ENGG1000 Semester 2 (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jul 21, 2013
Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone could clarify something for me:

I was told by a few people who've done this course last year in semester 2 and other previous years in semester 2, that ENGG1000 has less choices in the later semester. Is this true? Apparently last year, the only available stream was Mechanical Engineering. I'm not really interested in doing the Mechanical Engineering assignment, as I'm more focused on my faculty. There was also a disclaimer on the handbook outline stating that semester 1 was for compulsory core students which resulted in approximately 900 students. Even this semester, there's about 400 students. Does this mean because there's still a substantially large cohort there would be more variety? I'm totes hoping there is!

:/ I've gone from Commerce/Science to Comp Sci and I want to do the RoboRescue assignment. I can't really take ENGG1000 next year because it will mess up my timetable for this semester. (Am planning on doing summer school for Maths and Comp 2 to catch up).

Also can someone please shed some light on the first communications/English Proficiency test? Is this compulsory? (The school I attended was a humanities based school and English was one of our generic strong points, so I was wondering what is the relevance of this ? English was compulsory in the HSC, so what gives?)

mwah x0x0x0x0x0x0x0 etc


New Member
Oct 5, 2011
There are usually less choices available in semester 2.

I doubt they would have more choices, rather, more groups in each available choice. But this is just speculation, you will just have to wait for semester 2 to start. I don't even think the Faculty will know yet until enrolment is finalised.

How will doing ENGG1000 next year affect your timetable for this year? Also, there may be a max amount of UOC you can do for Summer School, so you will need to clear that up.

The test is to see your ability to extrapolate information from a source, relate it to the task you had done in the lecture before that, and see if you can write something of substance with technical reasoning. You get marked on basic but essential things which relate to writing up engineering reports. HSC English doesn't really mean much - there were plenty of people who did above average to even reasonably well, and still did badly in the test. You can get into UNSW Engineering with a low English mark provided your other marks are sufficiently high. Your ATAR doesn't reflect your ability to write up technical reports. But it's nothing you need to worry about. There are no consequences if you do badly; if you do really badly, they will strongly recommend you to complete an English comprehension course.


New Member
Jul 21, 2013
There are usually less choices available in semester 2.

I doubt they would have more choices, rather, more groups in each available choice. But this is just speculation, you will just have to wait for semester 2 to start. I don't even think the Faculty will know yet until enrolment is finalised.

How will doing ENGG1000 next year affect your timetable for this year? Also, there may be a max amount of UOC you can do for Summer School, so you will need to clear that up.

The test is to see your ability to extrapolate information from a source, relate it to the task you had done in the lecture before that, and see if you can write something of substance with technical reasoning. You get marked on basic but essential things which relate to writing up engineering reports. HSC English doesn't really mean much - there were plenty of people who did above average to even reasonably well, and still did badly in the test. You can get into UNSW Engineering with a low English mark provided your other marks are sufficiently high. Your ATAR doesn't reflect your ability to write up technical reports. But it's nothing you need to worry about. There are no consequences if you do badly; if you do really badly, they will strongly recommend you to complete an English comprehension course.

I've written technical reports before for science and computing courses at uni, but I was perplexed at what the purpose of this was supposed to be. Thanks for clearing that up though. I'm glad that they're introducing some of sort rubric or standard with technical writing as it sort of creates a mental benchmark. (At least hopefully).

Wasn't meaning to refer to HSC English in the way you characterised it but I just needed further clarification on the nature of this first assessment. The handbook and course outline didn't give out much information to what the assessment would be about (which is fair enough) so I was more inclined to believe it was a literacy based test - akin to something like the plagiarism quiz we had to do in first year on Blackboard.

I actually disagree about what you're saying about the ATAR and technical writing components but, I understand what you're saying.

I'm not concerned in doing badly in the technical report, so there is no need to fret about that. Of course if something were to go wrong I would either contact the lecturer during their contact hours or perhaps review the nature of my work ethic.

The reason why ENGG1000 could clash next semester is because I've got a fair few units that count as a Comp Sci minor's requirement, as well as some course's I've done in Commerce that count as Gen Ed's - ACCT and ECON. Most of the unit's that would count, would be part of the higher level courses and because I'm transferring into the degree mid way through the year might make it harder for me to transition into some of second year courses - it's a bit difficult to explain but hopefully the program office will be able to help me with this, so again nothing too much here. :)

I've spoken to the Faculty already and there's a limit of 2 subjects per summer school thus limiting to 12 UOC for Summer School. I plan on doing Comp 2 end of this year and MATH1231 in summer next year. I spoke to the program office and they said this was fine.

Other than that, I'm pretty excited with starting with ENGG1000. It's that one subject I've really wanted to do but because of Commerce, eh.

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