english adv ☹️ (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Jan 18, 2024
hii all

im soo confused 😭😭

so I wrote a base crucible essay of course back last term for my first yr 12 english assessment task but before the exam I realised that I wouldnt have enough time to write a 3 body para essay and had to only do 2 cause we also had to answer some short answer thing with it. (so it was sorta rushed 😭)

so going forward when wrting like base essays for mod A (doing temp and hag) should I do 3 body para or two big ones? like in the hsc do we have to write 3 body paras? or can we do 2 big ones?
Jan 26, 2024
some schools recommend doing 4 for tempseed but mine (with a faculty of mostly hsc markers) recommended 2 big ones (something which i think worked well in terms of comparing and showing the links between the two texts)


Mr Sir
Jan 23, 2006
hii all

im soo confused 😭😭

so I wrote a base crucible essay of course back last term for my first yr 12 english assessment task but before the exam I realised that I wouldnt have enough time to write a 3 body para essay and had to only do 2 cause we also had to answer some short answer thing with it. (so it was sorta rushed 😭)

so going forward when wrting like base essays for mod A (doing temp and hag) should I do 3 body para or two big ones? like in the hsc do we have to write 3 body paras? or can we do 2 big ones?
im a qualified English teacher and I am happy to help with answers See your pm


Unknown Member
May 8, 2021
in your walls
hii all

im soo confused 😭😭

so I wrote a base crucible essay of course back last term for my first yr 12 english assessment task but before the exam I realised that I wouldnt have enough time to write a 3 body para essay and had to only do 2 cause we also had to answer some short answer thing with it. (so it was sorta rushed 😭)

so going forward when wrting like base essays for mod A (doing temp and hag) should I do 3 body para or two big ones? like in the hsc do we have to write 3 body paras? or can we do 2 big ones?
mod a is a special case, I usually don't recommend doing 2 big ones as cohesion and flow easily get lost with two chunky paragraphs that cover multiple texts. I personally recommend the 4 paragraph structure as long as you are mindful of the word count if you're more interested in discussing broader, thematic and "macro" conversations as each paragraph focuses on one text, and each pair of paras (1 from temp, 1 from hagseed) represents one theme (resonance, other is dissonance). some people recommend the integrated 3 para structure which is really great for structure and allows for stronger comparisons to be made between texts side by side but consequently you need to be careful of the level of depth you provide for both texts

for mod b though. you should stick to 3 paragraphs

yeah while short, 4 wld be a bit annoying in terms of timing constraints
4 isn't really annoying, in fact I found it a lot easier to write than 3 when I did my HSC as you don't have a lot to say for the paragraphs for the older text. You just do barebones minimum analysis for the older text so it's easy to write very little while keeping the bulk of the analysis and the convo on the second text (because even tho it's a textual "conversation" it really is just a one sided convo of a newer text responding to an older one). From experience I found that I would finish my 4 para essay 10-15 min before the exam ended
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Jan 26, 2024
mod a is a special case, I usually don't recommend doing 2 big ones as cohesion and flow easily get lost with two chunky paragraphs that cover multiple texts. I personally recommend the 4 paragraph structure as long as you are mindful of the word count if you're more interested in discussing broader, thematic and "macro" conversations as each paragraph focuses on one text, and each pair of paras (1 from temp, 1 from hagseed) represents one theme (resonance, other is dissonance). some people recommend the integrated 3 para structure which is really great for structure and allows for stronger comparisons to be made between texts side by side but consequently you need to be careful of the level of depth you provide for both texts

for mod b though. you should stick to 3 paragraphs

4 isn't really annoying, in fact I found it a lot easier to write than 3 when I did my HSC as you don't have a lot to say for the paragraphs for the older text. You just do barebones minimum analysis for the older text so it's easy to write very little while keeping the bulk of the analysis and the convo on the second text (because even tho it's a textual "conversation" it really is just a one sided convo of a newer text responding to an older one). From experience I found that I would finish my 4 para essay 10-15 min before the exam ended
yeah i cld def see your case for 4, i think honestly its just personal preference 👍 and I'm probably biased cause our school did push the two integrated structure on us. to the op, you can experiment with all the structures outlined and see whats best for you. personally i liked two para integrated cause I'm a slow writer and it was easy for me to cut analysis exam time cause i was comparing back and forth so my essay wasn't skewed toward a particular text if kinda makes sense, but ofc as masaken said you do run the risk of lacking cohesion and flow w this structure

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