair headstart. For a vocationally oriented health course like Dentistry, the need for quality clinical experience and exposure, simply cannot be understated. I've not been hearing good things with their cross-subsidisation of other failing faculties & minimalising of dent.sci subjects for cheap generic subjects.

Also, granted it now has a new Medico/Dental building constructed for clinicals, GU still doesn't have the industry connections, clout and support base. How do I know this? Well, I've several friends (non-year 12) doing the course right now at GU because they didn't have the Senior Maths requirement to get into UQ.

Fyi, GU's dental & pharmacy sub-CSP courses are starting a very nasty precedent of shamelessly capitalising on popular courses, by exacting both Commonwealth support cash and fees from students. Now even CSU and LaTrobe are getting into this scheme by adopting similarly structured Dentistry courses of 3yr csp+2yr fees. Is there a reason why these courses couldn't be made totally CSP or fees-based? Is there a benefit other than enriching the uni by splitting up the course delivery this way for everybody - even the so-called "competitive" applicants? Why's to stop them from making it 2yr CSP & 3yr fees? What's the rationale behind this kind of a course and why are they squeezing *3yrs* worth of specialist clinicals to the last 2 FEEpaying yrs? Don't have to tell you exactly what kind of a dental graduate you're going to get from these kinds of shenanigans.

How is that possible? It's not CSP- like in terms of $ you will owe because CSP Dentistry costs $45K but GU's 3+2yr Dent costs $110K-$120K & a domestic fee place's $170K.

You see, with the established dent.schs, first, you've got tradition & reputation behind the qualification - for better or worse. With unis like GU, you've zero pedigree & without a doubt everybody knows that you "paid" your way into dental school. Dental school is not medical school...and unfortunately, everyone's still having the opinion that dental students are medical school rejects.

...that's if you get hired over someone from a more established dental school. Selling that might be a tough one, especially if your employer's from one. Needless to say, talking from experience, old boy networks still count for a lot in prestige professions. GU Dental Sch is a huge wildcard given that they're still fumbling about with the course contents & can't tell if they're coming or going. But they're always trying too hard to prove something.

Like, I must say that the course organisation in GU is terrible - you guys had 3 exams back-to-back on a weekend recently, hadn't you? A lot of failures. Even my buddies - straight HD students in a previous course were struggling with inane amount of studies & ridiculous milestones - all in the first semester at that! I hear that they've been cutting costs too by mixing & pawning off all the health-sci students (pharm,dent, physio, etc) to the environmental/life sci dept. Seems they're forcing students to do a whole horde of generic science subjects irrespective of their disciplines not because of "building foundation" but to cross-subsidise financially failing depts due to enrolment drops there in 2006-07.

Ok...i guess youve got some gripes you arent gonna get rid, so fair enough...but i guess you just dont get the point.
Youre saying that the course is tough, or in your words "unstructured" because of three exams over three days, well isnt that how you weed out the capable and good students over the lazy and uncapable ones?
My sis is at uncle doing med, and shes got 4 exams in 4 saying uncle is a unstructured uni with a bad rep?

And i find it hard to believe any dental grad, let alone health professional grad, from any uni in aust. would find it hard to find full time employment. I mean isnt there shortages in the country, and even more with the govt about to open up bulk billing to dentists, thats just gives us more customers, so i think finding employment will not be too bad.

I can understand if youve got facts about the first year grads from GU not doing so well in the industry, but you dont, simply because they havent graduated yet. So i cant really understand where youre still getting the notion that health pro grads from GU will be ignored in the workforce.

And in regards to FEE-Help, i think its exactly like CSP, exact private, so you do end up paying it back, but over time like CSP.

+ YOuve also pointed out our new Oral/med building. Well i know some med kids from UQ whove seen it and were totally blown away. They said the labs were state of the art and the facilities were awesome. So i guess even if our course does cost a bit extra dosh (which i cant understand why you cant understand theyre charging--dont you understand fundemental business...a school is just like a business..they dont run on money growing from tress..if they want to become a good uni theyre gonna need money from some sources) its being put to good us with good facilities and good resources.


Dec 11, 2006
Re: GU's "dentistry" & "pharmacy" courses : * important for future applicants *

so BHA, how many forums do u bitch on? :p


Bite me.
Aug 3, 2002
Re: GU's "dentistry" & "pharmacy" courses : * important for future applicants *

ahah GU dental clinic actually charges patients for student work? my goodness. i wouldn't pay for student work :eek:


Public Enemy Realist
Oct 28, 2006
Re: GU's "dentistry" & "pharmacy" courses : * important for future applicants *

rocafella32 said:
Ok...i guess youve got some gripes you arent gonna get rid, so fair enough...but i guess you just dont get the point.
Mate, don't get me wrong. My only angst is the scam they appear to be running & the ADA's lack of foresight to see these new courses for what they are : dumbing down for cash.

