does attendance REALLY matter? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Nov 12, 2023
i get pretty good marks and tend to do all my work at home, but I've bee struggling very badly mentally and physically (have been absent from school for three weeks at a time visiting doctors and constantly vomiting) and that's also linked a bit to my anxiety. I have gone through a lot in the past few years and have developed bad anxiety where going to school genuinely freaks me out, and I thrived best academically (and mentally) during lockdown.

So does attendance rlly matter? my school is aware of my situation and I'm always handing in doctor's certificates and misadventure forms for any tasks i miss out on, and I don't know if i can mentally handle going to school anymore. Its too much.
Are there any alternate options to switching to schooling at home or something? I feel so sick and anxious when i think about going to school.

i think this is linked to how poorly my school managed me when i had an extremely tough period in my life last term, like major panic attacks -- but my parents wont take me to see a psychologist either, so my school understands the 'abusive' situation I'm in (my parents are pretty messed up but simultaneously very accommodating to me not going to school since they can see how much their shit has messed me up, but also wont take me to get mental health (which I'm beginning to guess is just for financial reasons)) and offers me at school councilling, but they are extremely unhelpful and have constantly shoved me into destressing sitatuons and I've been scolded by teachers to the point of tears when they have been ill informed about my situation.

like once they forced me into a councilling session when i was so upset and vomiting that i felt like i couldn't do an exam due to stuff that had happened at home (tmi) and they randomly brought up my brother's suicide (something i had avoided talkug about) which caused and even bigger freak out, then shoved me into my adv eng exam right after where i didn't complete a whole section of the exam because i was choking on myself and freaking out. i got full marks for everything else and my previous assignment i received a 100%, but they didn't consider my misadventure because my failure to complete that part of the task was 'poor time management'. the teacher who forced me into that exam after for some reason feeling the need to bring up my biggest trigger point, told me she was going to give me some 'tough love' or else she was going o call my parents (knowing how badly they would react hearing that I'm getting emotional at school considering how crazy things were at home then and how scary and angry my dad had become)

then a week later, a teacher pulled me out of class and accused me of taking days off school on purpose before tasks despite failing one of the (showing i had no given advantage despite having, previously, a 90% average in it since i was so sick and not well, and when i explained that she accused me further of trying to garner sympathy.

they have since put me in special provisions for my exams but with a school that has urged me to explain how i feel then somehow make me feel like its been weaponised to accuse me of things or make me feel worse (this is just a bit fo what has happened) i don't feel safe at school. i used to see school as a safe space to escape home, but now that I've moved from my dad's house to my mum's, i feel much safer at home. school freaks me out and i need a way to not have to go to school. I keep up with all my content at home and considering i constantly feel unwell due to a medical condition, i would much rather it that way. so is there any way of ensuring it possible then just arriving for my exams? my school is so shit that i do better without a teacher since we never get taught anything at school. i have already been relying on self teaching up until this point.


#1 SK
Jun 23, 2022
my room
i get pretty good marks and tend to do all my work at home, but I've bee struggling very badly mentally and physically (have been absent from school for three weeks at a time visiting doctors and constantly vomiting) and that's also linked a bit to my anxiety. I have gone through a lot in the past few years and have developed bad anxiety where going to school genuinely freaks me out, and I thrived best academically (and mentally) during lockdown.

So does attendance rlly matter? my school is aware of my situation and I'm always handing in doctor's certificates and misadventure forms for any tasks i miss out on, and I don't know if i can mentally handle going to school anymore. Its too much.
Are there any alternate options to switching to schooling at home or something? I feel so sick and anxious when i think about going to school.

i think this is linked to how poorly my school managed me when i had an extremely tough period in my life last term, like major panic attacks -- but my parents wont take me to see a psychologist either, so my school understands the 'abusive' situation I'm in (my parents are pretty messed up but simultaneously very accommodating to me not going to school since they can see how much their shit has messed me up, but also wont take me to get mental health (which I'm beginning to guess is just for financial reasons)) and offers me at school councilling, but they are extremely unhelpful and have constantly shoved me into destressing sitatuons and I've been scolded by teachers to the point of tears when they have been ill informed about my situation.

like once they forced me into a councilling session when i was so upset and vomiting that i felt like i couldn't do an exam due to stuff that had happened at home (tmi) and they randomly brought up my brother's suicide (something i had avoided talkug about) which caused and even bigger freak out, then shoved me into my adv eng exam right after where i didn't complete a whole section of the exam because i was choking on myself and freaking out. i got full marks for everything else and my previous assignment i received a 100%, but they didn't consider my misadventure because my failure to complete that part of the task was 'poor time management'. the teacher who forced me into that exam after for some reason feeling the need to bring up my biggest trigger point, told me she was going to give me some 'tough love' or else she was going o call my parents (knowing how badly they would react hearing that I'm getting emotional at school considering how crazy things were at home then and how scary and angry my dad had become)

then a week later, a teacher pulled me out of class and accused me of taking days off school on purpose before tasks despite failing one of the (showing i had no given advantage despite having, previously, a 90% average in it since i was so sick and not well, and when i explained that she accused me further of trying to garner sympathy.

