I love the way this has been put in the "Travel" section, next to "Snowboarding in Canada?" and "Prague and the Czech Republic?"..
Slightly off topic but i'm going to bitch about it anyway.
Every taxi driver I've ever encountered drives about 40km/h, stops whenever the traffic light is CONSIDERING going orange, and fumbles about trying to find my change for 5 mins in the apparent hope I'll tell them they can keep it. As you get out, they then dawdle off down the street, and as soon as you're gone, you hear the tyres screech as they scream off at 80km/h back to their rank.
I understand they've gotta make money, but I think it's a little exploitative. Out of curiosity, when you see a taxi, note the speed it's going (just roughly above or below the speed limit) and take a look if there's a passenger. Sigh. I hate taxi drivers (I'm generalising from ABC and Silver Service cabs, here, generally from when it's about 11pm in a suburban area, so maybe I'm in for that sorta treatment. Once, ONCE in the city, 9pm, from star city, had a driver who went the speed limit and I nearly died of terror when he went through the orange light.
A taxi driver's a taxi driver. Nup. Service is just the same. Maybe if you're the classic little old lady, or make a special request... but for just simple trips, I've noticed no difference except the fact they're bigger and quieter cars.