DO MY SURVEY PLEASE!!!!!! its for my IRP... (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Oct 27, 2006
hey,.. instead of ticking them just lyk itallic the answers or something for me!!! PLEASE! lol.. thanks

1. Age:
2. Gender:
3. Where did you grow up?

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Bluegrass ؜ Blues ؜ Classical ؜ Death Metal ؜ Disco ؜ Emo ؜ Folk ؜ Grunge/Garage ؜ Gospel ؜ Gothic ؜ Hardcore ؜ Hip-Hop ؜ Industrial ؜ Jazz ؜ Latin ؜ Metal ؜ Musical ؜ Opera ؜ Pop ؜ Punk ؜ R&B ؜ Reggae ؜ Techno ؜ Western ؜ Other [please state] __________

5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Punk/Emo ؜ Thug/Gangster ؜ Diva ؜ Goth ؜ Skin/Metal Head ؜ Biker ؜ BMXer ؜ Smoker/Drug Taker ؜ Skeg/Skater ؜ Muso ؜ Barbie ؜ Popular ؜ Country Boy/Girl ؜ Rebel ؜ Comedian ؜ Nerd/Geek/Square ؜ Jock/Athlete ؜ Blonde

6. What is your family structure?
؜ Adoptive ؜ Blended ؜ Communal ؜ Extended ؜ Nuclear ؜ Same-Sex Couple ؜ Sole/Single Parent ؜ Other [please state] ________________

7. How long has your family been in this structure?
8. Are you happy with your family structure?

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Angry ؜ Ashamed ؜ Bored ؜ Cautious ؜ Confused ؜ Depressed ؜ Frustrated ؜ Happy ؜ Hopeful ؜ Jealous ؜ Lonely ؜ Mischievous ؜ Hysterical ؜ Sad ؜ Smug ؜ Excited ؜ Boastful ؜ Loved ؜ Other [please state] _____________

10. Does music affect your mood? [explain]

11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? [explain]


invading your mind
Dec 7, 2005
I'm leaving now to go find myself. If I should ret
hey,.. instead of ticking them just lyk itallic the answers or something for me!!! PLEASE! lol.. thanks


1. Age: 17
2. Gender: female
3. Where did you grow up? aus

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Bluegrass ؜ Blues ؜ Classical ؜ Death Metal ؜ Disco ؜ Emo ؜ Folk ؜ Grunge/Garage ؜ Gospel ؜ Gothic ؜ Hardcore ؜ Hip-Hop ؜ Industrial ؜ Jazz ؜ Latin ؜ Metal ؜ Musical ؜ Opera ؜ Pop ؜ Punk ؜ R&B ؜ Reggae ؜ Techno ؜ Western ؜ Other [please state] __________

5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Punk/Emo ؜ Thug/Gangster ؜ Diva ؜ Goth ؜ Skin/Metal Head ؜ Biker ؜ BMXer ؜ Smoker/Drug Taker ؜ Skeg/Skater ؜ Muso ؜ Barbie ؜ Popular ؜ Country Boy/Girl ؜ Rebel ؜ Comedian ؜ Nerd/Geek/Square ؜ Jock/Athlete ؜ Blonde

6. What is your family structure?
؜ Adoptive ؜ Blended ؜ Communal ؜ Extended ؜ Nuclear ؜ Same-Sex Couple ؜ Sole/Single Parent ؜ Other [please state] ________________

7. How long has your family been in this structure? all my life loal
8. Are you happy with your family structure? yes

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Angry ؜ Ashamed ؜ Bored ؜ Cautious ؜ Confused ؜ Depressed ؜ Frustrated ؜ Happy ؜ Hopeful ؜ Jealous ؜ Lonely ؜ Mischievous ؜ Hysterical ؜ Sad ؜ Smug ؜ Excited ؜ Boastful ؜ Loved ؜ Other [please state] _____________

10. Does music affect your mood? [explain] yeah, somtimes :S

11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? [explain] hell no.

