Does God Exist? (1 Viewer)


xo NoFear xo

Not-That-Bright said:
Well he didn't exactly create the best beings to praise him.

How can you say that this world isn't perfect now? Do you know another world? a better world? lol
lol another world??? God will destroy this cre8ion after judgement day and those saved by His grace will live there with Him for eternity...
"He will wipe every tear from their eyes, there will be no longer any death, there will be no longer any mourning or crying or pain, the first things have passed away." Rev. 21:4

sorri if i misunderstood, were u sayin this world iz perfect now???


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Well if there is no other world... would that not make this world the perfect world?
Just as a square with 4 sides is a perfect square, or that you are the perfect <insert ur name here>.

xo NoFear xo

Not-That-Bright said:
Well if there is no other world... would that not make this world the perfect world?
Just as a square with 4 sides is a perfect square, or that you are the perfect <insert ur name here>.
lol perfect?? me??? this world??? no... the creation will be renewed to be perfect... and i am onli viewed as perfect to God becz Jesus took my spot and thru the blood of Jesus death, i am forgiven, therefore perfect in the eyes of God... but i continualli make mistakes... but itz a matter of realising my helplessness and need 4 God and His forgiveness... xo


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
can't u understand what i'm saying tho..... You are the best you there is, therefor u are the perfect u even if u do make mistakes, those mistakes are a part of u thus making them is a part of being the perfect u.

xo NoFear xo

Not-That-Bright said:
can't u understand what i'm saying tho..... You are the best you there is, therefor u are the perfect u even if u do make mistakes, those mistakes are a part of u thus making them is a part of being the perfect u.
lol sorri 4 not gettin ya b4... but i havta say, i disagree with wat u r saying... just because i am the onli me i know, duz not mean by any degree that i am the perfect version of me... mistakes etc as u sed bein part of the perfecct me makes no sense... how can sumthin that makes mistakes be perfect on its own???


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
These 'Do God exist' threads are stupid. How? Because one cannot currently prove or disprove the existence of God in a irrefutable manner. A Christian may argue that God exists due to the religion being based on faith, however that doesn't prove that he exists. It only implies that you believe he exists.

xo NoFear xo

JKDDragon said:
These 'Do God exist' threads are stupid. How? Because one cannot currently prove or disprove the existence of God in a irrefutable manner. A Christian may argue that God exists due to the religion being based on faith, however that doesn't prove that he exists. It only implies that you believe he exists.
heya dragon man, u have it right... it is faith... a heart change... itz so weird... its like talkin a different language with sum1 ya know lol but everyone iz born that way, me 2, itz just a matter of what God graciousli did...
there r so mani archaeological factz tho that prove the bible... people just dont accept it or question it rite 2 the bone because they knw that if itz true it demands a life-change... just like a smoker knowz it iz deadli 2 em, they dont give up... like a sinner, it demands 2 much of a human...
which is why itz onli dun with the grace of God...
itz ur choice whether u believe or not m8... but wen u die u will know the truth...

xo NoFear xo

Not-That-Bright said:
because who's to judge what is a mistake? There's no other 'NoFear' to compare you against.. so i guess u must be the perfect one.
heya! phew, i finalli clicked lol my brain just caught up and processd what ur saying lol (bout time... sorri ;))
ok, lets just say that the nicest person in the world... charitable, loving, caring, law-abiding, is not a christian i.e. they're their own God... they will go 2 hell wen they die... now 2 the world that iz crazi cz hey... this person was wow!
but in the eyes of God, they were not perfect... they did not luv Him and did not give their life 2 Him... "who judges what is a mistake?"
God does...
i am not the perfect one of me... cause i sin... r u saying a person who sins can b perfect i c totalli wat u r saying but it duznt make sense... if that even makes sense lol sorri ;) xo

xo NoFear xo

Not-That-Bright said:
Will i know the truth? If i'm right.. i'll never know the truth lol
lol pleez excuse me if im misunderstanding u...
r u saying if u know the truth i.e. Jesus Christ is Lord...then u already know the truth which is why it dusnt need 2 b revealed 2 u @ judgement cz by Godz grace, u would, hypotheticalli know it alredi :) xo sorri if thatz not watcha ment~

xo NoFear xo

Not-That-Bright said:
it only doesn't make sense if there is a god.
wat??? sorri u poor thing hazta suffer cz im tired and dumb lol but pleez explain??


Lacking creativity
Sep 6, 2003
xo NoFear xo said:
heya! phew, i finalli clicked lol my brain just caught up and processd what ur saying lol (bout time... sorri ;))
ok, lets just say that the nicest person in the world... charitable, loving, caring, law-abiding, is not a christian i.e. they're their own God... they will go 2 hell wen they die... now 2 the world that iz crazi cz hey... this person was wow!
but in the eyes of God, they were not perfect... they did not luv Him and did not give their life 2 Him... "who judges what is a mistake?"
God does...
i am not the perfect one of me... cause i sin... r u saying a person who sins can b perfect i c totalli wat u r saying but it duznt make sense... if that even makes sense lol sorri ;) xo
From what I gather from that:

God only cares about being respected, cause he is arrogant.


Happy Member
Jul 15, 2004
Not-That-Bright said:
What a great loving god you people have that you must fear him.
Is this like the kinda relationship one has with an abusive husband?
the fear is more one of a respect not a fear as in being scared


Happy Member
Jul 15, 2004
Xayma said:
From what I gather from that:

God only cares about being respected, cause he is arrogant.
if you created everything and everyone that exists in this universe i dont think there is anything wrong with being arrogant.

he does love everyone, if you believe in god and all you know that despite every wrong thing you do you can go to heaven if you repent

Pace Setter

Feb 13, 2004
If there is a god, he/she/it/etc is NEITHER happy, sad, good, bad, evil, great, arrogant, compassionate or any other of those words. These kinds of adjectives are only used to describe something that one has seen/felt/imagined/experienced, etc, not something whose form you have absolutely no idea about. You can call various acts of violence and harassment "evil," and various acts of charity as "good," but the words that were chosen to describe those actions were made by humans, for acts that humans have witnessed, based on thought systems somewhere within that mess we call a brain in a human. I think that once one starts labelling god as "good," it starts becoming like a comparison between one human entity and one beyond-human entity. You can't make that kind of comparison. That kind of personification I'd say completely ignores what these kinds of debates are about, regardless of whether you reckon there is a god or there isn't.


Aug 17, 2002
Pace Setter said:
If there is a god, he/she/it/etc is NEITHER happy, sad, good, bad, evil, great, arrogant, compassionate or any other of those words. These kinds of adjectives are only used to describe something that one has seen/felt/imagined/experienced, etc, not something whose form you have absolutely no idea about. You can call various acts of violence and harassment "evil," and various acts of charity as "good," but the words that were chosen to describe those actions were made by humans, for acts that humans have witnessed, based on thought systems somewhere within that mess we call a brain in a human. I think that once one starts labelling god as "good," it starts becoming like a comparison between one human entity and one beyond-human entity. You can't make that kind of comparison. That kind of personification I'd say completely ignores what these kinds of debates are about, regardless of whether you reckon there is a god or there isn't.
They ought to be dealt with at some point, moreover arguments against beliefs of God that assert an "all-good" creator can still be refuted on logical terms, not necessarily on substance (variable ideas of good and bad).

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