GAH!!! i just typed a huge bloody reply but wasnt logged in so it got erased. Damn.
Well heres the jist.
ahem i really dont think my ability to speak languages helps me in any way to avoid memorisation.
OFCOURSE your skill in English helped, as you had no need to memorise essays.
But alot of people do have a need.
Some people cant compose a coherent essay in a set time limit to save their life! Some people have small vocabularies or poor grammar that they choose to cover up through memorising essays so that the HSC markers dont have to know about their faults.
So that they can get a good mark.
Theres nothing wrong with that.
How does it affect you?
obviously my mistake is in actually wanting to make at least some of the time (200 hours or however long the course is meant to be) beneficial to me.
As if the memorisers didnt go to class to learn. Of course they did! They had to learn content for their essays, same as you.
The only difference is they went into their HSC exam with a set essay, where as you went in with formed ideas minus a set structure and wording.
Dare i saw they were more prepared than you?
Maybe your jealous that you didnt memorise an absolutely kick arse essay and get 100%.
for better or for worst none of us seem to have any respect for the education system, but at least i do more than waste my time jumping through hoops.
HA! You really are a piece of work.
Firstly the two independent points in that sentence are linked in no way except through your inexplicable arrogance.
Ill skip the respect for education comment, because i dont understand what youre trying to say.
As for the hoop comment if you didn't jump through hoops what did you do?
The 5 hoops are:
To answer the question
Display a creative flair
Fulfill the requirements of the syllabus
Use Sophisticated Language
Give the BOS markers what they want.
There really isnt that much to play with.
So if you didnt jump through those hoops what did you waste your time doing?
Of course you jumped through he hoops in the hope of a good mark, just like the rest of us!
No one did anything wrong, so stop thinking so.
Are you saying that students who learned model answers for chemistry were cheating?
Education is all about memorising as much as you can in one year, then displaying in a mere two odd hours how much of the relevant information you can remember.
Thats it. Thats all there is to it.
I mean you memorised the alphabet as a child did you not? Are you saying that for spelling tests you were simply s'posed to know the alphabet and how it worked, understand it without fault and know how to apply it without ever memorising how one particularly tricky word is composed??
so please, continue to wallow in your crapiness and i will keep posting

i have nothing better to do with my time!
Ah mon cheri i have to crappiness to wallow in, so please, explain that offhanded unjustified comment.
I sincerely think you are a troll, but im stuck at home with a cold and arguing with petty egomaniacs on the net is proving frustratingly amusing.