EDIT: Family structure: Nuclear (sorry, I missed that question) :)
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1. Age: 17
2. Gender: Male
3. Where did you grow up? Sydney

4. What genre of music do you listen too?
Grunge/Garage, Punk , Pop, Alternative؜

6. What is your family structure?

7. How long has your family been in this structure? My whole Life
8. Are you happy with your family structure? Yes

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
Stupid Question-can't use one word to describe moods because they change over time.

10. Does music affect your mood? [explain]


11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? [explain]


Dark Phoenix

Aug 2, 2006
hey,.. instead of ticking them just lyk itallic the answers or something for me!!! PLEASE! lol.. thanks


1. Age: 17
2. Gender:Male
3. Where did you grow up? Sydney

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply]
Gospel Pop Punk R&B

5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
Ordinary fella, between introvert and extrovert

6. What is your family structure

7. How long has your family been in this structure? 18
8. Are you happy with your family structure?

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Happy ؜ Hopeful ؜ Excited ؜ Loved ؜

10. Does music affect your mood? Yes

11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? No


Feb 28, 2006
Deep trenches of burning HELL


1. Age: 16
2. Gender: Male
3. Where did you grow up? Australia

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Bluegrass ؜ Blues ؜ Classical ؜ Death Metal ؜ Disco ؜ Emo ؜ Folk ؜ Grunge/Garage ؜ Gospel ؜ Gothic ؜ Hardcore ؜ Hip-Hop ؜ Industrial ؜ Jazz ؜ Latin ؜ Metal ؜ Musical ؜ Opera ؜ Pop ؜ Punk ؜ R&B ؜ Reggae ؜ Techno ؜ Western ؜ Other [please state] __________

5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Punk/Emo ؜ Thug/Gangster ؜ Diva ؜ Goth ؜ Skin/Metal Head ؜ Biker ؜ BMXer ؜ Smoker/Drug Taker ؜ Skeg/Skater ؜ Muso ؜ Barbie ؜ Popular ؜ Country Boy/Girl ؜ Rebel ؜ Comedian ؜ Nerd/Geek/Square ؜ Jock/Athlete ؜ Blonde

6. What is your family structure?
؜ Adoptive ؜ Blended ؜ Communal ؜ Extended ؜ Nuclear ؜ Same-Sex Couple ؜ Sole/Single Parent ؜ Other [please state] ________________

7. How long has your family been in this structure? Ever since they arrived in Australia
8. Are you happy with your family structure? Does not really matter to me

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Angry ؜ Ashamed ؜ Bored ؜ Cautious ؜ Confused ؜ Depressed ؜ Frustrated ؜ Happy ؜ Hopeful ؜ Jealous ؜ Lonely ؜ Mischievous ؜ Hysterical ؜ Sad ؜ Smug ؜ Excited ؜ Boastful ؜ Loved ؜ Other [please state] _____________

10. Does music affect your mood? [explain] Yes

11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? [explain] Don't rememeber


1. Age: 16
2. Gender: Female
3. Where did you grow up? Sydney

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Bluegrass ؜ Blues ؜ Classical ؜ Death Metal ؜ Disco ؜ Emo ؜ Folk ؜ Grunge/Garage ؜ Gospel ؜ Gothic ؜ Hardcore ؜ Hip-Hop ؜ Industrial ؜ Jazz ؜ Latin ؜ Metal ؜ Musical ؜ Opera ؜ Pop ؜ Punk ؜ R&B ؜ Reggae ؜ Techno ؜ Western ؜ Other [please state] Funk rock.

5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Punk/Emo ؜ Thug/Gangster ؜ Diva ؜ Goth ؜ Skin/Metal Head ؜ Biker ؜ BMXer ؜ Smoker/Drug Taker ؜ Skeg/Skater ؜ Muso ؜ Barbie ؜ Popular ؜ Country Boy/Girl ؜ Rebel ؜ Comedian ؜ Nerd/Geek/Square ؜ Jock/Athlete ؜ Blonde

6. What is your family structure?
؜ Adoptive ؜ Blended ؜ Communal ؜ Extended ؜ Nuclear ؜ Same-Sex Couple ؜ Sole/Single Parent ؜ Other [please state] ________________