they have since put me in special provisions for my exams but with a school that has urged me to explain how i feel then somehow make me feel like its been weaponised to accuse me of things or make me feel worse (this is just a bit fo what has happened) i don't feel safe at school. i used to see school as a safe space to escape home, but now that I've moved from my dad's house to my mum's, i feel much safer at home. school freaks me out and i need a way to not have to go to school. I keep up with all my content at home and considering i constantly feel unwell due to a medical condition, i would much rather it that way. so is there any way of ensuring it possible then just arriving for my exams? my school is so shit that i do better without a teacher since we never get taught anything at school. i have already been relying on self teaching up until this point.
i think it depends on your school based on eligibility to graduate/passing rate
my school says that we should be at school 85% of the time, but i know it differs for schools. i know people who passed where they weeny even at school for weeks at a time.
it's better to consult teachers, maybe your principal or talk to NESA.


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2022
i get pretty good marks and tend to do all my work at home, but I've bee struggling very badly mentally and physically (have been absent from school for three weeks at a time visiting doctors and constantly vomiting) and that's also linked a bit to my anxiety. I have gone through a lot in the past few years and have developed bad anxiety where going to school genuinely freaks me out, and I thrived best academically (and mentally) during lockdown.

So does attendance rlly matter? my school is aware of my situation and I'm always handing in doctor's certificates and misadventure forms for any tasks i miss out on, and I don't know if i can mentally handle going to school anymore. Its too much.
Are there any alternate options to switching to schooling at home or something? I feel so sick and anxious when i think about going to school.

i think this is linked to how poorly my school managed me when i had an extremely tough period in my life last term, like major panic attacks -- but my parents wont take me to see a psychologist either, so my school understands the 'abusive' situation I'm in (my parents are pretty messed up but simultaneously very accommodating to me not going to school since they can see how much their shit has messed me up, but also wont take me to get mental health (which I'm beginning to guess is just for financial reasons)) and offers me at school councilling, but they are extremely unhelpful and have constantly shoved me into destressing sitatuons and I've been scolded by teachers to the point of tears when they have been ill informed about my situation.

like once they forced me into a councilling session when i was so upset and vomiting that i felt like i couldn't do an exam due to stuff that had happened at home (tmi) and they randomly brought up my brother's suicide (something i had avoided talkug about) which caused and even bigger freak out, then shoved me into my adv eng exam right after where i didn't complete a whole section of the exam because i was choking on myself and freaking out. i got full marks for everything else and my previous assignment i received a 100%, but they didn't consider my misadventure because my failure to complete that part of the task was 'poor time management'. the teacher who forced me into that exam after for some reason feeling the need to bring up my biggest trigger point, told me she was going to give me some 'tough love' or else she was going o call my parents (knowing how badly they would react hearing that I'm getting emotional at school considering how crazy things were at home then and how scary and angry my dad had become)

then a week later, a teacher pulled me out of class and accused me of taking days off school on purpose before tasks despite failing one of the (showing i had no given advantage despite having, previously, a 90% average in it since i was so sick and not well, and when i explained that she accused me further of trying to garner sympathy.

they have since put me in special provisions for my exams but with a school that has urged me to explain how i feel then somehow make me feel like its been weaponised to accuse me of things or make me feel worse (this is just a bit fo what has happened) i don't feel safe at school. i used to see school as a safe space to escape home, but now that I've moved from my dad's house to my mum's, i feel much safer at home. school freaks me out and i need a way to not have to go to school. I keep up with all my content at home and considering i constantly feel unwell due to a medical condition, i would much rather it that way. so is there any way of ensuring it possible then just arriving for my exams? my school is so shit that i do better without a teacher since we never get taught anything at school. i have already been relying on self teaching up until this point.
u need to consult with a principal/deputy coz they’re really the only one who can decide. aurora college does exist for a purely online hsc so that is a thing too, if ur in year 12 tho its probably way too late to change so you’re best just asking your principal, chances are they will be more than happy to accomodate for you


Aug 17, 2020
i also think you should speak to your principal or NESA. if attendance doesn't matter or can be excused due to your circumstances then that's good news you can mostly avoid school and still do the HSC, but if it does matter then you'll need to start talking options

it might a little late to start to start homeschooling but idk it could be possible as well, I've heard homeschooling arrangements can be tedious though. not sure how distance learning works again you'll have to contact NESA and schools that offer this. there's gonna be paperwork and time needed for these options regardless so it's best you begin talking to the right people to find things out

sorry about your situation btw, your school sounds toxic, my best friend had a vision impairment and a bad domestic situation and her (our) school was absolutely terrible at handling it, pretty much traumatised her and she started homeschooling in like year 8


Active Member
Feb 14, 2024
is home schooling or distance learning an option?
This sounds just like how I used to feel before I started distance edu😟 I really recommend you do distance edu if you can, it seriously helped me so much mentally. And it would be even better for you since we do a lot of self learning and you said you do better without teachers. My school didn't understand either, my teachers were literally just like yours and thought I was faking it. I'm not even doing my hsc exams at my old school because of how terribly I was treated there💀

