I think its a personal thing dropping/picking up subjects. everyone is different and i'd reccomend a few things:
+Ask your teachers about your progress and discuss how you may improve in certain weak areas and whether or not you will benefit from standard english
+Ask yourself, will you work hard in year 12 for good marks in advanced? (because the workload gets very hefty)
+Do you need english advanced to get into a your desired course at uni?
+Will you benefit from dropping down to standard in terms of your other subjects?
+Perhaps a tutor may help you in the weak areas
+Ask for opinions from current/past year 12 students standard AND advanced
My 2 cents: i was in the same position as you, except at the end of year 10 in chosing subjects. i wasnt all that good in english (in fact, i was pretty poor) and my teacher said "you should do the minimal you need to get into uni" and he was really saying "do standard". i ended up doing advanced and i did average in year 11. Now that i'm in year 12, i'm doing well because i'm focusing alot on my english. i know of one boy who did standard in year 11 but did adv in year 12 and ended up doing really bad because they two courses are really different. Although i have done standard, i can tell you that the standard of work, amount and expectations are alot higher. I beleive we do one extra module (?

) but that shouldnt get in the way of your decision. I think english advanced is a rewarding course in many ways. you begin to appreciate your texts more if it is a challenge to study them. also, you might want to consider getting an average mark in adv is the equivalent of doing elite in standard-thats how the unis see it. If you're confident and am willing to sacrifice and pay extra attention on english, then i beleive you shoudl stay in advaced