7. How long has your family been in this structure?
8. Are you happy with your family structure?

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Angry ؜ Ashamed ؜ Bored ؜ Cautious ؜ Confused ؜ Depressed ؜ Frustrated ؜ Happy ؜ Hopeful ؜ Jealous ؜ Lonely ؜ Mischievous ؜ Hysterical ؜ Sad ؜ Smug ؜ Excited ؜ Boastful ؜ Loved ؜ Other [please state] _____________

10. Does music affect your mood? [explain]
11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? [explain]


is awesome
Sep 27, 2006
1. Age: 17
2. Gender: F

3. Where did you grow up? Sydney

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Bluegrass ؜ Blues ؜ Classical ؜ Death Metal ؜ Disco ؜ Emo ؜ Folk ؜ Grunge/Garage ؜ Gospel ؜ Gothic ؜ Hardcore ؜ Hip-Hop ؜ Industrial ؜ Jazz ؜ Latin ؜ Metal ؜ Musical ؜ Opera ؜ Pop ؜ Punk ؜ R&B ؜ Reggae ؜ Techno ؜ Western ؜ Other [please state] __________

5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Punk/Emo ؜ Thug/Gangster ؜ Diva ؜ Goth ؜ Skin/Metal Head ؜ Biker ؜ BMXer ؜ Smoker/Drug Taker ؜ Skeg/Skater ؜ Muso ؜ Barbie ؜ Popular ؜ Country Boy/Girl ؜ Rebel ؜ Comedian ؜ Nerd/Geek/Square ؜ Jock/Athlete ؜ Blonde

6. What is your family structure?
؜ Adoptive ؜ Blended ؜ Communal ؜ Extended ؜ Nuclear ؜ Same-Sex Couple ؜ Sole/Single Parent ؜ Other [please state] ________________

7. How long has your family been in this structure? 6 years
8. Are you happy with your family structure? Not really

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Angry ؜ Ashamed ؜ Bored ؜ Cautious ؜ Confused ؜ Depressed ؜ Frustrated ؜ Happy ؜ Hopeful ؜ Jealous ؜ Lonely ؜ Mischievous ؜ Hysterical ؜ Sad ؜ Smug ؜ Excited ؜ Boastful ؜ Loved ؜ Other [please state] _____________

10. Does music affect your mood? [explain]
I don't think so.. maybe some songs could make me feel sad if they're a sad song or if its a song I really like then obviously I'll feel happy

11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? [explain] Very rarely... if I here an awesome song then I guess I may think i wish i could play the drums or something

the hsc sucks

May 19, 2006
rachiebub said:
hey,.. instead of ticking them just lyk itallic the answers or something for me!!! PLEASE! lol.. thanks


1. Age: 18
2. Gender: Female
3. Where did you grow up? New South Wales, Australia, in a rural area

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply]
Classical Grunge/Garage Jazz Pop rock
5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
Nerd/Geek/Square Blonde

6. What is your family structure?
Same-Sex Couple

7. How long has your family been in this structure? 10 years
8. Are you happy with your family structure? yes

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
Happy ؜ Hopeful ؜ Loved ؜

10. Does music affect your mood? yes, when im in a good mood i listen to music that makes me feel good, and when im in a bad mood, i listen to music that reflects that

11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? no


May 27, 2006
1. Age: 18
2. Gender: Female
3. Where did you grow up? Outer Western Sydney

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply] (doing * on each one I listen to)
؜ Bluegrass ؜ Blues ؜ Classical ؜ *Death Metal ؜ Disco ؜ Emo ؜ Folk ؜ Grunge/Garage ؜ Gospel ؜ *Gothic ؜ Hardcore ؜ Hip-Hop ؜ Industrial ؜ Jazz ؜ *Latin ؜ Metal ؜ Musical ؜ Opera ؜ *Pop ؜ Punk ؜ *R&B ؜ Reggae ؜ Techno ؜ Western ؜ Other [please state] __________

5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Punk/Emo ؜ Thug/Gangster ؜ *Diva ؜ *Goth ؜ Skin/Metal Head ؜ Biker ؜ BMXer ؜ Smoker/Drug Taker ؜ Skeg/Skater ؜ Muso ؜ Barbie ؜ Popular ؜ Country Boy/Girl ؜ Rebel ؜ Comedian ؜ Nerd/Geek/Square ؜ Jock/Athlete ؜ *Blonde

6. What is your family structure?
؜ Adoptive ؜ Blended ؜ Communal ؜ Extended ؜ Nuclear* ؜ Same-Sex Couple ؜ Sole/Single Parent ؜ Other [please state] ________________

7. How long has your family been in this structure? All my life
8. Are you happy with your family structure? Yes because I feel like I am able to have a closer bond with my family. Also I never had to worry abotu what life would be like if my family had a divorce.