But I will say, if you apply for distance ed now I'm not sure how long the process will take and how much of the work you'll miss


New Member
Nov 12, 2023
This sounds just like how I used to feel before I started distance edu😟 I really recommend you do distance edu if you can, it seriously helped me so much mentally. And it would be even better for you since we do a lot of self learning and you said you do better without teachers. My school didn't understand either, my teachers were literally just like yours and thought I was faking it. I'm not even doing my hsc exams at my old school because of how terribly I was treated there💀

But I will say, if you apply for distance ed now I'm not sure how long the process will take and how much of the work you'll miss
tbh I'm not even sure if my parents would let me get into distance edu :( but whats the process like when trying get into it? i feel like its a bit took late tho :(


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
tbh I'm not even sure if my parents would let me get into distance edu :( but whats the process like when trying get into it? i feel like its a bit took late tho :(
in my school you do the forms and staff from my school send them to the distance ed high school. you have to be accepted into it and criteria includes whether or not they have empty spots in it and other stuff related to availability.


Active Member
Feb 14, 2024
tbh I'm not even sure if my parents would let me get into distance edu :( but whats the process like when trying get into it? i feel like its a bit took late tho :(
I think it might be too late now I'm sorry 😭 usually distance edu takes a while to process so you'll miss a lot of year 12. I think you should go to a psychologist tho because it'll benefit you a lot. Especially if something happens like you have a panic attack or miss some important task, a psychologist can get you out of trouble and can show your school proof. Ik you said your parents won't take you, but I'm pretty sure you could get a free mental health plan from the gp and they can refer you to a psychologist and get a few free sessions. It might be hard to convince your parents but think it's worth it because a psychologist will really help you out and hopefully since it's free they'll be more likely to take you. Lmk if you need help but if you really don't want to do all that then I think you might have to push through until the hsc is over 😔 take care


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
I think you should go to a psychologist tho because it'll benefit you a lot. Especially if something happens like you have a panic attack or miss some important task, a psychologist can get you out of trouble and can show your school proof. Ik you said your parents won't take you, but I'm pretty sure you could get a free mental health plan from the gp and they can refer you to a psychologist and get a few free sessions. It might be hard to convince your parents but think it's worth it because a psychologist will really help you out and hopefully since it's free they'll be more likely to take you. Lmk if you need help but if you really don't want to do all that then I think you might have to push through until the hsc is over 😔 take care
yeah i second this. psychologists do have quite the waiting list depending on how severe your issues are so keep that in mind. if you want to seek help before your externals or even trials you need to get referrals like now, but honestly please take your mind off school and put you first, don't stress about the process and just take baby steps, just seek professional help. obviously this a larger problem you are struggling and it affects you outside of just school too im assuming

from what ik psychologists are very helpful and of course they can work with you not just in terms of the academic side of things but your overall wellbeing. again i hear you in terms of your parents not wanting to take you - but it seems like you are old enough to go on your own to the gp and the referral and first few sessions with the psychologist should be free of charge. if you are able to take yourself you definitely should, but you should also try to convince them if you can. tell them its free and with the school counsellor you could get them to ring your parents about it if your counsellor is chill like that. ik the counsellor in my school does that stuff.
Last edited:


New Member
Nov 12, 2023
yeah i second this. psychologists do have quite the waiting list depending on how severe your issues are so keep that in mind. if you want to seek help before your externals or even trials you need to get referrals like now, but honestly please take your mind off school and put you first, don't stress about the process and just take baby steps, just seek professional help. obviously this a larger problem you are struggling and it affects you outside of just school too im assuming

from what ik psychologists are very helpful and of course they can work with you not just in terms of the academic side of things but your overall wellbeing. again i hear you in terms of your parents not wanting to take you - but it seems like you are old enough to go on your own to the gp and the referral and first few sessions with the psychologist should be free of charge. if you are able to take yourself you definitely should, but you should also try to convince them if you can. tell them its free and with the school counsellor you could get them to ring your parents about it if your counsellor is chill like that. ik the counsellor in my school does that stuff.
yeah I've considered options like going to a gp and things but i have no way of going, and my parents are the type that monitor everything about me and don't let me go outside. so when i do seek help it has to be at school and within the confines of that. my school is sorta trying to work around it but they keep telling my parents things which causes even deeper issues so idk. ill just stick it out until the end of the hsc and hope the best. its just really upsetting that my near perfect marks have been messed up for reasons practically out of my control.


#1 nesa hater
Aug 1, 2023
yappaholics anonymous
yeah I've considered options like going to a gp and things but i have no way of going, and my parents are the type that monitor everything about me and don't let me go outside. so when i do seek help it has to be at school and within the confines of that. my school is sorta trying to work around it but they keep telling my parents things which causes even deeper issues so idk. ill just stick it out until the end of the hsc and hope the best. its just really upsetting that my near perfect marks have been messed up for reasons practically out of my control.
im so sorry to hear that ugh

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