Youre saying that the course is tough, or in your words "unstructured" because of three exams over three days, well isnt that how you weed out the capable and good students over the lazy and uncapable ones?
What does "back-to-back" mean to you? Let me clarify : it's "3 exams in 1 day", not 3 exams over 3 days. And by the way, weekend = Sat & Sun. On sundays, unis're closed. I drove my buddies to the Gold Coast on the Saturday for that battery of exams - so I know what I'm talking about. Are you a GU student even?

My sis is at uncle doing med, and shes got 4 exams in 4 saying uncle is a unstructured uni with a bad rep?
Now you're intentionally irking me. You'd brush up on your reading & comprehension skills, rocafella32. The only thing I'm saying is, no wonder you're in a quasi-dental course & not having the faintest clue.

And in regards to FEE-Help, i think its exactly like CSP, exact private, so you do end up paying it back, but over time like CSP.
You left off a detail : no CSP dental graduates in the mainstream dental courses will end up with a debt exceeding $50K. The nature of CSP itself is not in question but how much the GU dental cashcows have to pay upfront before graduating. ((~first 3 years of HECS)+($46000 x 2)) > way over $110K before you even step out as a dentist.

So GU's dental course is up-to-par huh? Then, answer me this : Why is the first 3 yrs of your GU "dental" course so similar to the dental therapy course GU is running? Obviously, this also ensures that there's no chance in hell that any GU student can transfer to the corresponding year in other dental science courses. Can you say, captive audience? Read GU's site for yourself - I'd love to hear more logic-defying counterarguments.

Since everybody's making analogies to UNCLE's "unconventional" med courses in defending GU's blatant cash-grab with its substandard "dental sci" course - well, let me tell you that UNCLE does not take a Nursing course & fit it into the first 2/3 of their medical course & try passing it off as standard medical training.

GU "dental sci" students are paying for a bill-of-goods with a quality far, far, far detached from expected standards. Is it so hard to see that you're really a dental hygienist in-training paying dental science prices at this point? Rather than attacking my points blindly, you'd be worried & trying to get the hell out of this scheme as soon as possible.
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New Member
Aug 26, 2005
bidheadache, dude whats your problem. you're making all these facts on how graduates from dent at GU will not be qualified enough, and how people employers wont employ them. if you haven't already realised, from what rocafella's said, there havent been any graduates which have come out of the uni yet, so you dont know the quality of teh graduates who will come out of this course.

also, you say that "the avg. ENTER score for GU Dent.Sci students appeared to be ~85-89". How do you know this? I am in first year of Dental Science and from everyone that i have met, which is most of the ppl in the course, i only know of 3-4 ppl who got below 90 who are in this course. So don't make up these facts unless you have some evidence behind them.

You said that content that is covered in teh graduate course (last 2 years) is not up to date with other dental courses throughout Australia. Yet again i ask, what proof of this do you have? Only two ways i can think of this is that you either checked up course outlines on teh GU website, or know of someone who is currently in 4th year. If you checked up course outlines, you would actually notice that they are extremely vague, and only give a general idea of what is covered in the course. Eg. for a subject in 4th year, it says:
"Description: This course aims for dental students to provide competent dental care for patients of all ages in a setting which simulates private practice. Patients are assigned to individual students for diagnosis, comprehensive treatment planning and treatment. Compared to the traditional discipline-driven dental curriculum, this program provides excellent opportunities for dental students to integrate and demonstrate their knowledge and skills in all disciplines. The emphasis in this year is to transfer the theoretical knowledge from previous years into clinical competence.".
Where in that does it provide you with enough information to conclude that there we will cover insufficient material to become a proper dentist.

And lastly, despite all the money issues you mention, do you think i care?? i would choose dent, where hte last 2 years are full-fee, over some shitty science course at some other uni, and have to go through umat all over again, and if i screw it up, have to wait another year, and go on and on and on (and i know ppl who are going through this) to get into some other uni to do the same course, and end up having hte same job in the end either way.


Mar 7, 2006
Re: GU's "dentistry" & "pharmacy" courses : * important for future applicants *

Now you're intentionally irking me. You'd brush up on your reading & comprehension skills, rocafella32. The only thing I'm saying is, no wonder you're in a quasi-dental course & not having the faintest clue."