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
؜ *Angry ؜ Ashamed ؜ *Bored ؜ Cautious ؜ *Confused ؜ Depressed ؜ *Frustrated ؜ Happy ؜ *Hopeful ؜ *Jealous ؜ Lonely ؜ Mischievous ؜ Hysterical ؜ Sad ؜ Smug ؜ Excited ؜ Boastful ؜ Loved ؜ Other [please state] _____________

10. Does music affect your mood? [explain] Yes. Music does this to me as I feel like I am able to relate my life experiences to songs and bands I have heard or felt like the lyrics related to who I am as an individual and the way I feel. For example one song takes me back to a happy mood when I feel I first fell in love.

11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? [explain] Yes. Because often music pursuades you through your emotions and how you feel like it relates with a song. Like for example for some people, listening to a sexy sounding song could make them feel sexy and take action about it. (not saying that I personally did this or not) but music has inspired me to think about things from different viewpoints.


Mar 12, 2006
1. Age: 17
2. Gender: Female
3. Where did you grow up? Sydney

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Bluegrass ؜ Blues classical ؜ Death Metal ؜ Disco ؜ Emo ؜ Folk ؜ Grunge/Garage ؜ Gospel ؜ Gothic ؜ Hardcore ؜ Hip-Hop ؜ Industrial ؜ Jazz ؜ Latin ؜ Metal ؜ Musical ؜ Opera ؜ pop ؜ punk ؜ R&B ؜ Reggae ؜ Techno ؜ Western ؜ Other [please state] ____rock/alternative, instrumentals.______

5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Punk/Emo ؜ Thug/Gangster ؜ Diva ؜ Goth ؜ Skin/Metal Head ؜ Biker ؜ BMXer ؜ Smoker/Drug Taker ؜ Skeg/Skater ؜ Muso ؜ Barbie ؜ Popular ؜ Country Boy/Girl ؜ Rebel ؜ Comedian ؜ Nerd/Geek/Square ؜ Jock/Athlete ؜ Blonde

6. What is your family structure?
؜ Adoptive ؜ Blended ؜ Communal ؜ Extended ؜ Nuclear ؜ Same-Sex Couple ؜ Sole/Single Parent ؜ Other [please state] ________________

7. How long has your family been in this structure? been the same since i can remember
8. Are you happy with your family structure? yeah

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Angry ؜ Ashamed ؜ Bored ؜ Cautious ؜ Confused ؜ Depressed ؜ Frustrated ؜ Happy؜ Hopeful ؜ Jealous ؜ Lonely ؜ Mischievous ؜ Hysterical ؜ Sad ؜ Smug ؜ Excited ؜ Boastful ؜ Loved ؜ Other [please state] ______annoyed_______

10. Does music affect your mood? [explain]
Generally no, it doesnt affect my mood but more connects my mood to the music. Unless im annoyed and an annoying song comes on, then i get even more annoyed.

11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? [explain]
Yeah, made me want to play it and i go and try n get the music or just wished we were playing something like that.


Dec 22, 2004

1. Age: 20

2. Gender: Male

3. Where did you grow up? Primary school in Forster (a small coastal town) and high school in Sydney

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply]

5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
Muso ؜ Country Boy/Girl ؜Nerd/Geek/Square ؜

6. What is your family structure?
Sole/Single Parent

7. How long has your family been in this structure?
Roughly 18 years.

8. Are you happy with your family structure?
Not really, but I can't change anything, so I resign myself to indefference.

