- atp/pc lasts for 1-10 seconds (shotput, javelin, 100m run)
- lactic acid lasts 30 seconds to 2 minutes @ 95%, 30mins @ 60% (100m swim)
- aerobic system doesn't kick in till 3 minutes as thats how long it takes for oxygen to reach the working muscles. (marathon, triathlon)
- atp = max effort
- lactic acid = 60-95%
- aerobic = up to 60% max effort
the aerobic system is the most efficient system as it can last for ages(no limit @ low intensity). the atp/pc and lactic acid systems do not run from oxygen.
-atp pc uses creatine phosphate for its fuel.
-actic acid uses muscle glycogen
-aerobic uses oxygen
-there is no waste product for atp/pc
-waste product for lactic acid system, is lactic acid build up in the muscles (which causes fatigue)
-carbon dioxide, water waste products for aerobic system
- atp/pc recovery time = 2minutes
- lactic acid = 20mins to 2 hours depending on intensity
- aerobic = 24hours
the body systems run off carbohydrates(glycogen), fat then protein as a last resort for its energy.
sorry if i wrote alot, this is kind of my study aswell by recalling what i know and writing it down, hope it helps you.