i just realised how good i will feel when i hand assessments worth 60 marks in total today. Until I get home at 9pm after touch footy, and then panickly try and finish my oral 10% presentation by the following day.
youre beating me! ive got to stop looking up gay porn.
Plus you have 100 less words to write.
I'm 12pm on Tuesdays. The later lectures, I find are much better. Less people, he asks more questions, he cracks more jokes. I love frank. I wish he were mine.
I just realised what has become of me. I wanted to go to uni so I could enjoy all these extra years before work, with doing only enough work to get 50%. Now I'm trying to get a D average.
Staying up all night.
Waking up early doing readings just so I could be prepared for a single tute.