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
Bored ؜ Confused ؜ Depressed ؜ Frustrated ؜ Happy ؜ Lonely ؜ Sad ؜ Excited ؜

10. Does music affect your mood? [explain]

Most definately, in a fairly obvious way - listening to (or playing on the piano) a slow, sad piece such as Chopin's well-known Prelude in E minor Op. 28 No. 4 makes me deeply sad; similarly something lively and spirited (something by Beethoven perhaps) excites and pleases me greatly. Basically, listening to music creates a whole new mood/feeling, which cannot be experienced in any other way.

11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? [explain]

Yes. After hearing something that deeply moves me, or that I really like, I often search for the sheet music and might try to learn to play it if it isn't too hard. Other than this, a lot of music inspires me to want to learn more about it, how it is structured, etc. Also, listening to some good music by a certain composer would make me want to hear more from this composer. Personally, though, I give more value to what is felt/experienced while listening to the music. For me this is an end in itself.


splashing in puddles
Jan 13, 2006
1. Age: 18
2. Gender: female
3. Where did you grow up? central coast

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Pop ؜ Grunge/Garage

5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Punk/Emo ؜ Thug/Gangster ؜ Diva ؜ Goth ؜ Skin/Metal Head ؜ Biker ؜ BMXer ؜ Smoker/Drug Taker ؜ Skeg/Skater ؜ Muso ؜ Barbie ؜ Popular ؜ Country Boy/Girl ؜ Rebel ؜ Comedian ؜ Nerd/Geek/Square ؜ Jock/Athlete ؜ Blonde

6. What is your family structure?
؜ Nuclear

7. How long has your family been in this structure? since i was born

8. Are you happy with your family structure? guess so

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Angry ؜ Ashamed ؜ Bored ؜ Cautious ؜ Confused ؜ Depressed ؜ Frustrated ؜ Happy ؜ Hopeful ؜ Jealous ؜ Lonely ؜ Mischievous ؜ Hysterical ؜ Sad ؜ Smug ؜ Excited ؜ Boastful ؜ Loved ؜ Other [please state] _____________

10. Does music affect your mood? [explain]

Not really, I'd say my mood more affects which music I listen to at the time.

11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? [explain]



Singing me and Julio
Mar 13, 2005
hey,.. instead of ticking them just lyk itallic the answers or something for me!!! PLEASE! lol.. thanks


1. Age:19
2. Gender:Female
3. Where did you grow up?Sydney

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Bluegrass ؜ Blues ؜ Classical ؜ Death Metal ؜ Disco ؜ Emo ؜ Folk ؜ Grunge/Garage ؜ Gospel ؜ Gothic ؜ Hardcore ؜ Hip-Hop ؜ Industrial ؜ Jazz ؜ Latin ؜ Metal ؜ Musical ؜ Opera ؜ Pop ؜ Punk ؜ R&B ؜ Reggae ؜ Techno ؜ Western ؜ Other [please state] __________

5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Punk/Emo ؜ Thug/Gangster ؜ Diva ؜ Goth ؜ Skin/Metal Head ؜ Biker ؜ BMXer ؜ Smoker/Drug Taker ؜ Skeg/Skater ؜ Muso ؜ Barbie ؜ Popular ؜ Country Boy/Girl ؜ Rebel ؜ Comedian ؜ Nerd/Geek/Square ؜ Jock/Athlete ؜ Blonde

6. What is your family structure?
؜ Adoptive ؜ Blended ؜ Communal ؜ Extended ؜ Nuclear ؜ Same-Sex Couple ؜ Sole/Single Parent ؜ Other [please state] ________________

7. How long has your family been in this structure?Always (my parents seperated for a while, but never formally divorced.)
8. Are you happy with your family structure?Yep.

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Angry ؜ Ashamed ؜ Bored ؜ Cautious ؜ Confused ؜ Depressed ؜ Frustrated ؜ Happy ؜ Hopeful ؜ Jealous ؜ Lonely ؜ Mischievous ؜ Hysterical ؜ Sad ؜ Smug ؜ Excited ؜ Boastful ؜ Loved ؜ Other [please state] _____________

10. Does music affect your mood? [explain]Yep. I usually listen to some variety of music all the time. If I am out, I'll listen to the radio in the car or my ipod, and at home I listen to CDs or old records. I stop myself from listening to certain types of music, because I have strong mood swings which I find are exacerbated by self-loathing or obsessive music.

