I reckon u'd be having something to do with your Area of Study, "Journey"
My advice is get some book from the bookshop which has Reading Exercises. And do em. Check em, and then try others a couple of days later. make a list of techniques that mite be used in a given form eg Make a list of techniqes used in a feature article and similarly look at other techniques used in texts, such hyperbole, irony, tone, rhetorical Q's etc, which are used to show the idea of journey. practice as much as u can. You cannot get past Papers unfortunately since its Journey's first year!! Ok this was for the 1st Section of Paper 1.
Secondly u can practice creative writing pieces by using the theme of "journey's" Try as many as u can in the time u have, like may be such things as a feature article, short story etc.
Thirdly, ask your teacher if u need to learn the Essay for your half yearly Exam, it's good if u have to, cos then it wud be ready for ur trials and HSC then, i mean u'd still remember it, even if not word to word, and by the time trials come around it wud be easier to just memorise it. Time your Essay in 40 mintutes. then get sample Q's on ur AOS and write essays answering those Q's . Also twist you essay into other forms like a feature article or a speech by making it less formal.
okies, hope this helps.
If you have more confusions feel free to ask Q's.