You should be able to use the MQ diploma for applying to other universities, as it's really not all that different to having a TAFE diploma and using that as an alternative pathway. The guaranteed credit transfer or admission wouldn't still be valid though. My gut feeling just from hearing about people transferring and getting credit recognition, is that if MQ will credit you for those courses then it's likely UTS or WSU would recognise most (if not all) of them but UNSW or USYD are unlikely to give you credit for many of them as they often only view courses from other Go8 unis as equivalent.
Another option to look into is a TAFE diploma, it'd be a lot cheaper and there's still scope for credit transfer at certain universities (I know some people have gotten exemptions from intro courses at UTS). I don't know enough about the different TAFE programs to advise you further on what is appropriate, but I do know that it's much cheaper than these private/uni affiliated colleges so i'd recommend researching it and figuring out which program is worthwhile based on length and cost.