11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? [explain] I get stuck on musicians and read up about their lives/philosophies etc, and semi follow their example. Recent examples: Janis Joplin, Sarah Vaugan, Bob Dylan, Ben Folds.
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Mar 5, 2005
Probably at uni, City Campus, Newcastle
1. Age:

2. Gender:

3. Where did you grow up?
Tamworth and the Central Coast

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply]
Bluegrass, Blues, Classical, Folk, Jazz, Latin, Metal, Musical, Opera Other [please state] Rock, folk-rock

5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
Muso, Nerd/Geek/Square

6. What is your family structure?

7. How long has your family been in this structure?
My whole life

8. Are you happy with your family structure?

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
Bored, Confused, Depressed, Frustrated

10. Does music affect your mood? [explain]

11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? [explain]


Aug 3, 2006
1. Age:16
2. Gender:Female
3. Where did you grow up?Sydney

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply]
Disco Emo Hip-Hop Musical Pop Punk R&B Techno Other [please state] ______Electro____

5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Blonde

6. What is your family structure?
Sole/Single Parent

7. How long has your family been in this structure? umm for like 8 years and then mum remarried and now again for like 3 months
8. Are you happy with your family structure?yes

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
Bored Frustrated ؜ Happy ؜ Hopeful ؜ Jealous ؜ Mischievous Excited ؜ Boastful ؜ Loved

10. Does music affect your mood? [explain]
yeah sometimes. if somethings bothering me and i listen to sad music it mkes me sadder then i was before.. and if im kind of excited and i listen to real upbeat music i get more excited

11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? [explain]


is gonna lawyer you
Apr 17, 2006
1. Age: 16

2. Gender: M

3. Where did you grow up? Aus

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Bluegrass ؜ Blues ؜ Classical ؜ Death Metal ؜ Disco ؜ Emo ؜ Folk ؜ Grunge/Garage ؜ Gospel ؜ Gothic ؜ Hardcore ؜ Hip-Hop ؜ Industrial ؜ Jazz ؜ Latin ؜ Metal ؜ Musical ؜ Opera ؜
Pop ؜ Punk ؜ R&B ؜ Reggae ؜ Techno ؜ Western ؜ Other [please state] Rock

5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Punk/Emo ؜ Thug/Gangster ؜ Diva ؜ Goth ؜ Skin/Metal Head ؜ Biker ؜ BMXer ؜ Smoker/Drug Taker ؜ Skeg/Skater ؜ Muso ؜ Barbie ؜ Popular ؜ Country Boy/Girl ؜ Rebel ؜ Comedian ؜ Nerd/Geek/Square ؜ Jock/Athlete ؜ Blonde

6. What is your family structure?
؜ Adoptive ؜ Blended ؜ Communal ؜ Extended ؜ Nuclear ؜ Same-Sex Couple ؜ Sole/Single Parent ؜ Other [please state]

7. How long has your family been in this structure? 8 years or so.

8. Are you happy with your family structure? yes at times, no at others.

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Angry ؜ Ashamed ؜ Bored ؜ Cautious ؜ Confused ؜ Depressed ؜ Frustrated ؜ Happy ؜ Hopeful ؜ Jealous ؜ Lonely ؜ Mischievous ؜ Hysterical ؜ Sad ؜ Smug ؜ Excited ؜ Boastful ؜ Loved ؜ Other [please state] _____________

10. Does music affect your mood? yep.

11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? no
Sep 6, 2006
1. Age: 17
2. Gender: Female
3. Where did you grow up? In Sydney

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Bluegrass ؜ Blues ؜ Classical ؜ Death Metal ؜ Disco ؜ Emo ؜ Folk ؜ Grunge/Garage ؜ Gospel ؜ Gothic ؜ Hardcore ؜ Hip-Hop ؜ Industrial ؜ Jazz ؜ Latin ؜ Metal ؜ Musical ؜ Opera ؜ Pop ؜ Punk ؜ R&B ؜ Reggae ؜ Techno ؜ Western ؜ Other [please state] Rock

