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Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran (1 Viewer)

Ahmed A

Apr 6, 2006
iamsickofyear12 said:
Then again, all the deaths in Palestine can be blamed on Muslims who just won't leave the Jews alone. If you start something and end up getting hurt it is your fault, not the person who hurt you.

It just happens that I am behind my computer right now... but I would be making the same criticisms if these people were standing right in front of me.

I'm not in school. I finished my HSC in 04.

I think I am one of the few people that actually lives in the real world. The real world isn't a nice and happy place where everyone gets along, it is a bad place where Muslims refuse to accept criticism, thus proving my point that they don't get along with anyone.
thats such a load of bullshit
you really made me laugh right then and there
i think you are one of the few people living in denial..
if you were living in the real world
and you finishd year 12 in 2004
then wat the fuk r u doing behind the comp on a student's forum?
y rnt u living in the supposed 'real world' you so highly fucking speak of?

Muslims refuse to accept criticism, thus proving my point that they don't get along with anyone.
Thats your point and your entitled to it.
But your only taking in2 account the muslim nations that you want to take in2 account
Y not look at the prosperity of the UAE? one of the richest nations in the world, and yes it is a muslim country. Dubai nd Abu Dhabi are fast growing and get along perfectally with other nations such as the United States, Australia and the U.K.
Also, Saudi Arabia, which is another muslim country, has a huge deal with the United States 4 trading oil. So as you can c, muslims are getting along with other people, but your ignorance is preventing you from seeing that..

I was never really arguing that we should ban the Quran
ohh please
has reality finally hit you??
read the first couple of pages on this thread
you must have really short term selective memory
grow up seriously


Active Member
Jun 17, 2004
Ahmed A said:
then wat the fuk r u doing behind the comp on a student's forum?
y rnt u living in the supposed 'real world' you so highly fucking speak of?

Thats your point and your entitled to it.
But your only taking in2 account the muslim nations that you want to take in2 account
Y not look at the prosperity of the UAE? one of the richest nations in the world, and yes it is a muslim country. Dubai nd Abu Dhabi are fast growing and get along perfectally with other nations such as the United States, Australia and the U.K.
Also, Saudi Arabia, which is another muslim country, has a huge deal with the United States 4 trading oil. So as you can c, muslims are getting along with other people, but your ignorance is preventing you from seeing that..

ohh please
has reality finally hit you??
read the first couple of pages on this thread
you must have really short term selective memory
grow up seriously
If you are going to continue to post at least use all real words and proper sentences so your posts are easier to read.

I am going to uni, so I am a student, so I am on a student forum.

Some Muslim countries get along with other countries like the US because it is profitable for them to do so. Plenty of others don't. Maintaining diplomatic and trade relationships does not automatically mean individuals and groups or even the population at large don't have a problem with that other country. 15 of the 9/11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia, 2 were from UAE.

You're right. I did say that the Quran should be banned, but I never said we should only ban the Quran and nothing else. That obviously wouldn't work.

Ahmed A

Apr 6, 2006
iamsickofyear12 said:
If you are going to continue to post at least use all real words and proper sentences so your posts are easier to read.

I am going to uni, so I am a student, so I am on a student forum.

Some Muslim countries get along with other countries like the US because it is profitable for them to do so. Plenty of others don't. Maintaining diplomatic and trade relationships does not automatically mean individuals and groups or even the population at large don't have a problem with that other country. 15 of the 9/11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia, 2 were from UAE.

You're right. I did say that the Quran should be banned, but I never said we should only ban the Quran and nothing else. That obviously wouldn't work.
you said it yourself
your previous comment said that muslims DONT GET ALONG WITH ANYONE ELSE..
which in turn proves how u selectively choose to read wat u want to read. Here we are talking about the 'minority of muslim countries apparently' but we cant talk about the minority of people wen it comes to suicide bombers and terrorist coz then we gotta take the entire muslim population into hand..
because your to ignorant to accept this as a fact

go on please,
because the more you go on,
the more you prove to everyone here how much of a hypocrite you are
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Active Member
Jun 17, 2004
Ahmed A said:
you said it yourself
your previous comment said that muslims DONT GET ALONG WITH ANYONE ELSE..
For fucks sake...

