Its pretty much like what Jasee said.
I'll be doing this next year and you need to make a case for why you want to study those subjects somewhere else. There are basically two reasons they accept:
- Subject availability. Which means that if the uni doesn't offer your desired subject you can apply to do it elewhere. This is extremely easy to do with the HSS department since we have a very limited range of electives in comparison to USYD/UNSW/MQ, in fact it was even suggested to us at enrollment day that we could do this. So basically you can pick nearly any arts[though probably not a language] elective from another uni[or in some situations TAFE] to take up your elective units.
- Clashes. For example if there are serious timetable clashes with other unavoidable obligations (ie medical crap or childcare) then you can apply to do an equivalent subject at another university. I remember when I started at UTS I had an unavoidable clash that existed no matter what subject I enrolled in and because it was core it had to be done, and one of the suggestions was that I look for an equivalent unit at another uni and get it assessed by the HSS admin to see if it would work out.[the clash got resolved for me so eh]
- Lastly, you can make a case on the basis that its not available in that semester
I was also told, that unless you were undergoing exchange with a foreign uni, you could only do 1 subject a semester at another institution and have it count toward your degree. You also need to check out if the 'host' university offers HECS places for cross-institutional study as some will charge you full fee for it.
Also regarding cp, be careful as some universities use different counting methods - I'm pretty sure that UOW/USYD/UNSW have similar cp counting measures to us but UWS and MQ have
completely different methods.
In order to get it done, you need to dl a concurrency form from
the UTS website and a cross-institutional one from the 'host' uni. Then you fill out the concurrency one with your desired subject and details and hand it in to HSS admin where they look at your case and then once you get approval you lodge the cross-institutional form with the 'host' uni along with evidence of your approval to study.
Here are the cross-institutional forms for some of the 'host' unis: Institutional application.pdf
I don't know if you'll still read this or not, but I hope it proves helpful.