5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Punk/Emo ؜ Thug/Gangster ؜ Diva ؜ Goth ؜ Skin/Metal Head ؜ Biker ؜ BMXer ؜ Smoker/Drug Taker ؜ Skeg/Skater ؜ Muso ؜ Barbie ؜ Popular ؜ Country Boy/Girl ؜ Rebel ؜ Comedian ؜ Nerd/Geek/Square ؜ Jock/Athlete ؜ Blonde

6. What is your family structure?
؜ Adoptive ؜ Blended ؜ Communal ؜ Extended ؜ Nuclear ؜ Same-Sex Couple ؜ Sole/Single Parent ؜ Other [please state] ________________

7. How long has your family been in this structure? Ever since, I dont know, I think forever
8. Are you happy with your family structure? Yes, very happy

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Angry ؜ Ashamed ؜ Bored ؜ Cautious ؜ Confused ؜ Depressed ؜ Frustrated ؜ Happy ؜ Hopeful ؜ Jealous ؜ Lonely ؜ Mischievous ؜ Hysterical ؜ Sad ؜ Smug ؜ Excited ؜ Boastful ؜ Loved ؜ Other [please state] _____________

10. Does music affect your mood? [explain] Yes, music effects my mood. Whenever I'm in a bad mood I'll listen to some rock music and it usually cheers me up. Techno music puts me on a sort of high and hip-hop/rap music just makes me feel great

11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? [explain] Yes. Because of listening to so much rock music I want to be a singer in a band. I also want to learn guitar. Listening to Evanescence, in particular to Amy Lee's singing influenced me to take up singing initially.
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May 14, 2006
1. Age: 15
2. Gender: M

3. Where did you grow up? South Africa, Australia

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Bluegrass ؜ Blues ؜ Classical ؜ Death Metal ؜ Disco ؜ Emo ؜ Folk ؜ Grunge/Garage ؜ Gospel ؜ Gothic ؜ Hardcore ؜ Hip-Hop ؜ Industrial ؜ Jazz ؜ Latin ؜ Metal ؜ Musical ؜ Opera ؜ Pop ؜ Punk ؜ R&B ؜ Reggae ؜ Techno ؜ Western ؜ Other [please state] __________

5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Punk/Emo ؜ Thug/Gangster ؜ Diva ؜ Goth ؜ Skin/Metal Head ؜ Biker ؜ BMXer ؜ Smoker/Drug Taker ؜ Skeg/Skater ؜ Muso ؜ Barbie ؜ Popular ؜ Country Boy/Girl ؜ Rebel ؜ Comedian ؜ Nerd/Geek/Square ؜ Jock/Athlete ؜ Blonde

6. What is your family structure?
؜ Adoptive ؜ Blended ؜ Communal ؜ Extended ؜ Nuclear ؜ Same-Sex Couple ؜ Sole/Single Parent ؜ Other [please state] ________________

7. How long has your family been in this structure? Very Long ;)
8. Are you happy with your family structure? Yes

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Angry ؜ Ashamed ؜ Bored ؜ Cautious ؜ Confused ؜ Depressed ؜ Frustrated ؜ Happy ؜ Hopeful ؜ Jealous ؜ Lonely ؜ Mischievous ؜ Hysterical ؜ Sad ؜ Smug ؜ Excited ؜ Boastful ؜ Loved ؜ Other [please state] _____________

10. Does music affect your mood? [explain] Sometimes. Sad music can make me abit depressed at times

11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? [explain] No


New Member
Aug 18, 2006
Tweed Heads
1. Age: 17
2. Gender: F
3. Where did you grow up? Nsw. SA, Australia

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Bluegrass ؜ Blues ؜ Classical ؜ Death Metal ؜ Disco ؜ Emo ؜ Folk ؜ Grunge/Garage ؜ Gospel ؜ Gothic ؜ Hardcore ؜ Hip-Hop ؜ Industrial ؜Jazz ؜ Latin ؜ Metal ؜ Musical ؜ Opera ؜ Pop ؜ Punk ؜ R&B ؜ Reggae ؜ Techno ؜ Western ؜ Other [please state] __________

