thanks guys, essay queen, would you have any ideas of what other good related text available that would match up with this run lola run context? Thanks
I'll have a think for you!

If youre hell-bent on using a Shaun Tan text (although I do suggest you don't) 'The Red Tree' is more appropriate with its use of contrasting colour etc.
Think of the themes & key ideas that are portrayed or accentuated 'visually' in the film... There is a big element of 'time' so perhaps you could look at some Salvador Dali works which deal with this concept. Also, remember that the related text does not necessarily have to have the same CONTENT as your prescribed text i.e.. Run Lola RUn. You DO, however, need to find one that has STRONG VISUAL ELEMENTS because the HSC exam question is not on the storyline or plot of the text, but the way in which ideas, concepts, perspectives, events etc are portrayed in a visual manner.
PM me for a few more ideas so I dont broadcast them to the world lol