Quick question, is it necessary to put hollow men and magi together in an essay because, like people keep telling me, they always go together. My school is having a writing exam this week and the question is
‘The superficiality and pretensions of the urban landscape reduce individuals to nothing more than objects, depicting a life full of monotony and misery.’ To what extent is this statement true of T.S Eliot’s poetry?'
I was planning to use Prufrock, Prelude and Hollow men, don't wanna use Magi because I don't wanna include the spiritual salvation
‘The superficiality and pretensions of the urban landscape reduce individuals to nothing more than objects, depicting a life full of monotony and misery.’ To what extent is this statement true of T.S Eliot’s poetry?'
I was planning to use Prufrock, Prelude and Hollow men, don't wanna use Magi because I don't wanna include the spiritual salvation