5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Punk/Emo ؜ Thug/Gangster ؜ Diva ؜ Goth ؜ Skin/Metal Head ؜ Biker ؜ BMXer ؜ Smoker/Drug Taker ؜ Skeg/Skater ؜ Muso ؜ Barbie ؜ Popular؜ Country Boy/Girl ؜ Rebel ؜ Comedian ؜ Nerd/Geek/Square ؜ Jock/Athlete ؜ Blonde

6. What is your family structure?
؜ Adoptive ؜ Blended ؜ Communal ؜ Extended ؜ Nuclear ؜ Same-Sex Couple ؜ Sole/Single Parent ؜ Other [please state] ________________

7. How long has your family been in this structure? about a year
8. Are you happy with your family structure? sometimes

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Angry ؜ Ashamed ؜ Bored ؜ Cautious ؜ Confused ؜ Depressed ؜ Frustrated ؜ Happy ؜ Hopeful ؜ Jealous ؜ Lonely ؜ Mischievous ؜ Hysterical ؜ Sad ؜ Smug ؜ Excited ؜ Boastful ؜ Loved ؜ Other [please state] _____________

10. Does music affect your mood? [explain] yes, music can make me feel and think about the theme of the song

11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? [explain] yes, determination of completeing assignments or exam study, or influencing a persons life

(good luck, i am too doing my IRP)


Mar 9, 2004
1. Age: 19
2. Gender: Female
3. Where did you grow up? Sydney

4. What genre of music do you listen too? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Bluegrass ؜ Blues ؜ Classical ؜ Death Metal ؜ Disco ؜ Emo ؜ Folk ؜ Grunge/Garage ؜ Gospel ؜ Gothic ؜ Hardcore ؜ Hip-Hop ؜ Industrial ؜ Jazz ؜ Latin ؜ Metal ؜ Musical ؜ Opera ؜ Pop ؜ Punk ؜ R&B ؜ Reggae ؜ Techno ؜ Western ؜ Other [please state] Contemporary Art Music

5. What stereotype could you fit into? [Tick all that apply]
؜ Punk/Emo ؜ Thug/Gangster ؜ Diva ؜ Goth ؜ Skin/Metal Head ؜ Biker ؜ BMXer ؜ Smoker/Drug Taker ؜ Skeg/Skater ؜ Muso ؜ Barbie ؜ Popular ؜ Country Boy/Girl ؜ Rebel ؜ Comedian ؜ Nerd/Geek/Square ؜ Jock/Athlete ؜ Blonde

I did think about this but I can't say I fit into any. Just seems rather silly. Yes you can define your image with a musical genre but having a musical genre does not mean you will have its image.

6. What is your family structure?
Adoptive ؜ Blended ؜ Communal ؜ Extended ؜ Nuclear ؜ Same-Sex Couple ؜ Sole/Single Parent ؜ Other [please state] ________________

7. How long has your family been in this structure? 1 year
8. Are you happy with your family structure? Yes

9. What do you usually feel most of the time? [Tick all that apply]

؜ Angry ؜ Ashamed ؜ Bored ؜ Cautious ؜ Confused ؜ Depressed ؜ Frustrated ؜ Happy ؜ Hopeful ؜ Jealous ؜ Lonely ؜ Mischievous ؜ Hysterical ؜ Sad ؜ Smug ؜ Excited ؜ Boastful ؜ Loved ؜ Other [please state] _____________

10. Does music affect your mood? [explain] Moreso that my mood is already determined and I choose the music I listen to because of the mood I am in. If it is a positive mood, I extend it with genres that I like. If I am in a negative mood, I find something that would reverse it and make me happy.

11. Has music ever influenced you to take a certain action or influenced you to want to do something? [explain]

A lot of classical music and contemporary art music inspires my work at university, and so it should (Bachelor of Music @ USYD). During year 12, some of the music I loved inspired me with ideas for my Visual Arts project. Its also done things like express exactly what I feel when I thought there were no words for it. During my younger years, I would send a song explaining to someone how I felt (not necessarily about love or anything).
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