Can i double major in the science bit if i can fit it in (just) ? (better formatting)Joint Resolutions with the Faculties of Engineering and Science (BE/BSc)
Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Science combined degree
A student may proceed concurrently to the degrees of Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Science (Advanced) or Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) and Bachelor of Engineering. Admission, progression and assessment criteria apply and are described in the resolutions for the BE specialisations shown above.
Students will be under the general supervision of the Faculty of Engineering for administrative matters.
The Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering shall jointly exercise authority in any academic matter concerning the combined course not otherwise dealt with in these resolutions.
Units of study must be selected as shown in the Engineering Specialisation Tables for the core components of the chosen Engineering specialisation. Units from the Science Faculty must be chosen as shown in the Science Faculty handbook to meet requirements of a Science major.
The Faculty Resolutions (which are reproduced in the Engineering and Science Handbooks, as the case may be) specify:
credit point values;
corequisites/prerequisites/assumed learning/assumed knowledge; and
any special conditions.
Requirements for the BE/BSc pass degree
To qualify for the award of the pass degrees a student shall complete units of study having a total value of at least 240 credit points including:
96 credit points of units from Science subject areas,
a major in a Science area, and
Units of study as prescribed in the Tables of BE Specialisation Requirements for the specialisation that the student is pursuing.
To qualify for the award of the pass degree in the Advanced or Advanced Mathematics stream of the BSc a student shall in addition to the requirements of resolution 4.1:
complete at least 54 credit points of Intermediate/Senior Science units of study of which at least 36 shall be completed at the Advanced level or as TSP units;
complete at least 24 credit points of Senior Science units of study at the Advanced level or as TSP units in a single Science subject area; and
maintain in Intermediate and Senior Science units of study an average mark of 65 or greater in each year of enrolment.
Requirements for honours degrees
BE with Honours
On completion of the requirements for the combined degrees, a student may qualify for the award of BE degree with Honours in accordance with the requirements set out in the Resolutions of the Faculty of Engineering relating to the BE degree.
BSc with Honours
On completion of the requirements for the combined degrees, a student may be qualified to enrol in Honours in the Bachelor of Science.
To qualify for the award of the BSc with Honours, a student must complete successfully an additional year of study (the Honours year), as specified in the Faculty of Science Handbook.
Students may at any stage abandon the combined degree course and elect to complete either a BSc or a BE in accordance with the resolutions governing those degrees
Resolutions covering admission, enrolment restrictions, progression requirements, satisfactory progress, cross-institutional study and assessment criteria for the combined degree are equivalent to those for the BE degree and specialisations, as shown in the Faculty Handbook.
The Deans of the Faculties of Engineering and Science shall jointly exercise authority in any matter concerning the combined degrees not otherwise dealt with in these resolutions.
Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Science double degree
A student enrolled for a Bachelor of Engineering degree may be permitted to transfer to the Faculty of Science to complete a BSc degree at the end of Second Year or Third Year in the BE degree if:
except as provided in section 4.1.2, all units of study attempted in the BE degree have been completed with a grade of pass or better;
at least 96 credit points from units of study in the BE degree have been completed, of which no more than 12 credit points are from units of study with the grade of Pass (Concessional);
the student is qualified to enrol in a major in a Science area; and
for admission to the Advanced streams, the student satisfies the requirements in Section 3.2 or 3.3 of the Resolutions of the Faculty of Science relating to the BSc degree.
Students will be under the supervision of the Faculty of Engineering for the period of BE degree enrolment and under the supervision of the Faculty of Science for the BSc enrolment and completion.
Units of study must be selected as shown in the Engineering Specialisation Tables for the core components of the chosen Engineering specialisation.
Units from the Science Faculty must be chosen as shown in the Science Faculty handbook to meet requirements of a Science major.
The Faculty Resolutions (which are reproduced in the Engineering and Science Handbooks, as the case may be) specify:
credit point values;
corequisites/prerequisites/assumed learning/assumed knowledge; and
any special conditions.
To qualify for the award of the pass BSc degree a student shall complete units of study to a value of at least 48 credit points including:
42credit points of Intermediate/Senior units of study in Science subject areas; and
a major in a Science area.
To qualify for the award of the pass degree in the Advanced or Advanced Mathematics stream of the BSc a student shall in addition to the requirements of Section 4:
include at least 72 credit points of Intermediate/Senior Science units of study;
include at least 24 credit points of Senior Science units of study at the Advanced level or as TSP units in a single Science subject area; and
maintain in Intermediate and Senior Science units of study an average mark of 65 or greater in each year of enrolment.
The requirements of Sections 5 or 6 must be completed in one year of full-time study or two years of part-time study.
Students who complete at least 42 but less than 48 credit points in the prescribed time limits may in the following year of enrolment in the BE complete the remaining units to satisfy the requirements of the Faculty of Science.
Students who complete less than 42 credit points may apply to be readmitted to the degree, subject to Sections 92-95 of the Resolutions of the Faculty of Science relating to the BSc degree.
Students who are so qualified may undertake an honours course in the BSc in accordance with Sections 12-20 of the Resolutions of the Faculty of Science relating to the BSc degree.
On completion of the requirements of the BSc degree or BSc Honours course, students will be eligible to resume their enrolment toward the BE degree according the Faculty of Engineering resolutions for that degree.
Students may abandon the BSc degree enrolment at any stage and resume their enrolment in the BE degree.
Resolutions covering admission, enrolment restrictions, progression requirements, satisfactory progress, cross-institutional study and assessment criteria for the Engineering component of the double degree are equivalent to those for the BE degree and specialisations, as shown in the Faculty Handbook.
The Deans of the Faculties of Engineering and Science shall jointly exercise authority in any matter concerning the double degree not otherwise dealt with in these resolutions.