Just because a Muslim country can maintain relations with other countries (with the incentive of making money) doesn't mean Muslims get along with non-Muslims.
Mar 21, 2004
Northernmost Moonforests of the North
Ahmed A said:
you said it yourself
your previous comment said that muslims DONT GET ALONG WITH ANYONE ELSE..
which in turn proves how u selectively choose to read wat u want to read. Here we are talking about the 'minority of muslim countries apparently' but we cant talk about the minority of people wen it comes to suicide bombers and terrorist coz then we gotta take the entire muslim population into hand..
because your to ignorant to accept this as a fact

go on please,
because the more you go on,
the more you prove to everyone here how much of a hypocrite you are
I'd be a little worried about calling people hypocrites if I were in your position.

By your position, I mean the bit where you criticise someone for their selective reading in the same post where you emphasise just half a sentence, and in doing so appear to miss the point. That is of course, unless you happen to be enough of a knuckle-dragger to think that "muslims can't get along with anyone else" was meant in a 100% literal sense, in which case you're not a hypocrite afterall, just an idiot.

Edit: werds


Active Member
Feb 28, 2006
iamsickofyear12 said:
So my solution is to...
1 - Make all religion in public illegal. Not just Islam, all religions. No single religion is being discriminated against. This way religion is not allowed to have an impact on government policy by law. Still, this could not be maintained if the Muslim population was large enough.
You'd be a goddamn pathetic prime minister. So you're going to walk up to ANY religious person and ask them to give up God, and when they're like why? You'd say (quote from harry potter LOL) 'for the greater good?' Talk about giving people a reason to hate you. Just because you obviously have no spiritual guidance doesn't mean others don't.

I think religion MIGHT have an impact when considering laws and so on But seriously, are you implying that when in Parliament, the senators are going to make laws that would apply only to a CERTAIN religion. No, I didn't think so. Most Goverment laws are uniform in Australia. It doesn't matter if you're jew, muslim or christian. You don't follow the rules you are fucked and gone.

iamsickofyear12 said:
2 - Stop Muslim immigration. I would think that being unable to display their religion publicly would discourage a fair number from wanting to come in the first place, but even if it doesn't Australia has a right to decide what is best for Australia, not other people.
Pfft. You are breaching the convention on the International Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination Act.

Article 1 said:
1. In this Convention, the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.
And you think you have the potential to create your own laws? Yeah, sure.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2004
beentherdunthat said:
You'd be a goddamn pathetic prime minister. So you're going to walk up to ANY religious person and ask them to give up God, and when they're like why? You'd say (quote from harry potter LOL) 'for the greater good?' Talk about giving people a reason to hate you. Just because you obviously have no spiritual guidance doesn't mean others don't.

I think religion MIGHT have an impact when considering laws and so on But seriously, are you implying that when in Parliament, the senators are going to make laws that would apply only to a CERTAIN religion. No, I didn't think so. Most Goverment laws are uniform in Australia. It doesn't matter if you're jew, muslim or christian. You don't follow the rules you are fucked and gone.

Pfft. You are breaching the convention on the International Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination Act.
Not ask them to give up God. People can be as religious as they want in private where I don't have to see or hear them.

I specifically said it would apply to all religions.

I don't care.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2004
zimmerman8k said:
what do u mean by in private? are they allowed to have a church?
They would be allowed to have a church... but not in a way that would bother other people.... so there couldn't be religious signs out front or religious advertising or anything like that.


Active Member
Feb 28, 2006
iamsickofyear12 said:
Not ask them to give up God. People can be as religious as they want in private where I don't have to see or hear them.

I specifically said it would apply to all religions.

I don't care.
:bomb: Religion has always been part of history. You're looking at centuries of different religions and stuff. YOU DON'T GET IT. IT's NOT POSSIBLE to wipe out religion just by passing out laws. And anyway, we NEED religion. People will lose their morales and self-guidance if they don't have religion. The net result will be confusion and even more destruction. Straight out.

Ahhh, I dunno. This whole thing's a bloody headache. I'm going to study for maths... I have extension1&2 coming up... :wave: Cya's later.


Google "9-11" and "truth"
Dec 20, 2004
Schroedinger said:
If you've got a problem with Israel take it up with the British. Israel has a right to protect its borders against racist and religiously-motivated hatred.

