synthesized said:
i agree, there is no better method yet, but it still fails and i do believe it is to blame for stupid people taking the placement in a degree instead of someone who deserves it.
and my original point was tht people who talk during lectures automatically identify themselves as being one of those who are there BECAUSE the system fails. if the system was perfect there would be someone else in their place. such people evidently have a very low emotional intelligence so they will be unlikely to maximise utility of their degree.
No system is perfect, although I do see your point. However, some people who are at uni just to get that certificate at the end without any intention to achieve anything meaningful do not need to do anything to 'maximise the utility of their degree.' There are occasionally those who don't listen in lectures (hence don't actually understand the material), do badly in assessments but still 'make it' in the work place because at some point in their wasted life they've accomplished some trivial extra curricular achievement. So in a sense, they're not really wasting the potential of their degree, it's just that they don't need anything from it apart from that piece of paper.
I tend to find that asian students tend not to talk as much in lectures which is quite a constrast to what other people have experienced. But that's probably just due to the difference in subjects that we're taking.
Edit: I'd just like to emphasise that while doing cross words, reading newspapers etc doesn't really distract other students, talking certainly does - even if you do it quietly. So don't do it unless you are an unmotivated, selfish, low achieving asswipe.