Hrmm Hrmm...ok so Mr Big Shot, what course are you doing...probably from all your shots at old boy connections in the field, im guessing med at unsw or something...even if you are, you must have a REALLY REALLY small dick cause youre really insecure about something really irrelevant to you...unless your in the industry or highly qualified from the ADA or something, i cant see how you would have enough knowledge to justify that our course is "quasi-dental".
YOu keep going back to how the first 3 yrs is very vague and unstructured...and how we end up coming out with the same knowledge as dental hygienist, but have you even realised that our course is 5YEARS...not freaking 3...if we didnt learn anything important in the last 2 yrs, than it would just be a 3 yr course, wouldnt it?
And A_W makes some good points about how even if you do end up paying a small price for your course, its worth it, because you end up making the money back and its better than doing a shit sci course at a syd uni trying to get into med by doing the GAMSAT and getting a killer gpa.


New Member
Feb 11, 2006
Hills District
bigheadache, you're making some pretty big assumptions about GU's Dental science degree. If I were you, I'd clarify them with strong, hard evidence before making harsh claims against the pedigree of the degree.

For one thing, in accordance with what A_W said, I only know a couple of people with UAIs/Enters less than 95 and even then they would've gotten pretty good UMAT scores to have been accepted. So you're claim about the average being 85-89 is completely falsified and intentionally degrading the dental science cohort.


Mar 7, 2006
Yeah im in the course, and i know for a fact that i got the lowest UAI in the course by a good margin...i got 86, next got 92, then 95> up from there :D


Public Enemy Realist
Oct 28, 2006
A_W said:
also, you say that "the avg. ENTER score for GU Dent.Sci students appeared to be ~85-89". How do you know this? I am in first year of Dental Science and from everyone that i have met, which is most of the ppl in the course, i only know of 3-4 ppl who got below 90 who are in this course. So don't make up these facts unless you have some evidence behind them.
Suppose I take your word - 3-4 out of 45 with < 90%? That's like 9-10%. Want to guess how many folks enter on such scores in the mainstream dental schools with more exacting selection processes? That's right, ZERO. What does that tell you about the level of competition or quality of students? Of course, that doesn't automatically mean students from mainstream dental schools make better dentists. That's not the point though unless you're trying to defend mediocrity.

A_W said:
You said that content that is covered in teh graduate course (last 2 years) is not up to date with other dental courses throughout Australia. Yet again i ask, what proof of this do you have?
Err.. from the GU course structure? I extrapolated details from there. Do you need me to provide a link? Also with so many generic sci subjects stuffed in there, how many actual dent sci subjects do you really think you'll be doing in the first 3 years? Will you be doing "specialist" dental subjects by, er, 3rd year? Know what those are?

A_W said:
And lastly, despite all the money issues you mention, do you think i care?? i would choose dent, where hte last 2 years are full-fee, over some shitty science course at some other uni, and have to go through umat all over again, and if i screw it up, have to wait another year, and go on and on and on (and i know ppl who are going through this) to get into some other uni to do the same course, and end up having hte same job in the end either way.
No not generic sci degrees... geez! Nobody's asking you to do one of those!
Don't take this the wrong way. I admit that I'm nervous, in a self-interested way, about the spate of new dental schools being opened. However I do appreciate the fact that GU provides an option for those who might have missed out on doing Dentistry at the other Dental Schools.

Still, as I've stated before, GU should provide a proper course, not run one just because it's in big demand & a sure money-maker* for the uni. It's extremely telling because the last 2 years of the "dental" course will cost $92000 - making it the most expensive dental course in Australia so far by a large margin. It's also evident because they're cutting corners by running what appears to be the cheaper "dental therapy" course in the first 3 years of the "Dental Sci" course & pretending that it's a legitimate "dental" education.

* Don't even get me started on how that IS a fact. Unis DO make money from fee-places.


Mar 7, 2006
mate you still havent told us your what youre doing or anything, or wheater you have got any credibility in this field.
For all i know you could be someone who missed out on dent and med and ended up unhappy in business or something.

Ok i do admit, i was quite shocked when i got called to do dentistry with a uai of 86, however i did enquire my interview score, and it was in the bracket of 9-10
so i guess thats what gave me an added boost. + my umat wasnt totally disrespectful

And the only reason i feel that they are taking kids like me in, is because it is a new school, hence not as many people know about it (same applies for med at GU, because its new not many people know about it...but are you gonna say GU at med prepares you to become a full time nurse or something?) therfore not as many people applied for it, which allowed maybe a small percentage of kids like me with a uai <90 to get in through excelling in the interview and umat.

As for schools like adelaide, i know atleast 5 people who have got into dent and even med with a uai between 87-93...are you saying that these kids are gonna make adelaide dent less competative?

However what i still dont understand about your insecurness about GU dent not being able to prepare good dentists, is the fact that no ones even graduated yet...: ~

And we do in fact do dental subjects next semester...and we make up for the first semester of foundation health with a higher concentration of dental classes in years 3,4. and 5...and i believe this is actually better because kids are more mature and ready to learn the crucial aspects of their trade, unlike 18 year olds in as you say every other dental school.

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