Eng Adv Vs Standard (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jul 21, 2024
l've heard from teachers and students that stan. eng is a lot easier n the workload is 50% less than adv english. Considering this, should l move from adv to standard? l'm scared whether or not that will bring my ATAR down, n currently, l'm 15th in my cohort of 95.


Unknown Member
May 8, 2021
in your walls
l've heard from teachers and students that stan. eng is a lot easier n the workload is 50% less than adv english. Considering this, should l move from adv to standard? l'm scared whether or not that will bring my ATAR down, n currently, l'm 15th in my cohort of 95.
there’s barely any difference in the workload between standard and advanced english and the real difference is in the cohorts that take either subject; in fact they scale the same (the common scale being why english is mandatory for the hsc) but the alignments are different and better for advanced because the cohort for advanced is generally ‘better’ at english while in standard there are of academically driven kids doing it you’ll find a lot more of them in advanced because it’s seen as the more ‘difficult’ english course (difficult in quotation marks because i don’t think the workload difference is huge between both subjects), plus a more academically driven cohort means you may be motivated to do well in english too and have others to help you out when you’re stuck (which was the case for me because my entire cohort had to do advanced)

atar-wise you should stick with advanced. if you search up hscninja english advanced and hscninja english standard, because of the differences in alignment and the difference in cohorts you’ll find that way more people get band 6s in advanced than in standard (in 2023, it was around 3000 b6s for advanced? and in standard not even 100 got band 6). you have statistically a higher chance of getting a better mark (and even a b6) if you stay in advanced. also 15/95 is an amazing rank for advanced, that’s the top fifth of the cohort and that already suggests you’re more than capable of doing well in english advanced maybe even better in year 12.


New Member
Jul 21, 2024
there’s barely any difference in the workload between standard and advanced english and the real difference is in the cohorts that take either subject; in fact they scale the same (the common scale being why english is mandatory for the hsc) but the alignments are different and better for advanced because the cohort for advanced is generally ‘better’ at english while in standard there are of academically driven kids doing it you’ll find a lot more of them in advanced because it’s seen as the more ‘difficult’ english course (difficult in quotation marks because i don’t think the workload difference is huge between both subjects), plus a more academically driven cohort means you may be motivated to do well in english too and have others to help you out when you’re stuck (which was the case for me because my entire cohort had to do advanced)

atar-wise you should stick with advanced. if you search up hscninja english advanced and hscninja english standard, because of the differences in alignment and the difference in cohorts you’ll find that way more people get band 6s in advanced than in standard (in 2023, it was around 3000 b6s for advanced? and in standard not even 100 got band 6). you have statistically a higher chance of getting a better mark (and even a b6) if you stay in advanced. also 15/95 is an amazing rank for advanced, that’s the top fifth of the cohort and that already suggests you’re more than capable of doing well in english advanced maybe even better in year 12.
So say im doing maths ext + adv, legal, chem + bio, so do u think i should move in order to save my other grades? l'm getting in the high 90s for bio, math n legal, high 80s for chem, but for eng its a straight up 78%


Unknown Member
May 8, 2021
in your walls
So say im doing maths ext + adv, legal, chem + bio, so do u think i should move in order to save my other grades? l'm getting in the high 90s for bio, math n legal, high 80s for chem, but for eng its a straight up 78%
i did the exact same subjects to you in year 11, except that instead of legal i did modern and for year 11 english was the only subject i was actually excelling at, but then i pulled through and ended up with comfortable marks for all my subjects. there’s no need to drop down to save your other grades - your other grades are more than fine. i don’t want to sound patronising but 78% is not bad for english advanced in year 11, and that indicates you have a decent foundation of english skills, all you have to do is try to focus on the individual aspects of english that are barring you from the higher marks; i had a lot of friends who averaged marks in the 70s in prelims but then locked in for year 12 english advanced and all ended up with comfortable band 6s. are you averaging around 70s across all the different english assignments (creatives, essays, short answer, etc)? or is it one particular skill / type of assignment that pulled you down? try to ask those questions as part of self-reflection and then move forward into year 12 english advanced bearing them in mind. make sure to get a lot of feedback from a teacher or tutor and to draft and to look at exemplars etc etc moving into year 12.


New Member
Jul 21, 2024
i did the exact same subjects to you in year 11, except that instead of legal i did modern and for year 11 english was the only subject i was actually excelling at, but then i pulled through and ended up with comfortable marks for all my subjects. there’s no need to drop down to save your other grades - your other grades are more than fine. i don’t want to sound patronising but 78% is not bad for english advanced in year 11, and that indicates you have a decent foundation of english skills, all you have to do is try to focus on the individual aspects of english that are barring you from the higher marks; i had a lot of friends who averaged marks in the 70s in prelims but then locked in for year 12 english advanced and all ended up with comfortable band 6s. are you averaging around 70s across all the different english assignments (creatives, essays, short answer, etc)? or is it one particular skill / type of assignment that pulled you down? try to ask those questions as part of self-reflection and then move forward into year 12 english advanced bearing them in mind. make sure to get a lot of feedback from a teacher or tutor and to draft and to look at exemplars etc etc moving into year 12.
right... no for essays I'm good, that's bc we r given the essay questions, 90s for that, but its the short answers i rlly struggle with. like id do past hsc papers, any random short answers, n never or rarely get full marks. but thx for ur advice tho

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