I have now... Thanks, it's perfect. I'm definately reading more of his work...fine ambiguity said:Hrm.
Read TS Eliot's "Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock" by any chance?
If not, you definitely should, if those are the themes you're interested in (still -- is it just me or does it seem to change every few seconds -- even after I've done my official proposal!). It explores /exactly/ those issues you mentioned.
And for an idea, I think it'd be /very/ easy to link that to 'inner journeys', but as you said, don't limit yourself, just write it and then figure out the links
Aha, too true. Once I define the topic, things will go smoothly... I have too many ideas for poems now, that the proposal may have to remain vague. It would be so much easier if one didn't have to define one's work before it has even commenced.
What are you doing for your major work? Media, ideas, etc...?