If the Israelis were to put down arms, every single one of them would be viciously murdered by a population that believes they are subhuman due to their religion.
The death of Israel will be the fact that it's a democracy. The government has to pander to the ultra-orthodox Jews who have about 18 children each because there is no real net immigration now unlike after WWII and most Israeli-Jews have few children. The Israeli-Arab population is growing much faster.
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Active Member
Jun 17, 2004
beentherdunthat said:
And anyway, we NEED religion. People will lose their morales and self-guidance if they don't have religion. The net result will be confusion and even more destruction. Straight out.
Religion does not have a monopoly on morals. If anything, the way religious texts are constantly re-interpreted to fit in with what people really feel like doing proves that morals don't even come from religion in the first place.

You might be surprised by this, but some people are actually capable of living their own lives rather than just doing what they are told by a God.... the existence of which cannot be proven by the way.

"We" don't need religion. You need religion.... because you are too fucking pathetic to think for yourself.


Jul 8, 2007
Van Nuys, CA
iamsickofyear12 said:
Religion does not have a monopoly on morals. If anything, the way religious texts are constantly re-interpreted to fit in with what people really feel like doing proves that morals don't even come from religion in the first place.

You might be surprised by this, but some people are actually capable of living their own lives rather than just doing what they are told by a God.... the existence of which cannot be proven by the way.

"We" don't need religion. You need religion.... because you are too fucking pathetic to think for yourself.
Nice post. In fact most of the positive changes to society that we now take for granted have come from movement away from religion.

Secularism actually provides a better moral framework because it encourages people to evaluate their own morals based on current social conditions, rather than blindly accepting the rules layed down by an ancient religious text!


Jul 8, 2007
Van Nuys, CA
Schroedinger said:
Natural laws don't necessarily stop the existence of God. k.
No one suggested that. How many times do I have to point out that its impossible to completely disprove the existance of god. The point is there is no rational basis to believe in any particular god.
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Apr 11, 2006
Guys really, stop disagreeing with beentherdunthat. Obviously religion created morals and ethics. Before that we just killed and raped each other. Religion just APPEARED and morals were there. :]

On a serious note, I have an honest question about the whole Palestine issue. Was Palestine involved in the first Israeli-Arab conflict? I don't recall reading about Palestinians being actively involved in any fighting to cause their territory (UN thingy majiggy) to be taken by both Israelis and Arabs(I think anyway). So yeh, someone clear up a bit of confusion for me. :D


Dec 5, 2006
if mein kampf is banned, why can't the koran be?

im not for any kind of censorship, i think its a fucking disgrace any books are banned, but wat makes the koran any better than mein kampf? both books are equally violent, racist and derogatory (like i said, i dont think either should be banned), but if one is, why not the other?


Apr 11, 2006
Mein Kampf is banned in Australia? Are you sure? I thought my brother had a copy of it. o_O


Sep 11, 2006
Woy Woy Peninsula
iamsickofyear12 said:
You are a moron. I didn't say all the deaths in Iraq could be blamed on Muslims, I said those three things I listed can be blamed on Muslims.

- Civilian casualties from Muslim terrorist bombs.
- Civilian casualties resulting from the coalition defending themselves against Muslim terrorist attacks.
- Civilian casualties from Muslims fighting other Muslims.

...and since you have brought it up, I think that last point can be blamed on Muslims as well....
If Muslim terrorists weren't causing so much trouble then law and order would be back by now, and it's not the coalitions fault that Muslims can't behave themselves unless they are forced to with enough police around.
LOL, now just one question
what were the poor coalition doing there
those poor victims (coalition)

Im under impression that the invaders are to blame
people who do terrorist attacks are bad, and responsible for things that happen
but you try to hit me, and i defend myself, and break ur nose, u started it

iamsickofyear12 said:
For fucks sake...

Just because a Muslim country can maintain relations with other countries (with the incentive of making money) doesn't mean Muslims get along with non-Muslims.
I think i"m muslim (?)
and i think that i do get along with a lot of people at school
my school 10/1200 students muslim
1% almost muslim
so 99% not
i say i get along with easily half the school
50% > 1%
My soccer team, i get along with every1
im only muslim
no problems
except for people like you every once and a while making snide comments (eg. terrorist", real original) from other team
SO im confused
am i some sort of freak???
im muslim yet i get along with non muslims
Your argument there is not even remotely ture
To say a definitive stement is pretty irresponsible and extremely easy to disprove

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